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2015, Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research)
This paper focuses on the role of ICT in education making dynamic changes in society and influencing all aspects of life. Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) that are becoming increasingly pervasive in societies around the world are also reaching schools it adds value to the processes of learning, and in the organization and management of learning institutions. The Internet is a driving force for much development and innovation in both developed and developing countries. Countries must be able to benefit from technological developments.A shift in the role of a teacher utilizing ICTs to that of a facilitator does not obviate the need for teachers to serve as leaders in the classroom Thus, nowadays Knowledge of ICT and skills to use ICT in teaching learning has been gained importance for teachers. This paper attempts to analyze the role of ICT in education as an innovative learning tool and opening new vistas of learning. ICT is considered a critical tool in preparing and educating students with the required skills for the global workplace. It educates students so that they can continually adapt to a work world of continuous technological innovations, and makes it easier for students to access knowledge. ICT is regarded as an engine for growth and tool for empowerment, with profound implications for education change and socioeconomic development.
Information Technology for …, 2010
Information Communication Technologies (ICT) at present are influencing every aspect of human life. They are playing salient roles in work places, business, education, and entertainment. Moreover, many people recognize ICT's as catalysts for change; change in working conditions, handling and exchanging information, teaching methods, learning approaches, scientific research, and in accessing information. ICT permeates the business environment, it underpins the success of modern corporations, and it provides governments with an efficient infrastructure. At the same time, ICT adds value to the processes of learning, and in the organization and management of learning institutions. One of the many challenges facing developing countries today is that of preparing their societies and governments for globalization and the information and communication revolution. Policy-makers, educationists, non-governmental organizations, academics, and ordinary citizens are increasingly concerned with the need to make their societies competitive in the emergent information economy. Globalization and innovations in technology have led to an increased use of ICTs in all sectors - and education is no exception. Uses of ICTs in education are widespread and are continually growing worldwide. It is generally believed that ICTs can empower teachers and learners, making significant contributions to learning and achievement. Over the last two decades, the rapid growth of ICT has become one of the most important topics discussed by the scholars in education. This is due to the capability of ICT in providing a dynamic and proactive teaching and learning environment. In line with the current digital era, teachers are required to integrate ICT in their daily teaching and replace their traditional methods with modern tools and facilities. The main focus of this paper is on effectiveness of ICT integration in education.
Over the past decade, new ICT tools have revolutionized the way people communicate and do business. It will bring significant changes in agriculture, industry, medicine, mechanical engineering, business and other fields. ICTs play the role of learners and teachers in the process of teaching and learning can also change the nature of education. To take whole advantage of ICT in education, teachers must have basic ICT skills and pre-service qualifications. Education is a vital social activity and quality education is traditionally associated with strong teachers who have a high personal connection with students and techniques. The use of ICT has fundamentally changed the way all business and governance efforts. ICT is beginning to show its importance in education, but its impact is not as great as in other areas. The use of ICT in education contributes to the further development of student learning and puts pressure on some teachers and students. With the rapid development of the world of digital media and information, the integration of ICT into teaching and learning methods has become increasingly important, and this importance has grown and evolved in the 21st century. The purpose of this study is to explore the process of integrating ICT into teaching and learning methods and how ICT empowers teachers.
The purpose of this paper aims to bring together the findings and key points from a review of significant part of the available literature associated with ICTs for Education and ICTs in Education. This review set out to identify and evaluate relevant strategies in national and international research and initiatives related to measuring and demonstrating the effective use of ICT for education with regard to the teaching learning process; ICT and quality and accessibility of education; ICT and learning motivation, ICT and learning environment, and ICT to enhance the scholastic performance. Information and communication technologies (ICT) have become commonplace entities in all aspects of life. Across the past twenty years the use of ICT has fundamentally changed the practices and procedures of nearly all forms of endeavour within business and governance. Education is a very socially oriented activity and quality education has traditionally been associated with strong teachers having h...
Inaugural Lecture of the Universitat Oberta de …, 2004
In the inaugural lesson for the academic year 2004-2005, the author reflects on the role of information and communications technology in education. He raises some fundamental issues and questions whether ICT is suited to transmitting knowledge, particularly to students who are not already highly motivated to learn or well versed in the art of using and interpreting information. For his analysis, he takes as a point of reference the world of business and offers a brief look at the changes brought to the sector by ICT. To date, the main application of ICT in the business sector has focused on aiding access and processing of large quantities of information for employees and management with the principal aim of increasing productivity. In the case of education, however, little or no information is being used to improve student performance, mainly because education managers are largely illiterate in information management tools. Likewise, despite schools having more and more access to ICT, new technologies are still scarcely used as part of the teaching methodology. Once again, it is the lack of training that creates difficulties: many teachers do not have the necessary IT skills and feel uncomfortable, nor do they have the specific training needed to be able to use the new resources in the classroom. In the university sector, ICT has already made an important impact, whether in terms of teaching, research or administration; however, despite some exceptions, there are few real examples with educational models that are based on this technology and there is still an important social preference for traditional educational models.
