Prinsip-Prinsip Manajemen Kurikulum



This paper tried reveal the principles of curriculum management. It was found that; There are several principles that must be considered in implementing such a curriculum management: Productivity, the results obtained in the curriculum activities is an aspect that should be considered in the management curriculum. Consideration of how to make the students can achieve the learning outcomes in accordance with the objectives of the curriculum should be a goal of curriculum management. Democratization, implementation of curriculum management should be based on democracy that puts managers, implementers and students on subjects that should be in a position of carrying out their duties with full responsibility to achieve the objectives of the curriculum. Cooperative, to obtain the expected results in the curriculum management activities necessary to positive cooperation from the parties involved. Effectiveness and Efficiency, The set of curriculum management activities should consider the effectiveness and efficiency to achieve the objectives of the curriculum, so that the curriculum management activities provide useful results to the cost, effort, and a relatively short time. Directing the vision, mission, and goals set forth in the form of curriculum, the curriculum management process should be able to strengthen and direct the vision, mission, and objectives of the curriculum.