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Sequence-specific DNA Binding Agents
The work presented in this thesis was undertaken in the School of Biological Sciences, University of Southampton between October 2002 and August 2005. Some of the results presented have been published as follows; Rusling, D.A., Brown, T., and Fox, KR. (2006) DNA triple-helix formation at target sites containing mismatches in the duplex. Biophys Chem. In press.
BMC biochemistry, 2002
Background: A third DNA strand can bind into the major groove of a homopurine duplex DNA to form a DNA triple helix. Sequence specific triplex formation can be applied for gene targeting, gene silencing and mutagenesis.
Molecular Microbiology, 1992
A novel type of triple-stranded DNA structure was proposed by several groups to play a crucial role in homologous recognition between single-and doublestranded DNA molecules, tn this still putative structure a duplex DNA was proposed to co-ordinate a homologous single strand in its major groove side. In contrast to the well-characterized pyrimidinepurine-pyrimidlne triplexes in which the two like strands are antiparallel and which are restricted to poly-pyrimidine-containing stretches, the homologyspecific triplexes would have like strands in parallei orientation and would not be restricted to any particular sequence provided that there is a homology between interacting DNA molecules. For many years the stereo-chemical possibility of forming homologydependent three-or four-stranded DNA structures during the pairing stage of recombination reactions was seriously considered in published papers. However, only recently has there been a marked increase in the number of papers that have directly tested the formation of triple-stranded DNA structures during the actual pairing stage of the recombination reaction. Unfortunately the results of these tests are not totally clear cut; while some laboratories presented experimental evidence consistent with the formation of triplexes, others studying the same or very similar systems offered alternative explanations. The aim of this review is to present the current state of the central question in the mechanism of homologous recombination, namely, what kind of DNA structure is responsible for DNA homologous recognition. Is it a novel triplex structure or just a classical duplex?
Biochemistry, 1996
We have used DNase I footprinting to examine the formation of antiparallel DNA triple helices on DNA fragments containing the homopurine target sites (GGA) 2 GGX(GGA) 2 GG‚(CCT) 2 CCZ(CCT) 2 CC (where X‚Z is each base pair in turn), with the GA-and GT-rich oligonucleotides, (GGA) 2 GGN(GGA) 2 GG and (GGT) 2 GGN(GGT) 2 GG (N) each base in turn). These were designed to form G‚GC and A‚AT or T‚AT triplets with a central N‚XZ mismatch, which should bind in an antiparallel orientation. We find that almost all combinations generate DNase I footprints at low micromolar concentrations. At each target site, the relative binding of the GA-and GT-containing oligonucleotides was not the same, suggesting that these two triplexes adopt different conformations. For a central GC base pair, the most stable complex is observed with a third strand generating a G‚GC triplet as expected. A‚GC is also stable, especially in the GT oligonucleotides. For a central AT base pair, all four bases form stable complexes though T‚AT is favored for the GA-rich thirds strands and A‚AT for the GT-rich strands. For a central CG base pair, the stable complexes are seen with third strands generating T‚CG triplets, though A‚CG and C‚CG are stable with GT-and GA-containing oligonucleotides, respectively. C‚TA is the best triplet at a central TA base pair. The third strands with central guanines avoided the formation of G‚YR triplets on the fragments containing central pyrimidines, producing DNase I footprints which had slipped relative to the target site. These oligonucleotides bound at a different location, generating complexes containing 11 contiguous stable triplets at the 3′-end of the third strand. The results suggest rules for designing the best third strand oligonucleotides for targeting sequences in which homopurine tracts are interrupted by pyrimidines.
Nucleic Acids Research, 1997
Triple helix formation usually requires an oligopyrimidine•oligopurine sequence in the target DNA. A triple helix is destabilized when the oligopyrimidine•oligopurine target contains one (or two) purine•pyrimidine base pair inversion(s). Such an imperfect target sequence can be recognized by a third strand oligonucleotide containing an internally incorporated acridine intercalator facing the inverted purine•pyrimidine base pair(s). The loss of triplex stability due to the mismatch is partially overcome. The stability of triplexes formed at perfect and imperfect target sequences was investigated by UV thermal denaturation experiments. The stabilization provided by an internally incorporated acridine third strand oligonucleotide depends on the sequences flanking the inverted base pair. For triplexes containing a single mismatch the highest stabilization is observed for an acridine or a propanediol tethered to an acridine on its 3′-side facing an inverted A•T base pair and for a cytosine with an acridine incorporated to its 3′-side or a guanine with an acridine at its 5′-side facing an inverted G•C base pair. Fluorescence studies provided evidence that the acridine was intercalated into the triplex. The target sequences containing a double base pair inversion which form very unstable triplexes can still be recognized by oligonucleotides provided they contain an appropriately incorporated acridine facing the double mismatch sites. Selectivity for an A•T base pair inversion was observed with an oligonucleotide containing an acridine incorporated at the mismatched site when this site is flanked by two T•A*T base triplets. These results show that the range of DNA base sequences available for triplex formation can be extended by using oligonucleotide intercalator conjugates.
