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2021, The Korea Association Of Crystal Growth, Inc.
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Lithium carbonate recovered from the waste solution generated during the lithium secondary battery manufacturing process contains heavy metals such as cobalt, nickel, and manganese. In this study, the recrystallization of lithium carbonate was performed to remove heavy metals contained in the powder and to increase the purity of lithium carbonate. First, the leaching efficiency of lithium carbonate according to pH in the aqueous hydrochloric acid solution was examined, and the effect on the recrystallization of lithium carbonate according to the equivalent and concentration of sodium carbonate was confirmed. As the equivalent and concentration of sodium carbonate increased, the recovery rate of lithium carbonate improved. And the SEM image showed that the crystal shape was changed depending on the reaction conditions with sodium carbonate. Finally, the high purity lithium carbonate of 99.9% or more was recovered by washing with water.
Transactions of the Korean Society of Automotive Engineers, 2014
Urea solution as a reductant of SCR has been widely used to reduce NOx emissions from diesel engine. But it has lots of problems which are freezing at low temperature due to liquid state, deposition of solid formation in the exhaust, dosing device, and complex package such as mixers for uniform concentration of ammonia. In order to overcome these obstacle, ammonium carbonate which is one of solid ammonium materials to produce ammonia gas directly by sublimation process is considered. Simple reactor with visible widow was designed to predict equilibrium temperature and pressure of ammonium carbonate. To simulate real operation conditions under automobile environment, several cycles of heating and cooling condition were settled, two different re-solidification materials were extracted from the reactor and visible window. Analytical study is performed to characterize these unknown materials by XRD (X-Ray Diffraction), FT-IR(Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy), and EA(Elemental Analyzer). From analytical results, re-solidification materials from heating and cooling cycles are very similar to original material of ammonium carbonate.
Journal of Korean Society For Rock Mechanics, 2013
While geothermal energy provides the only base-load power among renewable energy sources, its development has been carried out predominantly in volcanic area. EGS (Enhanced Geothermal System) is a ubiquitous technology that can allow the geothermal power generation virtually in any area. This manuscript introduces the current state-of-the-art of EGS development in the world and presents the hydraulic stimulation technology and associated microseismicity which are key technical component in EGS. Finally this paper suggests the key research areas required in Korea for further development of EGS.
Seismic Data Analysis using the R, 2008
R is a free software for statical computing and graphics. It compiles and runs not only on UNIX platforms but MS Windows. The R commands are easy and offer interactive help. R is used in extensive field by implementing packages. RSEIS, the package of R, enable us to do easy graphic process of seismic data. Here we illustrate an example of the seismic data process using RSEIS.
Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society, 2011
The core of IT products, electronic components, especially the MLCC, chip inductors, chip Varistors and so on. In order to test the electrical characteristics of the chip using the Reno-pin contact test method has been used. In current chips, mass production of semiconductor manufacturing processes, high-speed production test for the chip speed up, precision is required. But Vibration displacement is a very short, so in order to overcome these shortcomings, the displacement amplification to design the structure has been actively studied. In this paper, a building structure with a flexible hinge was designed amplification instrument, semiconductor chip industry in the performance test and inspection equipment to measure the electrical characteristics of high speed linear actuators Reno-Pin using system was developed.
한국자원리싸이클링학회, 2018
In order to recycle waste nickel-cadmium batteries, cadmium was selectively removed by ion substitution reaction so that cadmium and nickel could be separated efficiently. The electrode powder obtained by crushing the electrode in the waste nickelcadmium battery was leached with sulfuric acid. The cadmium in the nickel-cadmium solution was precipitated with cadmium sulfide by the addition of sodium sulfide. Ion substitution experiments were carried out under various conditions. At the optimum condition with pH = −0.1 and Na 2 S/Cd = 2.3 at room temperature, the residual Cd in the solution was about 100 ppm, and most of it was precipitated with CdS.
