DNA Recognition by Triple Helix Formation

Sequence-specific DNA Binding Agents


The work presented in this thesis was undertaken in the School of Biological Sciences, University of Southampton between October 2002 and August 2005. Some of the results presented have been published as follows; Rusling, D.A., Brown, T., and Fox, KR. (2006) DNA triple-helix formation at target sites containing mismatches in the duplex. Biophys Chem. In press.

Key takeaways

  • The oligonucleotides shown in Figure 4.3A(i) were designed to position a single nucleoside analogue (X) within a TFO so as to form a central X.ZY triplet upon triplex formation, where ZY is each bp in tum (AT, TA, GC or CG).
  • DNase I footprinting was used to examine DNA triplex formation at the same 12 base pair oligopurine.oligopyrimidine sequence as used in the BAU studies, using oligonucleotides that contain several substitutions of P or Mep for C. Replacement of a single C residue for pMe resulted in a triplex that was as stable as the unmodified triplex at pH 5.0, though both triplexes did not generate footprints at pH 6.0.
  • The second most stable triplex generated with c P in the third strand was with the duplex containing the central CG bp (black line) and was 7 °C lower than that obtained with Gc.
  • In this instance the triplex containing the C+.GC triplet (green line) was more stable than any of the triplexes containing c.GZ mismatches, with a Tm 3.2 °C higher than the next most stable.
  • The triplex containing a G.CG (red line) triplet exhibited a Tm of 41.9 °C, while the triplexes with duplex mismatches were more stable; G.CA (blue line) and G.CC (green line) triplets exhibited Tm values of about 44.5 °C.