2023, EXODUS

ABSTRACT This essay reviews the biblical account of Exodus and its possible correlation with the history of Egypt. Egyptian stelae and texts are visited, as well as ancient Arab documents and traditions, whose interpretations shed new light on the stay of the People of Israel in Egypt and their epic departure led by Moses. Answers to questions are investigated, such as: Was the Exodus an historical event? When did it happen? Regarding the first question, fragments of the story of high historical possibility are identified, based on Egyptian texts where the Israelites are mentioned as Shemau or Amu (Asians) and archaeological findings that confirm their stay in Goshen (Wadi Tumilat) and towns cited in the Bible as Succoth (Tell Maskhuta) and Pi-Rameses. In relation to the second question, dates of the Exodus according to Egyptian chronology and consistent with Jacob/Israel genealogy (and descendants) are critically analyzed. Finally, possible interpretations are provided to explain the extraordinary events of the Biblical plagues and the crossing of the Red Sea that opened to the passage of the Israelites and closed on the pursuing Egyptian army, drowning them all. And a possible relationship of these events with the volcanic eruption of Tera (c1625 BC) on the island of Santorini in the Aegean Sea.