Nucleic Acids Research, 1999
The formation of intermolecular DNA triple helices offers the possibility of designing compounds with extensive sequence recognition properties which may be useful as antigene agents or tools in molecular biology. One major limitation of this approach is that these structures are generally restricted to homopurine•homopyrimidine target sites. This review describes the strategies that have been employed to overcome this drawback and outlines the potential for triplex formation at mixed sequence DNA targets.
Biochemistry, 1998
We have prepared a series of seven DNA fragments, based on the 160 base-pair tyrT sequence, which contain 12-14 base-pair oligopurine tracts at different positions, and have examined their availability for triple-helix formation after reconstituting onto nucleosome core particles. By using DNase I footprinting we find that in general, triplexes can only be formed at sites located toward the ends of nucleosomal DNA fragments. For the native fragment, bases 1-145 are in contact with the protein surface. Stable triplexes can be formed on these nucleosome-bound fragments for sites located before position 33 and beyond position 94. These are formed with both CT-containing oligonucleotides, generating parallel triplexes at pH 5.5, and GT-containing oligonucleotides forming antiparallel triplexes at pH 7.5. No antiparallel triplexes were formed at sites located between these positions. Parallel triplexes were also not formed at sites between positions 39-50 and 43-54 with oligonucleotide concentrations as high as 30 µM. However parallel triplex formation was evident at a site between positions 48 and 59, albeit with a reduced affinity compared to free DNA, suggesting that this oligopurine tract is less tightly associated with the nucleosome surface or that it has an altered translational position. The introduction of an oligopurine tract in the vicinity of the nucleosome dyad caused the fragment to adopt a different nucleosomal position, which could be targeted with parallel, but not antiparallel triplexes.
Chemistry & Biology, 2003
openers" for DNA duplexes [10-12], thus enabling hybridization of regular oligonucleotides and related probes with dsDNA via formation of so-called PD-loops [13][14][15]. One more approach, originally called "selective complementarity," is based on the pseudocomplementary strategy ) that makes it possible for a pair of mixed-base modified oligonucleotides to hybridize to dsDNA by strand invasion [16, 17]. Pseudocomplementarity means that two special derivatives of initially paired normal purine and pyrimidine are structurally ad-Summary justed in such a way that they (1) do not match each other but (2) are capable of a stable Watson-Crick-type The well-known Watson-Crick complementarity rules, pairing with the natural nucleobase complements (see which were discovered 50 years ago, elegantly direct for pseudocomplementary modified nucleothe specific pairing of two DNA single strands. On the bases we used). contrary, once formed, the double-stranded (ds) DNA Though robust, these approaches did not provide a lacks such a simple and sequence-universal recognifully satisfactory solution of the problem of dsDNA tartion principle, since most of the characteristic chemigeting by oligonucleotides. Indeed, mostly long oligocal groups of nucleobases are now buried deep inside purine tracts could presently be recognized via triplex the double helix, the major DNA form. We report a formation [6]. Although more general, the PD-looppromising versatile approach for highly selective recbased approach is still limited by purine-rich sequences ognition of designated sites within dsDNA featuring as well [11, 13]. On the other hand, the RecA-assisted considerable practical potential for a variety of molecsequence-unrestricted DNA recognition has much lower ular-biological, biotechnological, gene-therapeutic, specificity as compared to "pure" DNA-DNA (or DNAand diagnostic applications. It may also have implica-
Nucleic Acids Research, 2004
The parallel (recombination)`R-triplex' can accommodate any nucleotide sequence with the two identical DNA strands in parallel orientation. We have studied oligonucleotides able to fold back into such a recombination-like structure. We show that the¯uorescent base analogs 2-aminopurine (2AP) and 6-methylisoxanthopterin (6MI) can be used as structural probes for monitoring the integrity of the triple-stranded conformation and for deriving the thermodynamic characteristics of these structures. A single adenine or guanine base in the third strand of the triplex-forming and the control oligonucleotides, as well as in the double-stranded (ds) and single-stranded (ss) reference molecules, was substituted with 2AP or 6MI. The 2AP*(T´A) and 6MI*(C´G) triplets were monitored by their¯uorescence emission and the thermal denaturation curves were analyzed with a quasi-two-state model. Thē uorescence of 2AP introduced into an oligonucleotide sequence unable to form a triplex served as a negative control. We observed a remarkable similarity between the thermodynamic parameters derived from melting of the secondary structures monitored through absorption of all bases at 260 nm or from uorescence of the single base analog. The similarity suggests that¯uorescence of the 2AP and 6MI base analogs may be used to monitor the structural disposition of the third strand. We consider the data in the light of alternative`branch migration' and strand exchange' structures and discuss why these are less likely than the R-type triplex.
