Jurnal konflik dan negosiasi Asogi Akbar


The aim of this research is to find out about conflicts in doing negotiation. Organization conflict is an opinion difference or contradiction between two or more individuals or groups or working units in organization due to the fact that they have to share their limited resources in working activities, and the facts that they have different aim, value, perception and interest. Conflict in organization is often seen as a common event faced also by organization leader. Conflict handling requires a creative process which expects a positive yield i.e. a good solution and relation between two parties. Negotiation is a process where two parties or more which has a common or contradiction interest, meet and talk in order to get an agreement. Conflict always emerge if someone point of view is different from others. In order that conflict can give an optimal advantage and to reduce its negative effect, conflict can be managed by doing conflict prevention and handling so the aim and object of negotiation can be achieved. If there is no way in negotiation, it can be proposed to use postponement in order to give time for both parties to rethink and meditate as the situation become difficult. This postponement is not mean to delay the negotiation but it means to give opportunity when tense is increased and this delay time should be utilized by both parties and is not used for avoiding from the conflict.