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Symbolic Model Checking has proven to be a powerful technique for the verification of reactive systems. BDDs [2] have traditionally been used as a symbolic representation of the system. In this paper we show how boolean decision procedures, like Stålmarck's Method or the Davis & Putnam Procedure [7], can replace BDDs. This new technique avoids the space blow up of BDDs, generates counterexamples much faster, and sometimes speeds up the verification. In addition, it produces counterexamples of minimal length. We introduce a bounded model checking procedure for LTL which reduces model checking to propositional satisfiability. We show that bounded LTL model checking can be done without a tableau construction. We have implemented a model checker BMC, based on bounded model checking, and preliminary results are presented.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2003
It has been shown that bounded model checking using a SAT solver can solve many verification problems that would cause BDD based symbolic model checking engines to explode. However, no single algorithmic solution has proven to be totally superior in resolving all types of model checking problems. We present an optimized bounded model checker based on BDDs and describe the advantages and drawbacks of this model checker as compared to BDD-based symbolic model checking and SAT-based model checking. We show that, in some cases, this engine solves verification problems that could not be solved by other methods. 2 Basic Concepts We consider bounded model checking to be the following problem: given a nondeterministic Finite State Machine (FSM) M , n RCTL [4] properties (φ 1 ,. .. , φ n) and a
It has been shown that bounded model checking using a SAT solver can solve many verification problems that would cause BDD based symbolic model checking engines to explode. However, no single algorithmic solution has proven to be totally superior in resolving all types of model checking problems. We present an optimized bounded model checker based on BDDs and describe the advantages and drawbacks of this model checker as compared to BDD-based symbolic model checking and SAT-based model checking. We show that, in some cases, this engine solves verification problems that could not be solved by other methods. 2 Basic Concepts We consider bounded model checking to be the following problem: given a nondeterministic Finite State Machine (FSM) M , n RCTL [4] properties (φ 1 ,. .. , φ n) and a
We present two new hybrid techniques that replace the synchronized product used in the automata-theoretic approach for LTL model checking. The proposed products are explicit graphs of aggregates (symbolic sets of states) that can be interpreted as Büchi automata. These hybrid approaches allow on the one hand to use classical emptiness-check algorithms and build the graph on-the-fly, and on the other hand, to have a compact encoding of the state space thanks to the symbolic representation of the aggregates. The Symbolic Observation Product assumes a globally stuttering property (e.g., LTL\ X) to aggregate states. The Self-Loop Aggregation Product does not require the property to be globally stuttering (i.e., it can tackle full LTL), but dynamically detects and exploits a form of stuttering where possible. Our experiments show that these two variants, while incomparable with each other, can outperform other existing approaches.
Theoretical Computer Science, 2001
The paper shows that, by an appropriate choice of a rich a ssertional language, it is possible to extend the utility o f s y m bolic model checking beyond the realm of bdd-represented nite-state systems into the domain of in nite-state systems, leading to a powerful technique for uniform veri cation of unbounded (parameterized) process networks. The main contributions of the paper are a formulation of a general framework for symbolic model checking of in nite-state systems, a demonstration that many individual examples of uniformly veri ed parameterized designs that appear in the literature are special cases of our general approach, verifying the correctness of the Futurebus+ design for all single-bus con gurations, extending the technique to tree architectures, and establishing that the presented method is a precise dual to the top-down invariant generation method used in deductive v eri cation.
Proceedings ED&TC European Design and Test Conference, 1996
The verification of real-time properties requires model checking techniques for quantitative temporal structures and real-time temporal logics. However, up to now, most of those problems were solved by a translation into a standard CTL model checking problem with unit-delay structures. Although usual CTL model checkers like SMV can be used then, the translation leads to large structures and CTL formulas, such that the verification requires large computation times and only small circuits can be verified. In this paper a new model checking algorithm for quantitative temporal structures and quantitative temporal logic is presented, which avoids these drawbacks. Motivated by lowlevel circuit verification, the implemented prover can be used for verifying general real-time systems. Although it has been proved that the complexity of the new algorithm is identical to the corresponding CTL model checking problem, the application of the new algorithms leads to significant better runtimes and larger verifiable structures. The paper presents the underlying algorithms, the complexity proof, implementational issues and concludes with experimental results, demonstrating the advantages of our approach.
