Separate Material Intellect in Averroes\u27 Mature Philosophy



These works include (1) the Epistle on the Possibility of Conjunction (cf. Kalman P. BLAND, The Epistle on the Possibility of Conjunction with the Active Intellect by Ibn Rushd with the Commentary of Moses Narboni. A critical edition and annotated translation [Moreshet, Studies in Jewish History, Literature and Thought, 7], New York, 1982);-(2) Epistle #1 On Conjunction and (3) Epistle #2 On Conjunction (cf. Marc GEOFFROY et Carlos STEEL reds and trs], Averroes. La beatitude de l'ame. Editions, traductions annotees et etudes doctrinales et historiques [ ... ] par M. Geoffroy et C. Steel [Sic et non], Paris, 2001. This work contains two short treatises by Averroes "On Conjunction with the Agent Intellect" translated into French with notes by Marc Geoffroy. These translations are based on Geoffroy's readings of the manuscripts used by I. HERCZ led. and tr.], Drei Abhandlungen uber die Conjunction des separaten Intellects mit dem Menschen, von Averroes [Vater und Sohn], aus dem Arabischen iibersetzt von Samuel Ibn Tibbon, Berlin, 1869);-(4) De separatione primi principii (cf. Carlos STEEL and Guy GULDENTOPS,