Manzura Petrenko 2022 Usatovskiy Kurganny Mogilnik II (in Russian)

2022, Манзура И., Петренко В. 2022. Усатовский курганный могильник II (по раскопкам 1984 г.). Tyragetia (S.N.) XVI [XXXI]: 1, 83-102.


The article presents results of field research of a kurgan group in the Kurgan cemetery II in the village of Usatovo near Odessa, Ukraine. The group consists of 6 kurgans related to the Usatovo culture. Four kurgans (numbers 5, 7-9) were excavated in 1984. The kurgans contained 7 graves typical to the Usatovo culture. Kurgan 10 was an antique sacrificial complex. A detailed description of burial complexes and characteristics of mortuary rite are provided in the article. According to their attributes, investigated graves are almost completely correspond to earlier researched material of the Usatovo culture although some specific traits are recognized in the newly uncovered complexes.