Refinement Techniques in Software Engineering, 2006
Symbolic model checking is a very successful formal verification technique, classically based on Binary Decision Diagrams (BDDs). Recently, propositional satisfiability (SAT) techniques have been proposed as a computational basis for symbolic model checking, and proved to be an effective alternative to BDD-based techniques. In this paper we show how BDD-based and SAT-based techniques have been effectively integrated within the NuSMV symbolic model checker.
Temporal Logic Model Checking is a verification method in which we describe a system, the model, and then we verify whether some properties, expressed in a temporal logic formula, hold in the system. It has many industrial applications. In order to improve performance, some tools allow preprocessing of the model, verifying on-line a set of properties reusing the same compiled model; we prove that the complexity of the Model Checking problem, without any preprocessing or preprocessing the model or the formula in a polynomial data structure, is the same. As a result preprocessing does not always exponentially improve performance.
Proceedings 1999 Design Automation Conference (Cat. No. 99CH36361), 1999
In this paper, we study the application of propositional decision procedures in hardware verification. We introduce the concept of bounded model checking. We show that bounded model checking for linear temporal logic formulas can be reduced to propositional satisfiability. We also present several optimizations that reduce the size of generated propositional formulas. To demonstrate our approach, we have implemented a tool BMC. BMC accepts a subset of the SMV language and uses state of the art SAT procedures to decide propositional satisfiability. As special cases, equivalence checking and invariant checking can also be handled. In many instances, our SAT-based approach can significantly outperform BDD-based approaches. We observe that SATbased techniques are particularly efficient in detecting errors in both combinational and sequential designs.
ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems, 2005
We are interested in verifying dynamic properties of finite state reactive systems under fairness assumptions by model checking. The systems we want to verify are specified through a top-down refinement process.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2000
In this paper we show how to do symbolic model checking using Boolean Expression Diagrams (BEDs), a non-canonical representation for Boolean formulas, instead of Binary Decision Diagrams (BDDs), the traditionally used canonical representation. The method is based on standard fixed point algorithms, combined with BDDs and SAT-solvers to perform satisfiability checking. As a result we are able to model check systems for which standard BDD-based methods fail. For example, we model check a 256 bit shift-and-add multiplier and we are able to find a previously undetected bug in the specification of a 16 bit multiplier. As opposed to Bounded Model Checking (BMC) our method is complete in practice.
In this work we study hybrid approaches to LTL symbolic model checking; that is, approaches that use explicit representations of the property automaton, whose state space is often quite manageable, and symbolic representations of the system, whose state space is typically exceedingly large.
Logic for concurrency and synchronisation, 2003
In automata-theoretic model checking, there are mainly two approaches: explicit and symbolic. In the explicit approach [1], the state-space is constructed explicitly and lazily during exploration (i.e., on-the-fly). The symbolic approach [2] tries to overcome the state-space explosion obstacle by symbolically encoding the state-space in a concise way using decision diagrams. However, this symbolic construction is not performed on-the-fly as in the explicit approach. In order to take advantage of the best of both worlds, hybrid approaches [3, 4, 5] are proposed as combinations of explicit and symbolic approaches. A hybrid approach is usually based on an on-the-fly construction of an explicit graph of symbolic nodes, where each symbolic node encodes a subset of states by means of binary decision diagrams. An alternative to the standard Büchi automaton, called Testing automaton [6] has never been used before for hybrid model checking. In addition, in previous work [7, 8], we have shown that Generalized Testing Automata (TGTA) can outperform the Büchi automata for explicit and symbolic model checking of stutter-invariant LTL properties. In this work, we investigate the use of these TGTA to improve hybrid model checking. We show how traditional hybrid approaches based on Generalized Büchi Automata (TGBA) can be adapted to obtain TGTA-based hybrid approaches. Then, each original approach is experimentally compared against its TGTA variant. The results show that these new variants are statistically more efficient.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 1999
We propose an algorithm for LTL model checking based on the classification of the automata and on guided symbolic search. Like most current methods for LTL model checking, our algorithm starts with a tableau construction and uses a model checker for CTL with fairness constraints to prove the existence of fair paths. However, we classify the tableaux according to their structure, and use efficient decision procedures for each class. Guided search applies hints to constrain the transition relation during fixpoint computations. Each fixpoint is thus translated into a sequence of fixpoints that are often much easier to compute than the original one. Our preliminary experimental results suggest that the new algorithm for LTL is quite efficient. In fact, for properties that can be expressed in both CTL and LTL, the algorithm is competitive with the CTL model checking algorithm. This work was supported in part by SRC contract 98-DJ-620.
