European identity – its feasibility and desirability

2015, European Politics and Society

AI-generated Abstract

The book examines the conceptualization of a European identity and its implications for EU integration. It discusses the relationship between European identity and national identities, proposing that a collective European identity may emerge but is unlikely to supersede strong national sentiments. The authors highlight that support for a European identity is motivated by individual cost-benefit analyses of EU membership, which influences perceptions and attitudes towards integration.

Key takeaways

  • Taking as a base point national identity and citizenshipthe 'the single most important factor of explaining attitudes towards integration' (p. 267)the authors seek to pinpoint how European identity relates to national and sub-national identities, and what that implies for the formation of European identity, given the differences in concepts of national identity across EU member states.
  • Part I develops the theoretical framework of identity.
  • Do we need a European identity to construct the EU?
  • Utilitarian self-interest in material termsa dominant feature of Euroscepticism rhetoricand views on the ultimate purpose of a nation (for welfare, or war) influences people's opinion about an EU sized super polity.
  • Part II moves the discussion to the interesting political angle of EU identity, namely, who supports its creation and why?