Fenomena Morfotektonik Pada Citra STRM DI Wilayah Teluk Kendari

Kendari bay has a strategic position in Southeast Sulawesi. In this region there is a city of Kendari, the capital of the province. The unique shape is a product of the collision of tectonic plates, occupies the southeast arm of Sulawesi. There might be a strong tectonic control in the region. The up lift process continues sustainable, evidence was also recorded in the landscape. The phenomenon morphotectonic show unique patterns that are easily recognizable on remote sensing data. The data used in this study is derived from SRTM imagery. Besides lineament associated with geological structure, the DEM can also be obtained from that image. Sun-shading technique used to clarify the appearance of lineament associated with geological structure. The lineament data plotted into a rosette diagram to determine the general trend. The lineament density data obtained by calculating the ratio of the total length of lineament in each grid of 5x5 sq km. The results showed that the morphotectonic ...