Tinnitus: at a crossroad between phantom perception and sleep

Brain Communications


Sensory disconnection from the environment is a hallmark of sleep and is crucial for sleep maintenance. It remains unclear, however, whether internally generated percepts—phantom percepts—may overcome such disconnection and, in turn, how sleep and its effect on sensory processing and brain plasticity may affect the function of the specific neural networks underlying such phenomena. A major hurdle in addressing this relationship is the methodological difficulty to study sensory phantoms, due to their subjective nature and lack of control over the parameters or neural activity underlying that percept. Here, we explore the most prevalent phantom percept, subjective tinnitus—or tinnitus for short—as a model to investigate this. Tinnitus is the permanent perception of a sound with no identifiable corresponding acoustic source. This review offers a novel perspective on the functional interaction between brain activity across the sleep–wake cycle and tinnitus. We discuss characteristic fea...