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2023, Curentul Juridic
The study was published in Curentul Juridic (2023) vol. 26. no. 1. pp. 21-34. Digitization in the European Union is a key, important policy aiming to build the digital economy and society in the European Union, which requires a complex legal relationship between the EU and the Member States. This is one of the reasons why membership of the European Union entails many rights and obligations for our country. One such obligation is that the Union develops a set of indicators from data provided by Member States. With these indicators the Union can compare the Member States' performance in different (economic) areas. One of these is Digital Economy and Society Index (DESI) which is a complex indicator that summerizes relevant indicators of the Union's digital performance and monitor the development of EU Member States' digital competitiveness. In the present study we examine the performance of Hungary in the European Union in recent years through the DESI indicators.
Economics of Networks eJournal, 2017
We live in the Digital Age in which both economy and society have been transforming significantly. The Internet and the connected digital devices are inseparable parts of our daily life and the engine of the economic growth. In this paper, first I analyzed the status of digital economy and society in Hungary, then compared it with Ukraine and made conclusions regarding the future development tendencies. Using secondary data provided by the European Commission I investigated the five components of the Digital Economy and Society Index of Hungary. I performed cross country analysis to find out the significant differences between Ukraine and Hungary in terms of access to the Internet and device use including smartphones, computers and tablets. Based on my findings, I concluded that Hungary is more developed in terms of the significant parameters of the digital economy and society than Ukraine, but even Hungary is an emerging digital nation. Considering the high growth rate of Internet,...
Regional Statistics
We build on the argument that measurement of digitalization is essential for effective public policy strategies in order to to govern digital transition. Developing this argument, we investigate the five principal dimensions of the European Commission´s Digital Economy and Society Index (DESI) using a series of multivariate statistics. The analysis can be divided into three groups. First, we analyse the linear relationships between dimensions by correlation analysis, partial correlation analysis, and principal component analysis. In the partial correlation analysis, causal relationships between the dimensions show high correlations. Second, we assign countries into groups with cluster analysis and multi-dimensional scaling. The groups obtained by the two methods are very similar. Finally, we rank the European Union (EU) countries using statistical methods and compare with the results obtained with the overall DESI index. The correlation between the two rankings shows a strong linear relationship. Based on these results we draw conclusions on how to effectively use the DESI data for public policy analysis.
TalTech journal of European studies, 2023
The rapid development of information and communication technologies (ICT) in recent years has brought about signifi cant changes in many social sectors such as communication, economy, entertainment, and others. To defi ne the key role that ICT plays in its development course, the European Union (EU) has developed a composite indicator, the Digital Economy and Society Index (DESI), to assess the digital policy performance of its Member States. In the current work, an attempt is made to evaluate the performance of the EU countries on the digital economy and society with respect to implemented EU digital policies by studying the fi ve dimensions of the DESI for the years 2014-2019, using the corresponding DESI reports (DESI 2015-DESI 2020). Moreover, the digital convergence among EU Member States, in terms of similarity of their performance in the fi ve dimensions of the DESI by grouping them according to the optimal number of clusters, is also examined. Since the optimal number of clusters is two, EU Member States are classifi ed in two groups, one of high and one of low performance in the fi ve dimensions of the DESI. The evolution of each member country and the possible transitions from one group to another during the years 2014-2019 is also a point of interest. The grouping of EU Member States into the two clusters showed that socioeconomic factors may aff ect the overall DESI. Linear mixed eff ect models confi rm the positive eff ect of Gross Domestic Product per capita, the public expenditure for education
Research for Rural Development
Today technological progress is reshaping global economic development and changing the overall welfare of societies. Therefore, it is important to assess challenges and readiness of the European Union to use its capacity to ensure that technologies benefit people and bring them towards more inclusive societies enhancing opportunities to use artificial intellect for making health, education, agriculture, services and manufacturing industries more efficient and user friendly. The Digital Economy and Society Index analyses the digital performance of the EU Member States across five main dimensions: connectivity, human capital, use of internet, integration of digital technology, digital public services. However, despite intention to jointly develop Digital Single Market, the gap between the EU top digital countries and less digitally advanced countries remains large. The aim of this paper was to evaluate the digital performance indicators of the EU countries, in particular focusing to Poland and Latvia to assess their progress and potential of their human capital's digital skills. The research is based on theoretical literature studies on industrial revolution stages, European Union Commission documents, indexes and publications available in relevant public institutions such as ministries and industry reports. The research employed monographic method, analysis and synthesis methods as well as graphical data analysis. The research results give evidence that currently Poland's human capital is significantly better prepared for making use of future digital economy challenges than Latvia's human capital, and there is a close link between countries' R&D expenditures proportion of GDP and their human capital's readiness to integrate in digital economy.
