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2018, БНТУ
The paper explores the cultural aspects of language teaching, emphasizing the significance of incorporating cultural education alongside language instruction. It argues that language is a vehicle for expressing cultural values and understanding diverse worldviews, crucial for fostering effective cross-cultural communication. The study highlights the importance of cultural competence, advocating for language education to include cultural insights to enhance mutual understanding and respect among different cultures.
The thesis is concerned with the contribution and incorporation of the teaching of culture into the foreign language classroom. More specifically, some consideration will be given to the why and how of teaching culture. It will be demonstrated that teaching a foreign language is not tantamount to giving a homily on syntactic structures or learning new vocabulary and expressions, but mainly incorporates, or should incorporate, some cultural elements, which are intertwined with language itself. Furthermore, an attempt will be made to incorporate culture into the classroom by means of considering some techniques and methods currently used. The main premise of the paper is that effective communication is more than a matter of language proficiency and that, apart from enhancing and enriching communicative competence, cultural competence can also lead to empathy and respect toward different cultures as well as promote objectivity and cultural perspicacity.
Regardless of different points of view, culture has taken an important place in foreign language teaching and learning studies. It has been widely recognized that culture and language is used as a main medium through which culture is expressed. However, "pure information" is useful but does not necessarily lead learners' insight; whereas the development of people's cultural awareness leads them to more critical thinking. Most frequently confronted that students to a great extend know the rules of language, but are not always able to use the language adequately as it requires since they are not knowledgeable enough about the target culture. Bearing all this in mind, the aim of this article has been to provide necessary information for the foreign language teachers and learners so that they can establish a good connection with the target language and its culture.
The process of effective teaching a foreign language includes also cultural studies. In learning another language students are exposed to, and inevitably learn something, about other societies and their cultural practices. Language is a part of nation´s culture., so we cannot acquire a foreign language without learning its culture. But what is culture and what culture to teach?
The thesis is concerned with the contribution and incorporation of the teaching of culture into the foreign language classroom. More specifically, some consideration will be given to the why and how of teaching culture. It will be demonstrated that teaching a foreign language is not tantamount to giving a homily on syntactic structures or learning new vocabulary and expressions, but mainly incorporates, or should incorporate, some cultural elements, which are intertwined with language itself. Furthermore, an attempt will be made to incorporate culture into the classroom by means of considering some techniques and methods currently used. The main premise of the paper is that effective communication is more than a matter of language proficiency and that, apart from enhancing and enriching communicative competence, cultural competence can also lead to empathy and respect toward different cultures as well as promote objectivity and cultural perspicacity.
The Handbook of Current Research on Teaching English Language Skills, S Baleghizadeh and K Zahedi (eds.), Shahid Beheshti University Press, 2013
Culture teaching generally focuses on helping foreign language learners develop an understanding of the culture of the target language and, ideally, positive attitudes towards it. In today’s world, the domination of English in entertainment, mass media and new media may sometimes be accompanied by unbalanced views: some EFL learners view English-speaking cultures as superior, while others feel that their own culture is inherently superior to them. This paper argues that in a world where non-native speakers of English outnumber native speakers, culture teaching should widen its aims: in addition to helping learners develop positive attitudes towards and knowledge of the culture of the target language, it should also aim to develop a more explicit understanding of the rules of the learners’ own culture. It looks at the concepts of communicative competence and pragmatic failure, and then presents a model of analysis of Persian culture, looking at the concept and components of ‘face’ and the principles of politeness in Persian (deference, humility and cordiality). It then demonstrates how this analysis can be used to develop classroom strategies. The writer concludes that explicit understanding of both target and learners’ own culture can equip learners with the ability to analyse and understand other cultures, and have positive effective cognitive, behavioural and affective outcomes. KEYWORDS: culture teaching; EFL teaching; pragmatic failure; Persian politeness; face in Persian; politeness theory
Adelante- Ahead 2018, 2018
Abstract: Language plays a crucial role not only in the construction of culture but also in the emergence of cultural changes. The possibility of changing the attitudes of people by giving them a new vocabulary to build social realities whether national, gender or racial realities that allow them to access to opportunities to develop and use language to communicate and create relationships. This article presents a literature review about the role of culture in teaching a foreign language taking into account some pedagogical and didactic aspects involved in the teaching process. As the main result, it is concluded that it is impossible to teach a language without teaching the culture; the teacher becomes a mediator between foreign languages and culture, that is why certain aspects of teaching can influence the inclusion or exclusion of that elements in a foreign language classroom. Keywords: culture, foreign language teaching, intercultural teaching resources
The current study examines the literature linked with the significance of culture in learning a second language .In the last few decades there has been considerable research on the role culture plays in language education. It is not possible to divorce cultural phenomenon from language instruction in modern times. The basic thesis of the study is that successful communication is not just about language ability but about cultural understanding as well. Thus, Language teaching has to focus not just on improving and enhancing communicative competence but cultural competence also has to be inculcated among the learners. The teaching of culture has the potential to create compassion and reverence among the learners toward diverse customs of the world. The integration of culture in language learning can promote cultural insightfulness and a broader outlook. Introduction When it comes to learning a second language, culture appears as a neglected aspect both in curriculum and pedagogy. Learners enter the Second Language class room with their own distinctive culture and it is important for them to get acquainted and even to acquire the culture of the second language to succeed at the new language. Since culture is embedded in the very language we speak, second language learning is connected with cultural acquisition at the very core.
