Severe Tinnitus and Depressive Symptoms: A Complex Interaction

2011, Otolaryngology–Head and Neck Surgery


Chapter 2a Tinnitus severity and the relation to depressive symptoms: A critical study Chapter 2b Response to: "Severe tinnitus and depressive symptoms: A complex interaction Chapter 3 Tinnitus severity and its association to cognitive and somatic anxiety: A critical study Chapter 4 Tinnitus, anxiety, and automatic processing of affective information: An exploratory study Chapter 5 Is tinnitus a fear-or an anxiety-related problem? A multi-method study 101 Chapter 6 General conclusion and discussion: Towards an understanding of the relationship between tinnitus severity and anxiety-related problems 125 NEDERLANDSTALIGE SAMENVATTING 163 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This doctoral dissertation was written while I was working at the Department of