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This research analyzes the hot skills assessment within state board higher secondary physics examinations in India, highlighting a predominant focus on lower-order cognitive skills. It emphasizes the need for enhancing higher-order thinking (HOT) skills through effective questioning and examination patterns. The findings suggest that while central boards may incorporate HOT skills, state boards largely emphasize rote memorization and factual recall, undermining critical thinking and problem-solving abilities essential for students' academic and professional growth.
American Journal of Educational Research, 2017
In this paper, we propose a dynamic model for building a framework for the adaptive, complex assessment of developing the higher-order thinking (HOT) skills in students. Adaptability is provided by the dynamics of instructor assessment taking into account the development of HOT skills and providing a flexible choice of instructional problems for students. The complexity of the assessment is provided by initial, formative, adaptive and summative assessments of HOT skills. The proposed coefficients for HOT skill development serve as a constructive means of evaluating developing HOT skills in students. The creation of the model includes the elaboration and integration of interconnected model components. The dynamics of the model are provided by changes in its parameters, which express the dynamic process of assessment. The model involves the following assessment components: initial, formative, adaptive, and summative (SIFA). It fosters the development of HOT skills by adapting the asse...
Higher order thinking skill (HOTs) is an important skill that must be possessed in the 21st century. Teachers, students’ teacher, and students must have this skill. This study is aimed to describe of HOTs in high school students, physics students’ teacher, and physics teachers. The study was conducted on 25 teachers, 40 student teacher, and 25 students (K11), whom selected randomly in Southern Tangerang, Banten, Indonesia. Instruments used in the form of computer based test (CBT) with content validity index (CVI) = 0,86, validity (0,87), reliability (0,75), difficulty level (0,5), practicality (87,1%), and effectiveness (94,63%), to measure HOTs. The research method is descriptive. The results: students (K11) have a higher ability than students’ teacher and teachers. Students (K11) have good abilities in: creating, evaluating, and synthesis. They have good ability in inferring, justifying, classification, and explaining, while the teacher is good at applying concept and predict. Ove...
International Journal of Research -GRANTHAALAYAH, 2022
Although learning has been implemented online because of the ongoing Covid-19 Pandemic, it is hoped that it does not eliminate the essence of the implementation of the revised K-13 curriculum, namely the scientific approach to learning process. The implementation of the scientific approach will structure the mind set of students to criticize a problem in their everyday life. This is what is required in the implementation of the revised K-13 curriculum, where critical thinking is a high-level thinking ability that students must familiarize with. HOTS questions are a measurement instrument used to measure higher order thinking skills, namely thinking skills that do not just remember, restate, or refer without processing. The purpose of this study is to: 1) determine the HOTS-based test instrument for high school critical thinking that has been used in the learning process and learning evaluation. 2). Know the level of difficulty and difference in power of the instrument and the effec...
The global higher secondary physics teaching has ultimate goal to inculcate & augment higher order thinking (HOT) ubiquitously. The present study concerns analysis of Indian state board higher secondary physics examination questions, for HOT skills. The researchers utilized content analysis followed by peer review methods to analyze & categorize 12 Indian state board physics examination questions in to taxonomy table and questions weighted into different cognitive processes utilizing Krathwohls’ revised Blooms taxonomy. The analysis revealed domination of lower knowledge domains and lower order thinking (LOT) skills and negligence of HOT skills in assessment questions among almost all state board physics examination papers.
IOSR Journal of Research & Method in Education (IOSRJRME), 2017
TIMMS and PISA survey results illustrate that the indonesian student's ability to think scientifically is low. It is because of students are less trained in solving HOTS. Then, lack or unavailability the assessment instrument designed to train HOTS, so it is necessary to develop the assessment instrument of HOTS. Model adapt the model development of Borg & Gall. The purpose of thisresearchare to determine the indicators and the effectiveness of the HOTS assessment instrument as assessment for learning for a high school students. The assessment instrument was developed based on HOTS indicators include the ability to analyze (C4), evaluate (C5), and create (C6). Results of the research are: (1) indicator of the ability to analyze (C4) which has been developed are ability to analysis of factual, conceptual, procedural, and metacognitive knowledge; (2) indicator of the ability to evaluate (C5) which has been developed are ability to evaluate of factual, conceptual, procedural, and metacognitive knowledge; (3) Indicator of the ability to create (C6) that has been developed are ability to create of conceptual, procedural, and metacognitive knowledge; (4) the HOTS assessment instrument as assessment for learning is effective to train student's HOTS and effective measure student's thinking skills in accordance with the level of each student's thinking.
Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA, 2020
This study aims to analyze and describe data on the understanding of YAPNUSDA elementary school teachers of High Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) and their implementation in learning. This study is a descriptive study that describes HOTS's understanding of the teacher and its implementation in learning. The data collection tool used was a questionnaire. The results of this study indicate that in general the data obtained is that the teachers in the study location schools do not yet understand about HOTS. They can't even explain the definition of HOTS. The lack of understanding of HOTS certainly has an impact on the implementation of HOTS in the tools for assessing learning performance, including the exam questions jointly prepared by the editorial team. The most frequently cited reason that also hinders teachers is that they do not yet understand HOTS and the technique of formulating instruments with verbs that measure HOTS.
September, 2019
A STEM learning model is believed to be able to improve students' performance in learning physics significantly including Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS). These skills covered the capability to analyze, evaluate, and create which can be boosted by implementing a right learning model, material, and assessment. This study aims to develop and evaluate a combined HOTS-based assessment/STEM learning model to enhance students' thinking skills. A proposed model was designed by follow the seven steps of Borg & Gall research and development. There are 24 24 eleventh graders of SMAN 1 Kotabumi at North Lampung and 30 tenth graders of SMA YP Unila at Bandar Lampung involved in limited and field trial, respectively. The impact of this model was evaluated by identifying the normalized average gain of pretest-posttest and significance test compared to a conventional STEM model. The results showed that t-value of experimental, control, and comparison of these two classes are 23.29, 13.58, and 4.63 (p<0.001), respectively which confirm a better improvements of thinking skills performed by proposed model.
Momentum: Physics Education Journal, 2021
Higher order thinking skills (HOTS) are very important skills to be taught to students in the 21 st century. The role of teachers is very important in improving students' high-level skills. This study aims to determine whether or not prospective physics teachers have misconceptions in compiling HOTS cognitive questions. The emergence of misconceptions shows that the ability of prospective physics teachers is still low in composing HOTS cognitive questions. The research subjects were all final semester prospective physics teachers who took the learning evaluation course at the Universitas PGRI Kanjuruhan Malang in the even semester of 2019/2020. The data collection technique is documentation. The data is taken from the final project document in the learning evaluation course, where prospective physics teachers are asked to make cognitive questions from levels C1 to C6 and are asked to state their beliefs about the questions they have made. The data were analyzed in the descriptive qualitative way to determine the misconceptions of prospective physics teachers. The results showed that prospective physics teachers were not yet able to compile HOTS cognitive questions. Recommendations for the preparation of HOTS questions are also given in this paper.
PVJ International Seminar, 2020
Textbooks as a dominant learning source of HOTs have not been fulfilled which can influence the growth of HOTs in vocational students. Mix method explanatory HOT HOT design starting from the collection and analysis of quantitative data followed by qualitative data collection and analysis that builds on the initial results of the quantitative data. Analysis of the fulfillment of HOTs Indicators in Vocational High School Applied Science learning about "Material and its Changes" in BC 3.6 and 4 (four) Indicators and BC.4.6. with the percentage of cognitive level HOTs still at the level of analyzing (C4) of 62.9%, the level of evaluating (C5) of 14.3%, and the level of creating (C6) of 22.9%. The next 112 descriptors of the assessment component are based on 14 indicators and 8 Indicators HOTs, 21 material items, 9 self-ability tests, 20 Multiple Choice competency test questions, and 5 essay questions. With the recapitulation results of HOTs fulfillment of 30.4% high criteria, 42.9% medium criteria, and 26.8% low criteria. The fullness of HOTs Indicator by 50.7% in the study of the Applied Science Textbook of Vocational School/MAK Class X Semester I in KD.3.6 Analyzing the Material and its Changes and BC. 4.6 Conducting Experiments on Material Change and Mixed Separation. HOTs are difficult to identify in a short time because they are not instant, but can be identified through a series of HOTs activities by determining learning resources in textbooks and appropriate learning settings for developing high-level thinking habits.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2019
Critical thinking as part of 21st century skills is important to be mastered by students in preparing them to compete in real life challenge.However, verificative lab activity implemented in physics class, is ineffective to provide opportunity to develop the skills. Under those need, a quasi experiment study with pretest postest Verificative Lab Implemented group design was conducted to investigate how is implementation of Higher Order Thinking (HOT) Lab design in improving students critical thinking skills compare to those who conducted verificative lab. The result shown that there was significant improvement of student critical thinking skills in HOT Lab Implemented Group compare to those in Verificative lab group.
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Proceedings of the International Conference on Learning Innovation (ICLI 2017), 2018
Asian Journal of Science Education, 2019
Journal of Education and Learning (EduLearn), 2022
Jurnal Pendidikan MIPA, 2022
Perspektif Ilmu Pendidikan, 2018
Proceedings of the International Conference on Learning Innovation 2019 (ICLI 2019)
Pegem Journal of Education and Instruction, 2024
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science