Abstract This work describes an algorithm of automata construction for LTL safety properties, suitable for bounded model checking. Existing automata construction methods are tailored to BDD-based symbolic model checking. The novelty of our approach is that we construct deterministic automata, unlike the standard approach, which constructs nondeterministic automata. We show that the proposed method has significant advantages for bounded model checking over traditional methods.
Generally concurrent software is harder to find a bug than sequential one. Thus there have been a number of works on formal verification which exhaustively checks all behaviors of concurrent software. Bounded Model Checking (BMC) is widely used in formal verification of concurrent software systems and exhaustively checks whether some errors exist in execution traces of the given system or not within the given limit called as a bound. In this paper, we develop the tool LTS-BMC that accepts both LTS (Labeled Transition System) as a modeling language and FLTL (Fluent Linear Temporal Logic) as a specification language. And the specification is checked against the model using a SAT solver. To translate them into a set of CNF clauses which is the input format to most SAT solvers, we propose efficient CNF encoding techniques and apply to several case studies. As a result, LTS-BMC shows a good performance.
International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer, 2004
In this paper we present efficient symbolic techniques for probabilistic model checking. These have been implemented in PRISM, a tool for the analysis of probabilistic models such as discrete-time Markov chains, continuous-time Markov chains and Markov decision processes using specifications in the probabilistic temporal logics PCTL and CSL. Motivated by the success of model checkers such as SMV which use BDDs (binary decision diagrams), we have developed an implementation of PCTL and CSL model checking based on MTBDDs (multi-terminal BDDs) and BDDs. Existing work in this direction has been hindered by the generally poor performance of MTBDD-based numerical computation, which is often substantially slower than explicit methods using sparse matrices. The focus of this paper is a novel hybrid technique which combines aspects of symbolic and explicit approaches to overcome these performance problems. For typical examples, we achieve a dramatic improvement over the purely symbolic approach. In addition, thanks to the compact model representation using MTBDDs, we can verify systems an order of magnitude larger than with sparse matrices, while almost matching or even beating them for speed.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2004
Symbolic model-checking usually includes two steps: the building of a compact representation of a state graph and the evaluation of the properties of the system upon this data structure. In case of properties expressed with a linear time logic, it appears that the second step is often more time consuming than the first one. In this work, we present a mixed solution which builds an observation graph represented in a non symbolic way but where the nodes are essentially symbolic set of states. Due to the small number of events to be observed in a typical formula, this graph has a very moderate size and thus the complexity time of verification is neglectible w.r.t. the time to build the observation graph. Thus we propose different symbolic implementations for the construction of the nodes of this graph. The evaluations we have done on standard examples show that our method outperforms the pure symbolic methods which makes it attractive.
FM 2006: Formal …, 2006
HORAE is an interactive system which supports composing and reasoning of Timed CSP process descriptions. Timed CSP extends CSP by introducing the capability to quantify temporal aspects of sequencing and synchronization. It is a powerful language to model real-time reactive systems. However, there is no verification tool support for proving critical properties over systems modeled using Timed CSP. HORAE, using Constraint Logic Programming (CLP) as the underlying reasoning support, is capable to prove traditional safety properties and beyond, such as the reachability, deadlock-freeness, timewise refinement relationship, lower or upper bound of variables, and etc.
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