Research in Social Sciences and Technology
Information and communications technology (ICT) is currently inserted in the daily activities of a human being and has become a necessary resource, vital for their development up to the point of not conceiving activities without using these. In this sense, the education field is not the exception and has been partially including ICT as support for the teaching practice; however, there is an increasing demand from the students to implement more resources and activities supported by these technologies. A significant distance exists (the known digital divide) between the possibilities offered by different web applications that can support the pedagogical practices and the actual reality of the teaching practice, where the students realize the flaws and the necessity of strengthening the technology skills of the teachers to efficiently develop and orientate such use. In this regard, it is necessary to critically reflect on the possibilities that are offered by different web applications...
Praxis international journal of social science and literature, 2023
The revolutionary changes in the educational system has necessitated the incorporation of ICT in schools. The educational process has been shifted from teacher centered to learner centered. ICT is being used as an instrument for achieving this objective, thus making a creative learning environment. ICT has the potential to address the innumerable needs of students and also teachers, as it demonstrated its power by entering into virtual reality which is a computer-stimulated environment ICTs can provide immense learning opportunities to students as ICTs have the capability to link teaching with real-life experiences. ICTs enhance self confidence among students and pave way for capacity building, and skill development. Moreover, ICT creates a balanced ecosystem in the education sector where students and other stakeholders benefit a lot from its usage. This article lists out the merits of ICT in the education sector.
Curriculum Inquiry, 2005
The chapter refers to policies towards ICT in primary and secondary education from the perspective of the Latin American and The Caribbean region. These policies show different levels of progress, maturity and consolidation which reflect the heterogeneity and social inequity that persist in the region. Analysis of these characteristics and differences are made by considering pedagogical models, teacher training issues, student access to technology for inside and out of school use and evaluation on the impact of technology within this context. A more detailed analysis is offered to some recent initiatives, such as the one-to-one model and the development of digital content for open educational practices. From the analysis of the global, regional and local ICT development policy for education, the short, medium and long term future challenges in training trends and technological innovations are pointed out. The main challenges still are related to decisions regarding technological infrastructure, conditions for pedagogical change, development of capacities in teachers and students, policies evaluation and research development.
Online Submission, 2009
The role of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) in the school classroom is becoming increasingly prominent these days. Classrooms are constantly evolving to meet the changing needs of students. Despite significant political will and spending by governments on technical equipment and training, levels of ICT integration in Schools for learning and teaching are often low. The drivers behind government and organizational policy relating to ICT integration are many and varied. There is much of resistance to adopt different teaching and learning methods and ICT in today's classrooms that are significantly different than they were ten years ago. This concept becomes more valuable because of the need for children to develop skills that will empower them in modern society and because of the potential value of such technologies as tools for learning. The research analysis reflects a very gloomy picture in which ICT is used in today's classrooms and schools indicates that their use is generally restricted to traditional teaching approaches. Most of the obstacles to the integration of e-learning technologies are actually part of the organizational structures of present-day teaching. The main challenge is to train the graduate teachers to attain the required skills and pedagogical knowledge that will enable them to both effectively use today's technologies in the classroom as well as continue to develop and adapt to new technologies that emerge in the future. The benefits of ICT for learning depend on the learning approach used, emphasizing the role and the skills of the teacher, and the need for support for both learners and teachers.
Information and communications technology (ICT) is changing the developed nations' approaches to education. ICT provides learning opportunities to millions of people of all ages and ethnic groups whether they are on campus or remote and whether they live in dense urban or remote and rural communities. In terms of access ICT promises the ultimate democratization of education and education justice. The paper highlights some aspects in the concept of ICT use in education such as teacher training, IT infrastructure, and curriculum design, so as to ensure that the innovation can successfully prepare workforce to meet the challenges of the ICT era or knowledge society. The results of this work has motivated us more to applying ICT for education in developing smart schools in developing countries in next stages of our research.
