Grammatical Comparison of Noun; Indonesian and Japanese Languages

2019, Humanities & Social Sciences Reviews


Purpose of the study: The purpose of the study was to analyze the grammatical function of the noun of Japanese and Indonesian language and diversification of Noun and the system of inflectional of two language Methodology: The methodology of the study was qualitative that focused on library research. In this case, the author conducted constructive analysis to analyze the similarities and differences of the languages in terms of form and function by text-book based on Indonesia and the Japanese Language. The text-book based constructive analysis of library research was chosen to be able to evaluate and renovate the text-book used by language students; Indonesian and Japanese so that their understanding of language comparison and contrast of those languages would be better in the future. Additionally, the lingual contrastive theory was also applicated to establish the term of comparison of the noun of Indonesian and Japanese. From the analysis of the data, it found that the diversity ...