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1990, Communication Reports
Imagined interactions are cognitive representations of conversation experienced as internal dialogues with significant others. Results of an investigation confirm four hypotheses. The self talks more in imagined interactions, imagined interactions primarily involve intimate partners and personal tppics, they are more likely to occur before an actual communication event than after it, and they are less functional for lonely individuals. •Although "internal dialogue" has been discussed by contemporary communication theorists (Hikins, 1981), the concept can be traced back to Plato. Recently, interpersonal communication scholars have taken great interest in the relationship between communication and social cognition (Roloff & Berger, 1982). Nevertheless, little systematic attention has been given to explicitly intrapersonal communication processes like "internal dialogues.' Our purpose in this paper is to extend and report research concerning internal dialogue, what we have in other places called "imagined interactions." (Edwards, Honeycutt, & Zagacki, 1988; Honeycutt, Zagacki, & Edwards, 1989). Imagined interaction is a process of social cognition, whereby actors imagine and therefore indirectly experience themselves in interaction with others. Imagined interactions are a form of intrapersonal communication in which talking activity is directly related to the achievement of some intentional, social communicative goal. The term imagined interactions was first used by Rosenblatt and Meyer (1986), who applied a general understanding of the concept to counseling situations. These authors based their notion of imagined interaction in symbolic interaction theory (see Manis & Meltzer, 1978). Mead (1934) for example, discusses the "internalized conversation of gestures" in which actors cognitively monitor social action by reviewing alternative endings of any given act in which they are involved. Mead adds that such mental activity is important to the development of the self, since internal conversations. give cues for how the self might respond and would be perceived by others in real social conduct. We have proposed that imagined interactions may allow actors to solve communication problems. They afford actors the opportunity to envision the act of discoursing with others, anticipating their responses, and even adjusting to their roles. In general, then, the study of imagined interactions partially addresses a major question posited by Arnold and Frandsen (1984) and Duck (1980):
Before an interview for an internship position, a student imagines the conversation she is to have with the interviewer. She considers questions he may pose and prepares appropriate answers accordingly. In a different setting, a teenager may repeat a conversation he held with a classmate he admires, hoping to decode a love hint or fi nd a concealed message. Such examples, which occur across cultures on a daily basis, testify to the pervasiveness of a communication phenomenon we refer to as intrapersonal communication. In this chapter, we examine the following fundamental questions: “How can intrapersonal communication be operationalized into discrete variables that are manipulated and measured?” “How is intrapersonal communication linked with interpersonal communication and out- comes?” We briefly review some conceptualizations of intrapersonal communication followed by a discussion of the construct of imagined interactions. Imaginedinteractions have been used to operationalize the study of intrapersonal communication in terms of cognition and message processing. The importance of physiological correlates of intrapersonal communication variables is discussed as a method for refl ecting process. Finally, a study is proposed exploring the association between physiological variables and imagined interaction variables among intimate couples.
The present article analyzes imagined interactions in message selection and interpretation and in interpersonal relationships. Imagined interactions help develop cognitive structures. Distinctions between imagined interactions and fantasy are discussed as well as methodological procedures used to collect imagined interaction data.
Imagination, Cognition and Personality, 2019
Similarities and differences between inner speech and imagined interactions (IIs) are discussed. Selected studies in both areas are reviewed. Inner speech originally was conceptualized as a stage in language acquisition and the process of thought. It reflects speaking to oneself in the form of monologue. It has been referred to as verbal thinking, inner speaking, covert self-talk, internal monologue, and internal dialogue as people talk to themselves in silence. IIs are similar, yet different in that imaginary dialogue reflects talking to another person while monologue is self-talk. IIs are a type of daydreaming, social cognition, and mental imagery in which people experience cognitive representations of conversation with accompanying verbal and nonverbal features. We highlight relevant studies in the areas of daydreaming, public speaking, rumination, cardiovascular arousal, and road rage. We conclude with two suggestions for future research.
The notion of "imagined interaction" is introduced as part ofthe social cognition process. Imagined interactions serve several functions including rehearsal for anticipated encounters. Results ofa study indicate that imagined interactions tend to occur before real interactions, are dominated by the self, and are equally pleasant and unpleasant. Topics and partners are primarily relational. Imagined interactions may be dysfunctional for lonely individuals. Findings are related to theories of interpersonal communication and cognitive structuring, and implications for future studies are evaluated.
