
2023, riemann stielties ntegration

Riemann-Stieltjes Integration Calculus provides us with tools to study nicely behaved phenomena using small discrete increments for information collection. The general idea is to (intelligently) connect information obtained from examination of a phenomenon over a lot of tiny discrete increments of some related quantity to "close in on" or approximate something that behaves in a controlled (i.e., bounded, continuous, etc.) way. The "closing in on" approach is useful only if we can get back to information concerning the phenomena that was originally under study. The bene¿t of this approach is most beautifully illustrated with the elementary theory of integral calculus over U. It enables us to adapt some "limiting" formulas that relate quantities of physical interest to study more realistic situations involving the quantities. Consider three formulas that are encountered frequently in most standard physical science and physics classes at the pre-college level: