Phonotactic constraints in Chinese dialects

To appear in Encyclopedia of Chinese Language and Linguistics. Brill.


The study of phonotactics is concerned with speakers' knowledge of possible and impossible sound combinations. What is the reason for the absence of certain logically possible sound combinations in a language? Is it the result of accidents of history or do the gaps reflect a grammatical system that restricts the syllable inventory of the language? This entry reviews evidence of phonotactic generalizations in a variety of Chinese languages, examining ways to unearth Chinese speaker's knowledge of phonotactic constraints.

Key takeaways

  • Phonotactic generalizations can be stated across many domains, from phrases to subsyllabic units, such as onset (i.e. the initial consonant(s) of a syllable) versus rime (i.e. the part of the syllable that excludes the onset).
  • To supplement distributional observations, some approaches to phonotactics appeal to speakers' judgments of word wellformedness as further evidence for speakers' knowledge of phonotactic constraints.
  • In this section, we review three sources of evidence for speakers' knowledge of phonotactic constraints in Chinese languages.
  • (5) Cantonese loanword adaptation from English (Silverman 1992) a Besides syllable structure considerations, phonotactic constraints may also reveal themselves in segmental choice in adaptation.
  • In this article, we reviewed a range of phonotactic constraints that are commonly observed in Chinese languages, illustrating the principles primarily with Cantonese.