New Trends in Sustainable Business and Consumption
The current paper examines the current state of the digitalization in Romania and the European Union (EU), considering also the first year of pandemic. The purpose is to identify those zones with a significant performance gap between Romania and EU regarding digitalization and to highlight barriers that prevent digitalization. At EU level, one of the evaluation tools regarding the success of the digitalization strategies is the Digital Economy and Society Index (DESI). We have used this tool in this article. Our research revealed a number of relevant indicators pertaining to digital economy where Romania ranks above the EU average however, most of them have values below EU average. Based on a comparative and a factorial analysis, we have assessed a set of elements that may influence the digitalization. We have created a statistical model that uses historical data and linear regression in order to estimate how the digitalization dimensions look like without the influence of pandemic and we have compared this estimation with the actual data from the first year of pandemic. The originality of the article consists of the comparative analysis between the actual evolution of the digitalization during pandemic and the estimated trend of this evolution should the pandemic did not occur. For this, we have used the most recent formula for DESI, which is the 2021 edition. As the new data from DESI 2022 becomes available, the new researches might be able to evaluate more accurately the impact that pandemic had on the digitalization of Romanian society and economy.
Technologies are playing very important role in nowadays business and people lives. Some global and European level indices were created to be able to capture digitization and ITC related processes. One of such indicator is The Digital Economy and Society Index (DESI, European Union level) that was created in context with digital agenda for Europe in 2020. The other is Network Readiness Index (NRI, global level). Also other indicators exist showing country's performance compared with other countries. In this paper the authors compares these indicators between Latvia and other EU countries. No previous research exist that analysis both indicators for European Union.
The digital economy plays a vital role in promoting sustainable development. Out of different measurement indices, this research uses the DESI dimension, i.e., connectivity, human capital, the use of internet services, the integration of digital technology, and digital public services, to investigate the impact on the promotion of SGDI in the European Union countries. Previous research studies investigated the indirect impact of the DESI dimension on SGDI in different countries and regions. In this research, we investigate the direct impact of DESI dimensions on SGDI by using panel regression modeling. The results show that DESI sub-dimensions influence SGDI differently. Connectivity, human capital, and the use of internet services have more influence on SGDI compared to the integration of digital technology and digital public services. However, the impact is negative in most cases, but this is in line with the previous studies in other regional studies. Thus, the current research p...
The hypercompetitive global economy of the 21st century is a hub of innovation, technology, talent, skills, speed, efficiency, productivity, and satisfaction. Within this context, the organizations are looking intensely for people with skills and talents that can differentiate themselves in all that noise. The human capital became slowly but surely a mean of efficiency and growth, especially through the premises of digitization, and a key issue of sustainability. The current research is meant to identify and highlight any correlations that might appear between the population’s welfare of 11 Central and Eastern European Countries (CEECs) which are members of the European Union (EU), and the components of the digitization trend, including the new human cloud industry, ICT, and the connectivity to the Internet of Things. In order to achieve the needed insights, the multiple regression analysis was employed, and the latter tested the panel models with fixed effects, both from a temporal...
Proceedings of the ENTRENOVA – Enterprise Research Innovation Conference, 2022
Since the 2000s, the European Commission has been paying particular attention to the digital development of the European economy and society. Since 2014, the Digital Economy and Society Index (DESI) has been one of the key tools for monitoring and measuring. In 2021, the DESI index's core indicators were aligned with the objectives of the 2030 Digital Agenda, which has four dimensions: human capital, connectivity, integration of digital technology, and digital public services. We sought to determine whether convergence between the Member States could be detected using the third dimension of DESI's annual database. The σ-convergence analysis was used to estimate the reduction over time of the differences in digital technology integration between the Member States, while the β-convergence analysis was used to estimate the rate of catching up with the initial level of development. The σ-and βconvergence were not confirmed. We examined the individual indicators (11) of the integration of digital technology to identify critical areas that need to be addressed in the future to ensure that digital inclusion is as widespread as possible. Our analysis focused on the Member States that joined the EU during the Eastern European enlargements. The performance of all individual indicators is typically below the EU average, and, as the β-convergence analysis shows, the average catching-up rate is not encouraging.