Information and communication technologies (ICT) have become commonplace entities in all aspects of life. Across the past twenty years the use of ICT has fundamentally changed the practices and procedures of nearly all forms of endeavor within business and governance. Education is a very socially oriented activity and quality education has traditionally been associated with strong teachers having high degrees of personal contact with learners. The use of ICT in education lends itself to more student-centered learning settings. But with the world moving rapidly into digital media and information, the role of ICT in education is becoming more and more important and this importance will continue to grow and develop in the 21st century.. ICT helps in improving the quality of education stating that information and communication technology is an important instrument that can transfer the present isolated, teacher- centered and book-centered learning environment into a student –centered environment. ICT can change the traditional concept of learning process and the components of ICT should be integrated in the education program me in such a way that teaching should be enabled to face the new demands and improve the efficiency and effectiveness of education at all levels in both formal and non-formal settings. Thus, we must accept the new paradigm and technology in teaching learning process. Educational institutions need to develop strategies, plan to improve teaching-learning process and ensure that all teachers are well prepared to use the new tools for learning. The emergence of the knowledge-based society is changing the global status of education .Now; it is the time to develop a new knowledge-based global society.
The whole of the education system has gone through tremendous changes in the 21st century with the initiation of information and communication technology. ICT is seen as a significant tool for educational reforms and changes, as it has the capacity to change the existing paradigm in the present educational scenario. There isn't a single aspect in education that hasn't been touched by the digital revolution. The use of numerous ICT tools such as Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and LinkedIn, among others, has a significant impact on how students and teachers communicate, learn and socialize. Thus, ICT has a tendency to increase educational enrolment and educational access. Learning may take place at any time and in any location regardless of the geographical boundaries. ICT technologies are currently utilized by many types of individuals, particularly the student population, to build relationships, connect with the world, exchange and receive knowledge and information, participate in group discussions from near and far destinations, develop stronger personalities, and improve social life. As a result, ICT provides a platform for the students to interact and work with one another in collaborative settings. Thus, the usage of ICT tools has brought about a paradigm shift in the process of education. Despite the fact that technology delivers several benefits to the student community, it diverts students' attention, which could have major effects on the students' professional lives. This paper tends to highlight the influence of using ICT tools in futuristic classrooms, communication and academic life of students and teachers. It also discusses how the paradigm shift has occurred in education through the use of ICT tools. Keywords: ICT tools, Social media, Paradigm shift, Internet and Academic achievement
The purpose of this paper aims to bring together the findings and key points from a review of significant part of the available literature associated with ICTs for Education and ICTs in Education. This review set out to identify and evaluate relevant strategies in national and international research and initiatives related to measuring and demonstrating the effective use of ICT for education with regard to the teaching learning process; ICT and quality and accessibility of education; ICT and learning motivation, ICT and learning environment, and ICT to enhance the scholastic performance. Abstract: Information and communication technologies (ICT) have become commonplace entities in all aspects of life. Across the past twenty years the use of ICT has fundamentally changed the practices and procedures of nearly all forms of endeavour within business and governance. Education is a very socially oriented activity and quality education has traditionally been associated with strong teachers having high degrees of personal contact with learners. The use of ICT in education lends itself to more student-centred learning settings. But with the world moving rapidly into digital media and information, the role of ICT in education is becoming more and more important and this importance will continue to grow and develop in the 21st century. In this paper, a literature review regarding the use of ICTs in education was provided. Effective use of ICT for Education, along with ICT use in the teaching learning process; quality and accessibility of education; learning motivation. Learning environment. Besides, an overview of the ICT and scholastic performance.
International Journal of Advance Research in Science and Engineering (IJARSE), 2016
This paper is a mere attempt to present a glimpse of meaning of ICT, its importance & its mandatory need for education, which is indispensable. ICT stands for INFORMATION & COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY. These technologies include: computers, the Internet, Broadcasting technologies (radio and television), Telephony. One of the many challenges facing developing countries today is that of preparing their societies and governments for globalization and the information and communication revolution. Policy-makers, educationists, non-governmental organizations, academics, and ordinary citizens are increasingly concerned with the need to make their societies competitive in the emergent information economy. Globalization and innovations in technology have led to an increased use of ICTs in all sectors - and education is no exception. Uses of ICTs in education are widespread and are continually growing worldwide. It is generally believed that ICTs can empower teachers and learners, making significant contributions to learning and achievement. Of the teachers interviewed on the effectiveness of ICT in education majority of them felt that introduction and use of ICT adequately will be extremely effective in children's learning and achievement. However, current research on the impacts of ICTs on student achievement yields few conclusive statements, pros or con, about the use of ICTs in education. Studies have shown that even in the most advanced schools in industrialized countries, ICTs are generally not considered central to the teaching and learning process. However, there appears to be a mismatch between methods used to measure effects and the type of learning promoted. Standardized testing, for example, tends to measure the results of traditional teaching practices, rather than new knowledge and skills related to the use of ICTs. It is clear that more research needs to be conducted to understand the complex links between ICTs, learning, and achievement. Again, on the question of impact of audio visuals, research shows that surprisingly little documentation is available on the use and impact of video in education, barring one or two video projects like UNICEF's animation series, 'Meena', which has become a key weapon in the battle against gender and social inequity in South Asia. Many teachers are reluctant to use ICTs, especially computers and the internet. Some of the reasons for this reluctance include poor software design, skepticism about the effectiveness of computers in improving learning outcomes, lack of administrative support, increased time and effort needed to learn the technology and how to use it for teaching, and the fear of losing their authority in the classroom as it becomes more learner-centered. In terms of using internet and other ICT as a resource for lesson preparation, most of the teachers interviewed, admitted to never or rarely using it, while very few used the internet to gather information sporadically or regularly.