In this chapter, I will discuss the assumption of imagined interaction theory, how communication is conceptualized in the theory, strengths and limitations of the theory, and directions for future research. The common acronym for imagined interactions is IIs. Individuals may become angry as they relive old conflicts in their minds as well as feel happiness while imagining positive encounters. Imagined interactions serve multiple functions including maintaining relationships and managing conflict. Our expectancies for interpersonal communication encounters emanates from imagined interactions through replaying images from the electronic media as well as conversations with parents, siblings, peers, or novels.
Imagination, Cognition and Personality, 2019
Imagined interactions (IIs) occur when individuals recall past conversations with others as well as anticipate future ones. IIs intersect with the concept of inner speech, yet little is known about what elements IIs and inner speech share as well as how they differ. Information is offered about both Imagined Interaction Theory and inner speech, followed by a discussion pertaining to how they interact with other inner experiences. Results based on self-reported inner speech using a Thought Listing procedure are also presented. Two main conclusions are reached: (a) IIs constitute mental activities that do include one type of inner speech but which recruit additional components absent in the latter. (b) Inner speech includes IIs, but also encompasses many other topics and functions not present in, or served by, IIs. Consequently, inner speech and IIs ought not to be equated.
In this chapter, I first discuss assumptions of dialogue theory based on the work of Martin Buber’s (1958) classic “I–Thou” relationship in terms of shared perspectives and the mutuality of dialogue. Second, I discuss the processing of dialogue through imagined interactions (IIs). IIs explain how individuals envision messages for productive and unproductive outcomes. I compare and contrast Buber’s notion of “inner dialogue” with the contemporary construct of II. II conflict–linkage theory is highlighted, including sample dialogue accounts as well as a sample of theorems.
An initial program of research examining imagined interactions in everyday life is describe. Imagined interactions are a type of cognition in which individuals imagine themselves having dialogue with others. They reflect a type of imagery in which communicators experience various message strategies with others. A multidimensional instrument reflecting imagined interaction characteristics has resulted in eight dimensions of imagined interaction features. Imagined interactions may serve a variety of functions including rehearsal, increasing self-understanding, and catharsis in the form of tension relief from anxiety-producing situations. Therapeutic benefits also accrue from imagined interactions.
Southern Communication Journal, 2015
Using data from 485 college student participants, this study investigated relations among mental representations of conversations and listening behaviors. Results showed low usage of Imagined Interactions (IIs) for rehearsal and self-understanding and high usage of IIs as compensation for interaction were associated with lower reported scores on active-empathic responding. In describing IIs, low levels of proactivity and variety were associated with low reported levels of AEL processing and responding behaviors, suggesting individuals who do not engage in IIs before conversations or imagine a variety of potential conversations to gain understanding do not report engaging in behaviors that act to acknowledge their partners in conversation. The primary contribution of these findings is to forward an empirical integration of intrapersonal and listening research and theory.
Frontiers in Psychology, 2020
The Journal of Psychology, 2014
The two studies presented in the article aimed to empirically verify the tentative typology of internal interlocutors in self-talk proposed in a previous research project. The typology comprised four emotional types: Faithful Friend, Ambivalent Parent, Proud Rival, and Helpless Child. Study 1 involved 98 participants (49 women) and Study 2 involved 114 (55 women), mostly students. In both studies, the names of internal interlocutors were generated by participants as qualitative data, quantified by reference to the standard set of affect terms, and, as affective patterns, subjected to clustering. Study 2 fully confirmed the recent results, whereas Study 1 revealed a new interlocutor type instead of Helpless Child-Calm Optimist. The conducted studies confirm the existence of four main types of inner interlocutors and provide a reason to verify the existence of Calm Optimist.