Applied Chemistry for Engineering, 2012
Zn-Air energy storage cell is an attractive type of batteries due to its theoretical gravimetric energy density, cost-effective structure and environmental-friendly characteristics. The chargeability is the most critical in various industrial applications such as smart portable device, electric vehicle, and power storage system. Thus, it is necessary to reduce large overpotential of oxygen reduction/evolution reaction, the irreversibility of Zn anode, and carbonation in alkaline electrolyte. In this review, we try to introduce recent studies and developments of bi-functional air cathode, enhanced charge efficiency via modification of Zn anode structure, and blocking side reactions applying hybrid organic-aqueous electrolyte for high power density rechargeable Zn-Air energy storage cells.
Journal of the Korean Society for Aeronautical & Space Sciences, 2012
Aerodynamic analysis(DATCOM) and radar cross section(RCS) analysis(POFACETS) were integrated for the air-to-surface missile concept design using a design framework. The missile geometry was defined based on the CAD(CATIA) for synchronizing the manufacturing with design processes. Aero/RCS analyses were linked with the CAD process under the ModelCenter framework in order to receive the geometry data automatically. The missile design baseline configuration was selected from ROC(requirement of capability). Then the RCS minimization was performed subject to thelargerthebetter constraint of the missile lift-to-drag ratio. This study demonstrated that various design strategies can be performed efficiently about many missile configurations using this design framework in the missile conceptual design phase.
Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers A, 2011
Nowadays, environmentally friendly technology is attracting considerable attention because of environmental pollution and the increasing price of raw materials. Korea has a high level of dependence on exports, and therefore it has stressed the development of environmentally friendly technologies. Bicycle manufacturing industry has a bright future because bicycles do not use fossil fuels, and cycling is good for one's health. We develop a management system for the effective development of next-generation environmentally friendly technology for bicycles. The goal is to promote the bicycle industry in Korea while keeping the product in the low to medium price range.
Journal of Soil and Groundwater Environment, 2011
Mercury accumulates in biota mainly as methylmercury. In nature, methylmercury shows high affinity to organic matter and CH 3 Hg + -organic matter complexation affects the mobility and bioavailabiity of methylmercury. In this study, we examined the methylmercury binding sites in an aquatic humic acid as affected by the pH condition using Hg L III -edge extended X-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS). We evaluated methylmercury binding humic ligands using methylmercury-thiol, methylmerury-carboxyl, and methylmercury-amine complexation models. When CH 3 Hg + -to-humic reduced sulfur ratio is 0.3, we found that most of CH 3 Hg + binds to thiol ligands at pH 5 and 7. At pH 7, however, some carboxyl or amine ligand contribution is observed, unlike at pH 5 where CH 3 Hg + almost exclusively binds to thiol ligands. The carboxyl or amine ligand contribution may indicate that some types of thiol ligands in the natural organic matter have relatively low complexation constants or acid dissociation constants compared to those of some carboxyl or amine ligands. Analysis results indicate that ~0.2 fraction of methylmercury binds to amine or carboxyl ligands and ~0.8 to thiol ligands at pH 7.
Journal of the Korean Institute of Resources Recycling, 2020
Transactions of the Korean Society of Automotive Engineers, 2014
Journal of Radiation Protection, 2013
Korean Journal of Metals and Materials, 2010
Journal of the Korea Concrete Institute, 2012
The Transactions of The Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers, 2012
Journal of the Society of Naval Architects of Korea, 2012
Journal of the Korea institute for structural maintenance and inspection, 2013
Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society, 2012
Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society, 2012
Journal of Korean Society of Environmental Engineers, 2013
Clean Technology, 2012
Korean Journal of Materials Research, 2015
Journal of the Korean society for quality management, 2015
Journal of the Earthquake Engineering Society of Korea, 2011
Physics and High Technology, 2019
Journal of Korean navigation and port research, 2006