Multi Agent Systems - Strategies and Applications, 2020
The world has become a global village as a result of the information tsunami and knowledge explosion being experienced as a result of Information Communication and Technology (ICT). The industrialized nations are miles ahead of the developing countries as a result of the information revolution. Education is a process by which society transmits its values, norms, mores, and ethos to generation yet unborn across time and space. The medium of transmission cuts across formal, non-formal and informal settings. This paper examines the impact/roles of ICT on education as an agent of social transformation and the hindrances of developing countries such as Nigeria in adopting ICT to aid their educational development and transformation of the society. The interconnection between information, ICT and social transformations is succinctly discussed in this paper. Furthermore, the paper examines the relationship between ICT and education and suggests measures that can be taken in adopting the use of ICT in Nigeria as well as the crucial role of government and the educational sector in this regard. The paper concludes that ICT make a significant contribution to the educational development and the social transformation of the Nigerian society.
In the developed countries and the urban elites of advanced economies, twenty-first century education integrates technologies, engaging students in ways which were not previously possible, creating new learning and teaching possibilities, enhancing achievement and extending interactions with local and global communities. Students live in a world that has seen an information explosion and significant and rapid social and economic changes. Student learning is the focus of teaching learning process. Theorists and practitioners have always been made concerted efforts to facilitate students learning by enhancing the quality of learning experiences. Emergence of learning theories over time reflects the concern of educators to explore process, factors and conditions involved in human learning. Application of predominant learning theories have always been changing and modifying the methods of teaching and learning. Research conducted on young people shows a remarkable trend. It indicates that children retain 20% of what they hear, 40% of what they see and hear and 75% of what they see and do. That’s one of the key reasons why the latest educational technology has become essential to impart education. They combine the use of several ICTs- internet, video, audio, graphics, text, images, etc. to offer students a near live experience of what is learning. In this paper efforts have been made to analyze the present situations in order to identify the constraints and possibilities in the use of ICT in teaching profession.
In Osborne, J., Roberts, D. & Walkir, J. (eds.) Open, Flexible and Distance Learning: Education and Training in the 21st Century. Launceston: University of Tasmania, 455–460, 1997
The impact of information and communication technologies (ICT) has been one of the most influential cultural changes in recent years. There is ample evidence of technology having already had a certain influence on the teaching/learning process, the organisation, the roles and the attitudes of the teachers in schools. It seems crucial to make teachers fully aware of the potential of ICT in the teaching/learning process and in the changing role and status of the teachers themselves. Technological progress and the constructivist concept of learning anticipate an open, multimedia-based networking learning environment, introducing a utopia of universal acquaintance through global networking and together with an intellectualisation process. The information and communication society will bring about a change in teaching methods and learning techniques by replacing the passive teacher/pupil relationships with a more proactive relationship. As teachers are change agents, it is worth studying their changing roles and making them more cognisant of the change and its implications. Teachers’ personal beliefs create a conceptual context for classroom teaching, made, however, more complex by pupils' expectations concerning the subjects. Teachers' conceptions do not directly correlate with the classroom practices and, vice versa, practice can also modify their conceptions of the subject. Teachers' beliefs about the fundamental nature or structure of the school subject they teach affect their deliberation about curricula and instruction in general.
Addaiyan International Publishers, 2019
Education plays an important role in building the society and determines the standard of a society. The quality education helps to empowering the nation in all aspects by providing new thoughts, the ways of implementation of various technologies and so many such things. There are a lot of effective teaching and learning methodologies in practice. In the present context, Science and technologies are the effective ways to increase the student’s knowledge. Hence, comes the role of ICT in education sector. The paper tries to introduce ICT and discuss its role in education sector. It also looks into the impact of ICT on education due to its mass use today.
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