Journal of Settlements and Spatial Planning, 2024
Journal of Management and Business: Research and Practice, 2021
Digital technologies affect our daily lives, whether private or professional. The Covid-19 pandemic highlighted the importance and necessity of digital technologies and the transfer of some activities to the online space. The Digital Economy and Society Index (DESI) monitors Europe’s overall digital performance. It is an essential indicator for comparing levels in digital skills and opportunities between EU countries. The aim of the article is to analyze the 3rd part of this index, namely Use of Internet. On the sample of V4 countries, we analyze the performance of individuals in this area. We analyze the overall DESI in the year 2020. The partial analysis of selected segments of DESI was in the period 2015 - 2020, to show not only the results from the last year, because they may be influenced by the Covid-19 situation, but the countries’ progress made by last years. We identify 2 interesting situations. One was in the case of Hungary and the second in Poland. The paradoxes in these...
The main objective of the paper is to present the development of digital economy and society in the Countries of the European Union in the light of the digital convergence of these markets. The analysis was based on the data on the Digital Economy and Society Index (DESI) from 2015 and 2020. Empirical studies have been conducted in two stages. First, basic measures of time series dynamics were used to determine the dynamics of changes in index values. On the other hand, in order to classify countries in terms of similarity of value and structure of the DESI, a cluster analysis was used as one of the basic methods of the so-called unsupervised statistical grouping. The studies presented confirm that the levels of indicators and the dynamics of changes in their value at the level of the synthetic DESI indicator, and in the five underlying areas of analysis, vary despite the fact that almost all are pro-growth, including for isolated clusters of EU-28 countries. When analyzing the DESI...
Trakya Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 2021
This study has two main goals. The first one aims to determine how the European Union countries are clustered according to The Digital Economy and Society Index (DESI) 2020 data. The second one aims to determine whether there is a similarity between the DESI cluster of the European Union countries and the social welfare regime classification. METHODS: In the research, the cluster method was used in accordance with DESI 2020 data. RESULTS: Technological and digital investments and initiatives of countries have clustered the European Union countries in 4 different groups. The countries clustered according to DESI data are shaped for investments and spending for digitalization within the scope of sub-dimensions of DESI. In this context, the welfare regimes applied by the countries affect the spending for digitalization. CONCLUSIONS: According to The Digital Economy and Society Index (DESI) 2020 data has proved that there is a similarity between the classification of the European Union countries according to their welfare regimes and digitalization.
Amfiteatru Economic, 2022
The digital economy is an alternative to the traditional economy, an area of the future on which investment and R&D efforts are focused both by European forums and by Member States, which have understood the importance of the domain with the onset of the pandemic crisis. The aim of the research is to analyze and predict, on the one hand, the impact of digitalisation on EU Member States' economies by means of the three scenarios for the evolution of the digital component of the economy for the horizon 2025 (the baseline scenario, the high growth scenario and the challenge scenario), and, on the other hand, the Member States' ability to achieve the targets proposed by these scenarios. The analysis covers the period 2013-2025 and quantifies the dynamics of the digitalisation phenomena and processes based on dedicated statistical analyses (frequency series analysis, application of the unicriterion critical probability test, application of the Enter method, performing Pearson correlation tests) by means of the IBM-SPSS 25 software. The purpose of this research is the provision of relevant solutions to decision makers in the development of digitalisation. The study highlighted the placing of the results in favourable scenarios, the current trend regarding digital economy evolution, and presented the most likely scenario to be achieved in terms of knowing the provider offer and the needs of service users. The topicality of the study targets a new approach on the foundations of financial allocations for the sustainable development of the digital economy needed in the current conditions of the global crisis and of the pandemic for the implementation of digital economy development policies. A novelty of this research is the conceptualization, validation and testing of an econometric model capable of quantifying the realism of the scenarios proposed by the European Union regarding the development of the digital economy.
