BSCSyllabus 2019-

The B.Sc. Graduate nurse will be able to: 1. Patient centered care Provide holistic care recognizing individual patient's preferences, values and needs, that is compassionate, coordinated, age and culturally appropriate safe and effective care. 2. Professionalism Demonstrate accountability for the delivery of standard-based nursing care as per INC standards that is consistent with moral, altruistic, legal, ethical, regulatory and humanistic principles. 3. Leadership Influence the behavior of individuals and groups within their environment and facilitate establishment of shared goals. 4. System-based practice Demonstrate awareness and responsiveness to the context of healthcare system and ability to manage resources essential to provide optimal quality of care. 5. Health informatics and Technology Use technology and synthesize information and collaborate to make critical decisions that optimize patient outcomes. 6. Communication Interact effectively with patients, families and colleagues fostering mutual respect and shared decision making to enhance patient satisfaction and health outcomes. 7. Teamwork and Collaboration Function effectively within nursing and interdisciplinary teams, fostering open communication, mutual respect, shared decision making, team learning and development. 8. Safety Minimize risk of harm to patients and providers through both system effectiveness and individual performance. 9. Quality improvement Use data to monitor the outcomes of care processes and utilize improvement methods to design and test changes to continuously improve the quality and safety of healthcare system. 10. Evidence based practice Identify, evaluate and use the best current evidence coupled with clinical expertise and consideration of patient's preferences, experience and values to make practical decisions. 2. CURRICULUM IMPLEMENTATION: OVERALL PLAN Duration of the program: 8 semesters 1-7 Semesters One Semester Plan for the first 7 semesters Total Weeks per Semester: 26wks/semester Number of Weeks per Semester for instruction: 20 weeks (40hrs/week x 20 weeks=800hours) Number of Working Days: Minimum of 100 working days (5 days/weekx20 weeks) Vacation, Holidays, Examination and Preparatory Holidays-6 Weeks Vacation: 3 weeks Holidays-1 week Examination & preparatory holidays-2 weeks 8th Semester One semester-22 weeks Vacation-1 week, holidays-1 week, Exam & preparatory holidays-2wks 1 4. COURSES OF INSTRUCTION S.No. SEMESTER COURSE NO. COURSES/ SUBJECTS Theory (hrs.) Lab (hrs.) Clinica l (hrs.) Total (hrs.) 1 First 1 General Science * (Refresher Course) 80 2 Communicative English* 40 3 Applied Anatomy and Applied Physiology 100 4 Applied Sociology & Applied Psychology 100 5 Nursing Foundations I including First Aid 120 80 160 6 Science Module* 80 TOTAL 440 80 160 2 Second 1 Applied Biochemistry 20 2 Applied Nutrition and dietetics 40 3 Nursing Foundations II including First Aid Module 120 120 320 120 40 480 5 Professionalism, Professional Values and Ethics including Bioethics 20 6 Self study/Co curricular 20 TOTAL 220 80 480 2 4 Fourth 1 Pharmacology II 40 2 Pathology II and Genetics 20 3 Adult Health Nursing II including Geriatric Nursing with Health Assessment Module 40 4 Educational Technology/ Nursing education 40 40 5 Self study/Cocurricular 20 TOTAL 220 80 480 5 Fifth 1 Child Health Nursing I including FBNC, Essential Newborn Care(ENBC), IMNCI and PLS/PALS, modules 80 40 160 2 Mental Health Nursing I 80 80 3 Nursing Management and Leadership 60 80 4 Nursing Research and Statistics 40 80(Proj ect) 5 Health/ Nursing Informatics and technology 30 20 6 7 Seventh 1 Community Health Nursing II 40 80 2 Midwifery/ Obstetrics and Gynecology (OBG) Nursing II 80 40 3 Self study/Cocurricular 20 TOTAL 120 40 640 8 Eight (Internship)-22 weeks 1 Community Health Nursing-4 weeks 2 Adult Health Nursing-6 weeks 3 Child Health Nursing-4 weeks 4 Mental Health Nursing-4 weeks 5 Midwifery-4 weeks TOTAL 22× 88 hrs/week 1056