SHS Web of Conferences
Teaching a communication language is not only grammatical patterns in which words are embedded, but it is also a function of the language. The function of the language – is the goal that must be achieved through written or spoken forms. Using the function of the language, you carry out the act of communication. The main goal in the communication process is to understand people, i.e. to understand the context. Culture is a central part to all types of the contexts. Understanding of the contexts implies that a person knows these cultural meanings related to time, place, person and circumstances. Many researchers define the main role of a teacher as a “driving force” in mastering cultural knowledge among students who study foreign languages during the education process.
Revue Sciences Humaines, 2010
Language and culture are inextricably tied: they cannot be separated without losing their essence and significance. What is language if not a means of communication operating in a defined socio-cultural context? Without language, communication would be very restricted; without culture, there would be no communication at all. A crucial implication is that one cannot be taught without the other. Notwithstanding the inseparability of language and culture, the foreign culture is not always welcome in the foreign language class. Some teaching professionals put forward heated arguments against incorporating it in language curricula and textbooks. Others believe it to be a 'taken-forgranted' component in foreign language pedagogy, for several other arguments. The object of this paper is to shed light on the place of culture in the foreign language class, drawing on seminal works in the field of language and culture teaching / learning. Adopting a convincing stance towards this issue is, no doubt, a prerequisite for effective teaching / learning.
IASET, 2020
Language is a basic form of communication. It can be verbal, physical and biologically innate. Culture is the distinctiveness of a specific group of people. This distinctiveness can be observed in the language, religion, social behavior, music and the arts of these groups. Language and Culture are closely associated as culture finds its expression in language. Therefore, anyone learning a new language without having knowledge about its culture is deficient. In learning language, Culture plays an important role. It is pertinent then to mention that including culture in the learning process of a foreign language does not rule out the need to learn the four language skills in addition to spellings, sentence structure, word articulation, and vocabulary building. This article aims to establish the role that culture plays in the teaching and learning process of English as a foreign language. In its examination, the study highlights how culture in English as a foreign language (EFL) can be taught. The study of the Documentary Research Survey examines the usefulness of culture in teaching language and verifies whether their teaching conforms to the curriculum. Data used in the analysis of this study were obtained from external sources such as documents, articles and book chapters. The study confirmed that including culture in the context of learning foreign language is important. The outcome of the culture curriculum is not yet incorporated into secondary school operational plans.
International Journal of Social Science and Humanity, 2013
Foreign language is included of several components, including grammar, communicative, language proficiency, for learners, the knowledge of the conventions, customs, beliefs, is indisputably an integral part of foreign language learning. Teaching a foreign language is not only learning structure or learning new vocabulary and expressions but mainly incorporates, cultural elements, which are not integrated with language itself. This paper shows that effective communication is more important than language proficiency .Culture promotes objectivity and cultural perception. In fact, most teachers and students lose sight of the fact that knowledge of grammatical system of a language has to be complemented by understanding of culture specific meanings.
Language, Culture and Curriculum, 1995
The current interest in the role of culture in language teaching is due to a number of factors, political, educational, ideological. Both in Europe and in the U.S., albeit for different reasons, there is a great deal of political pressure now put on foreign language educators to help solve the social and economic problems of the times. Educators fear that the mere acquisition of linguistic systems is no guarantee of international peace and understanding. After years of communicative euphoria, some language teachers are becoming dissatisfied with purely functional uses of language. Some are pleading to supplement the traditional acquisition of "communication skills" with some intellectually legitimate, humanistically oriented, cultural "content". Others, who teach their language to non-native speaker immigrants, are under pressure to absorb (read: acculturate) into their society growing numbers of newcomers. And there is of course the recrudescence of nationalism around the world that draws political capital from increased links between national languages and national cultures. The reasons for the growing "culturalisation" of language teaching are many, the motives often contradictory. After a short definition of terms, I will first review the history of the relationship of language and culture in language teaching. I will then try to survey the current landscape as it relates to various educational traditions in which languages are taught. In a third part I will suggest a theoretical base for exploring the cultural component of language study.-2-Definition of Terms The term "cultural" has often been associated with the term "social", as when one talks about the "socio-cultural" factors affecting the teaching and the learning of foreign languages. Many scholars do not distinguish between the social and the cultural. In this paper, I will take both adjectives to refer to the two sides of the same coin, namely, the synchronic and the diachronic context in which language is used in organised discourse communities. Both terms refer to a individual's place within a social group and his/her relation to that group in the course of time. In the words of Adrienne Rich: "A place on the map is also a place in history" (1986). First let us agree on a definition. Irrespective of whether we are talking written or oral culture, highbrow or popular culture, noteworthy events or events of everyday life, the term "culture" has always referred to at least two ways of defining a social community. The first definition comes from the humanities; it focuses on the way a social group represents itself and others through its material productions, be they works of art, literature, social institutions, or artifacts of everyday life, and the mechanisms for their reproduction and preservation through history. The second definition comes from the social sciences: it refers to what educators like Howard Nostrand call the "ground of meaning", i.e. the attitudes and beliefs, ways of thinking, behaving and remembering shared by members of that community (Nostrand, 1989: 51). This latter definition is in many ways similar to the one given by social
The 21 century is the era demanding people to know two and more languages, which provide them with more opportunities in any sphere such as business, banking, diplomacy, medicine, etc. Thus, mastering a language, in any case, means being able to communicate effectively and interact with individuals representing other cultures and speaking other languages. Actually, this implies that the learner not only acquires language skills, but also becomes the carrier of the target-language culture. Consequently, foreign language teaching needs to introduce a more sophisticated approach towards the element of culture in the educational process. It is high time to recognize the importance of intercultural learning or interculturality in foreign language teaching as culture is an integral part of any language course and should be taught in parallel with the language from the very first steps. The cultural component has always been one of the most essential dimensions of intercultural language te...