Baltic Journal of Modern Computing, 2019
The integrated Digital Economy and Society Index (DESI) is calculated to indicate "progress of EU countries towards a digital economy and society"; nevertheless there are serious barriers to practical use of the DESI. The methodology of the DESI does not apply to development indicators; the natural doubts are on significance of more than 30 aspects for socioeconomic growth. The study propose the methodology for determination of the key drivers of digitalisation, hence areas of priority investments, which can provide the most dynamic socioeconomic progress as well as return of investments. The intelligent data mining and mathematical modelling methods and tools have been used to achieve a conclusiononly six aspects actually are significant for socioeconomic growth. Results are applicable to all EU member states; any economy would use them for strategic investments planning. Current strengths and weaknesses of the Baltic States are analysed in more detail and recommendations are elaborated.
Lecture notes in networks and systems, 2023
The "Digital Europe" program is a central element of the Commission's comprehensive response to the challenge of digital transformation and is included in the proposal on the Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF) for the period 2021-2027. Its aim is to provide a spending instrument adapted to the operational requirements of capacity building in the areas identified by the European Council, as well as to exploit the synergies between them. The program aims, among other things, to develop and strengthen basic skills in artificial intelligence, such as data resources and archives of artificial intelligence algorithms and make them accessible to all enterprises and public administrations; ensure that the essential capabilities needed to secure the EU's digital economy, society and democracy are available and accessible to the EU public sector and businesses, as well as improve the competitiveness of the EU cybersecurity industry; expand the optimal use of digital capabilities, in particular high-performance computing, artificial intelligence and cyber-security, in all sectors of the economy, in sectors of public interest and in society, including the implementation of interoperable solutions in areas of public interest, as well as facilitating access to technology and know-how for all enterprises. To better understand the phenomenon, this study aims to analyse the use of digital technology among European enterprises through a composite index of artificial intelligence (AI) and information technologies (ICT) (using the Wellness Methodology Fair and Sustainable) to measure the territorial gaps and to know the European countries more or less inclined to use it. For this purpose, this contribution develops with the following structure:-description of the theoretical reference framework and the indicators used to regard "artificial intelligence" and "information technologies";-description of the methodology for the construction of the composite indicator;-description of the results, also through a geo-referenced map of European countries willing to use digital technology;-conclusions
Technological and Economic Development of Economy, 2022
The paper aims to analyse the changing economic structure and the trends of the digitalization amplification through the prism of a dynamic multi-criteria model, assessing the strategic perspective by pivoting digitalization in the strategic equation. The main objectives of the research cover the context of vulnerability across the EUSDR countries, the solutions from the literature review and the definition, testing and implementing of a new dedicated model. The model takes into account regional indicators, reported by Eurostat. Statistical analysis procedures and methods were applied in order to capture the expected disparities under the impact of the pandemic, as well as harmonization with European Strategy for Danube Region (EUSDR)-specific impact indicators. The analysis uses la latest official statistical data from Eurostat. The importance of this scientific approach lies in the fact that the results are applicable to the wider region, the vast majority of the Danube states being EU members (9 states), 3 candidate states and 2 potential candidate states in the new geo-political and military context. States that are not yet EU members have regional and cross-border cooperation agreements with the EU. Moreover, the region itself has reacted in a unified way to the challenges of the economic and pandemic crises, the study being conducted over the period 2004-2020. In addition, EU Member States have additionally benefited from European emergency allocations to counter the effects of the global economic crisis and stem the spread of the pandemic. We used empirical and analytical methods, starting with the study of literature, data collection and consolidation of the database, its homogeneity and the application of modelling procedures. The major key findings are focused on the existence of a strong connection between investment effort, labour skills, sustainable development and the digital economy able to face new global and regional challenges. The policy implication of this research consist in offering viable elements capable of assisting regional decision-makers in adopting topical measures on digitisation and reconfiguring strategic regional connections to maintain a sustainable direction for the EUSDR. The recommendations from this study imbraca forma some directions for action related to labour high skills, digitalization, R&D investment and e-commerce.
An assessment of the degree of the development of the digital economy in Poland in comparison to chosen European countries is the main purpose of the paper. The methodology of the conducted research is based on the analysis of secondary sources and applying statistical methods. In order to make the comparison in methodically correct manner, synthetic measures of the development of the e-economy were used in the form of two indexes: NRI (Networked Readiness Index) and DESI (Digital Economy and Society Index). On the basis of available statistical data, four European countries were confronted with Poland. Results of the analysis indicate a relatively unfavorable situation of Poland.
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