Seven Possible Characteristics of the Education 4.0 Teacher

Acta Scientiae

Background: In the current context, numerous technologies are available, and access to information is facilitated to all who have access to the Internet. Education 4.0 emerged as a response to the need to meet the demands that will undoubtedly arise with the way society has been developing in the direction of the so-called Innovation Society. Objectives: The objective of this work was to elaborate a model of the Education 4.0 teacher, integrating Siemens’ Connectivist Theory with Papert’s Constructionism. Design: The methodology used here consisted of the textual analysis of the primary sources of Siemens’ Connectivist proposal and Papert’s Constructionism, aiming to identify characteristics that can lead the teacher of Education 4.0. Environment and participants: The primary sources of Siemens’ Connectivist proposal and Papert’s Constructionism, as it is a bibliographic theoretical study. Data collection and analysis: Data were collected from the mentioned primary sources and analy...