This article objective is to show a contribution to the promotion of critical reading in the English class, through the youth role played on a YouTube channel. Knowing that the virtual world is the space that young people socialize, it is necessary to try to adopt in the classroom proposals that permeate the critical social participation of young people in training, so that they can fully exercise their role. Thus, we show how the proposal for a YouTube channel instigates the positioning of young people, in other words, critical literacy in practice (MATTOS, 2012;MORGAN; MONTE-MÓR, 2014). In short, thinking about the experiences of contemporary reading, the interaction of young people and the development of critical literacy, we show how the English teacher can choose inputs in the media to do critical literacy work. The analyzed corpus was a channel on Youtube, which disseminates the series called: How Kids react to pop stars, as an example of an instance of critical reading to be adapted for the foreign language class. In the video, participants are encouraged to interact, exercise their opinion, agency and position themselves. Through the method chosen in this work, we raised the following aspects: we chose this video as an example of a possible classroom activity similar to that of the video for the development of critical literacy; we look for ways to help the student to exercise the agency in its positioning; we encourage protagonism in the 21st century and the role of student agency; we understand this as a possibility to develop critical literacy through youth protagonism, as well as the development of communicative skills in English (comprehension, orality, writing, reading and lexical-systemic aspects).