Journal of Constructivist Psychology, 2008
This article introduces four studies inspired by the theory of the dialogical self. Types of imaginary interlocutors and their psychological functions were considered in Study 1. Four basic types of interlocutors involved in internal dialogues were mentioned: Faithful Friend, Proud Rival, Helpless Child, and Ambivalent Parent. Study 2 concerned relationships among role-playing game (RPG) players and their heroes. The outcomes showed that, if the confrontation with the RPG hero was taken up, it typically led to a new insight concerning mutual connections between the player's usual self and the self of his or her hero, with a simultaneous experience of autonomy and success. Studies 3 and 4 focused on the relationships between internal dialogical activity and personality traits measured by the NEO-PI-R by Costa and McCrae (1992). In Study 3 the respondents having imaginary dialogues scored lower on Assertiveness and higher on Self-Consciousness, Fantasy, Aesthetics, Feelings and Openness than those having monologues. In Study 4 the Dialogical Activity Scale (DAS) corresponded with Openness and Neuroticism, and four facets: Aesthetics, Feelings, Self-Consciousness, and Self-Discipline. The studies were discussed in terms of processes explained by the notion of the dialogical self and their connections to levels of personality described by McCrae and Costa (1999) or McAdams and Pals (2006).
Imagined interactions (IIs) refer to a process of social cognition in which individuals imagine, and therefore, indirectly experience themselves in anticipated and/or past communicative encounters with others. In this manuscript, two groups of participants kept diaries of their daily IIs. In the first study, rehearsal and proactivity were the most frequently reported features. Half of the entries reported only one function for the II. In the second study, catharsis and proactivity were the most frequently reported features, and there were positive associations between the number of II functions and II attributes featured in the diary and the interpersonal cognitive complexity of the participant. The contributions of these findings are discussed in regard to II theory and intrapersonal communication.
This study examines imagined interactions (IIs) among young adults in the United States, Thailand, and Japan. A comparison of means across cultures on II characteristics reveals that the Japanese participants have the widest variety of II partners, whereas the American participants are the most self-dominant in their IIs and demonstrate the most II frequency. As for II functions, Japanese and Thai participants keep conflict alive via their IIs more than the Americans, whereas the Thais utilize the II rehearsal and self-understanding functions the least. The Japanese participants use the II boldness function, which focuses on escaping from societal norms via one’s IIs, more than the Thais and Americans.
Empirical research has revealed a variety of differences in the communication behavior of males and females. This study addresses whether males and females think differently about communication. Imagined interactions are cognitive representations of interactive behavior in which the actor experiences the self to be engaged in communication with another. Results of a study reveal that females have more frequent and pleasant imagined interactions, they imagine more self-words, and they are more likely to imagine and recall the scene of imagined interactions than males.
Communication apprehension (CA) is associated with fear of anticipated communication. Yet, imagined interactions (IIs) can help reduce fear of communication in which individuals use mental imagery before and after to prepare and review communication. A series of regression analyses in which characteristics of IIs were the independent variables was used to predict overall CA, as well as in four different contexts. The regression analysis indicated that CA could be predicted by the II characteristic of discrepancy across multiple contexts. The II catharsis function was predictive in one context. Results are discussed in terms of cognitive modification as a therapeutic technique for treating CA.
Communication Quarterly, 1992
Imagined interactions, internal dialogues experienced as conversations with significant others, are conceptualized as a form of social cognition. Imagined interactions have important affective components and mental imagery. Results of an investigation demonstrate that verbal imagery is associated with self-dominance, rehearsal and understanding while visual imagery is associated with more pleasantness. Pleasant imagined interactions are lower in self-dominance and more similar to actual communication than unpleasant imagined interactions. The results are explained in terms of information processing and relational communication; two categories of imagined interaction reflecting verbal and mixed imagery are also proposed.
Frontiers in Psychology, 2020
Intrapersonal communication occurs in several modes including inner dialogue and self-talk. The Dialogical Self Theory (Hermans, 1996) postulates a polyphonic self that is comprised of a multiplicity of inner voices. Internal dialogical activity implies an exchange of thoughts or ideas between at least two so-called "I-positions" representing specific points of view. Among the functions served by self-talk are self-criticism, selfreinforcement, self-management, and social assessment (Brinthaupt et al., 2009). This paper explores the relationships among different types of internal dialogues and selftalk functions. Participants included college students from Poland (n = 181) and the United States (n = 119) who completed two multidimensional measures of inner dialogue and self-talk. Results indicated moderately strong relationships between inner dialogue types and self-talk functions, suggesting that there is a significant overlap between the two modes of communication. We discuss several implications of these findings for exploring similarities and differences among varieties of intrapersonal communication.
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