In foreign language education, the teaching of culture remains a hotly debated issue. What is culture? What is its relation to language? Which and whose culture should be taught? What role should the learners' culture play in the acquisition of knowledge of the target culture? How can we avoid essentializing cultures and teaching stereotypes? And how can we develop in the learners an intercultural competence that would shortchange neither their own culture nor the target culture, but would make them into cultural mediators in a globalized world? This paper explores these issues from the perspective of the large body of research done in Australia, Europe and the U.S. in the last twenty years. It links the study of culture to the study of discourse (see, e.g., and to the concept of translingual and transcultural competence proposed by the Modern Language Association (e.g., . Special attention will be given to the unique role that the age-old Persian culture can play in fostering the cultural mediators of tomorrow.
English has been designated as a source of intercultural communication among the people from diverse linguistic and cultural backgrounds. A range of linguistic and cultural theories contribute meaningful insights on the development of competence in intercultural communication. The speculations suggest the use of communicative strategies focusing on the development of learners’ efficiency in communicating language through cultural context. However, the teaching of culture in communication has not been paid due importance in a number of academic and language settings of Pakistan and Iran. This assignment study indicates problems in view of teaching English as a medium of instruction in public sector colleges of interior Sindh, Pakistan and prescribed textbooks in Iranian schools. It also aims to identify drawbacks and shortcoming in prescribed textbooks for intermediate students at college level and schools. Therefore, the assignment study recommends integration of cultural awareness into a language teaching programme for an overall achievement of competence in intercultural communication.
This paper focuses upon the importance of teaching culture in foreign language classrooms. Research done by sociolinguists and anthropologists shows that there is a close relationship between language and culture. Language and culture are inseparab'l e. So differences in culture across languages are a problem in learning a foreign language. Unfortunate1y , the role of culture in foreign language teaching/1earning has been ignored in Turkey by language researchers, curriculum planners, and language teachers, and, thus, it has not been included as part of the curriculum of teaching EIFL programs. Many communication failures are the result of a lack of cross-cultura1 understanding rather than a lack of linguistic competence. This topic is important to the field of EFL because the development of "communicative competence" in a foreign 3anguage involves much more than linguistic competence. Communication also involves developing an awareness of the way of life end the traditions of the people whose language is being studied. Learning the cultural roots of a language is essential for meaningful fluency, ]D ether words, an understanding of culture makes language study more meaningful.
This study was conducted with the participation of the students of the ELT department of Çukurova University in Turkey. We have tried to find out what students think about the effects of the culture class they attended in the fall semester of 2003-2004 academic year. As a result of the study, a significant similarity between the students' views and the theoretical benefits of a culture class as argued by some experts in the field was observed. Regarding the benefits of learning about culture, attending the culture class has raised cultural awareness in ELT students concerning both native and target societies. This study illustrates how arguments of language teaching experts in favour of a culture class in language learning and teaching are justified by some sound evidence provided by the participants of this study.
Aportaciones para una educación lingüística y literaria en el siglo XXI, 2013
Die Unterrichtspraxis/Teaching German, 2015
This research investigates how foreign language (FL) learners (learners of German) view culture instruction in their L1 (English) and whether, or to what extent, the use of their L1 enhances their understanding of the German language and culture(s). In German language classes, the ways native speakers (NSs) of German verbalize affection are often addressed early on when engaging students in conversations about their family, friends, or personal relationships. Using the example of lessons on the meaning and use of German expressions of affection and friendship at the introductory level, this study addresses three areas of inquiry: (a) how students perceive the use of the L1 and L2 in lessons pertaining to culture, (b) whether students prefer the L1 or the L2 when learning about culture in class, and (c) to what extent the use of the L1 affects students' understanding of culturally connoted expressions in German.
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