Chemistry - A European Journal, 2011
Nucleic Acids Research, 1992
A significant limitation to the practical application of triplex DNA is its requirement for oligopurine tracts in target DNA sequences. The repertoire of triplex-forming sequences can potentially be expanded to adjacent blocks of purines and pyrimidines by allowing the third strand to pair with purines on alternate strands, while maintaining the required strand polarities by combining the two major classes of base triplets, Py-PuPy and Pu * PuPy. The formation of triplex DNA in this fashion requires no unusual bases or backbone linkages on the third strand. This approach has previously been demonstrated for target sequences of the type 5'-(Pu)n(Py)n-3' in intramolecular complexes. Using affinity cleaving and DNase I footprinting, we show here that intermolecular triplexes can also be formed at both 5'-(Pu)n(Py)n-3' and 5'-(Py)n(Pu)n-3' target sequences. However, triplex formation at a 5'-(Py)n(Pu)n-3' sequence occurs with lower yield. Triplex formation is disfavored, even at acid pH, when a number of contiguous C+ GC base triplets are required. These results suggest that triplex formation via alternate strand recognition at sequences made up of blocks of purines and pyrimidines may be generally feasible.
Nucleic Acids Research, 1999
The ability of single-stranded DNA oligomers to form adjacent triplex and duplex domains with two DNA structural motifs was examined. Helix-coil transition curves and a gel mobility shift assay were used to characterize the interaction of single-stranded oligomers 12-20 nt in length with a DNA hairpin and with a DNA duplex that has a dangling end. The 12 nt on the 5′-ends of the oligomers could form a triplex structure with the 12 bp stem of the hairpin or the duplex portion of the DNA with a dangling end. The 3′-ends of the 17-20 nt strands could form Watson-Crick pairs to the five base loop of the hairpin or the dangling end of the duplex. Complexes of the hairpin DNA with the singlestranded oligomers showed two step transitions consistent with unwinding of the triplex strand followed by hairpin denaturation. Melting curve and gel competition results indicated that the complex of the hairpin and the 12 nt oligomer was more stable than the complexes involving the extended single strands. In contrast, results indicated that the extended single-stranded oligomers formed Watson-Crick base pairs with the dangling end of the duplex DNA and enhanced the stability of the adjacent triplex region.
Biochemical Society Transactions, 2011
Triple-helical nucleic acids are formed by binding an oligonucleotide within the major groove of duplex DNA. These complexes offer the possibility of designing oligonucleotides which bind to duplex DNA with considerable sequence specificity. However, triple-helix formation with natural nucleotides is limited by (i) the requirement for low pH, (ii) the requirement for homopurine target sequences, and (iii) their relatively low affinity. We have prepared modified oligonucleotides to overcome these limitations, including the addition of positive charges to the sugar and/or base, the inclusion of cytosine analogues, the development of nucleosides for recognition of pyrimidine interruptions and the attachment of one or more cross-linking groups. By these means we are able to generate triplexes which have high affinities at physiological pH at sequences that contain pyrimidine interruptions.
Journal of Molecular Biology, 1995
A three-stranded DNA that is a putative intermediate of homologous recombination is a novel DNA triplex, R-form DNA. In R-form DNA the third strand includes both purines and pyrimidines and is parallel to the identical strand of the duplex. To test and refine our previously proposed R-form base triplets we have used two approaches: (1) dimethyl sulfate protection of R-form DNA; and (2) thermal dissociation of R-form DNAs in which the duplex strands were substituted in a strand-specific manner with either 7-deaza-guanine or 7-deaza-adenine. Together, the footprinting and isosteric substitution results demonstrate that the third strand in R-form DNA is in contact with the purines in the N7 position in the major groove of the Watson-Crick duplex in three ((GC):G, (AT):A and (TA):T) out of the four possible triplets. Furthermore, these results suggest that the N7 positions of the duplex play a significant role in stabilizing the DNA-DNA contacts during the homology recognition process.
This year marks the 50th anniversary of the proposal of a double helical structure for DNA by James Watson and Francis Crick. The place of this proposal in the history and development of molecular biology is discussed. Several other discoveries that occurred in the middle of the twentieth century were perhaps equally important to our understanding of cellular processes; however, none of these captured the attention and imagination of the public to the same extent as the double helix. The existence of multiple forms of DNA and the uses of DNA in biological technologies is presented. DNA is also finding increasing use as a material due to its rather unusual structural and physical characteristics as well as its ready availability.
International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2001
Differential scanning calorimetric (DSC), circular dichroism (CD) and molecular mechanics studies have been performed on two triple helices of DNA. The target duplex consists of 16 base pairs in alternate sequence of the type 5%-(purine) m (pyrimidine) m -3%. In both the triplexes, the third oligopyrimidine strand crosses the major groove at the purine-pyrimidine junction, with a simultaneous binding of the adjacent purine tracts on alternate strands of the Watson-Crick duplex. The switch is ensured by a non-nucleotide linker, the 1,2,3 propanetriol residue, that joins two 3%-3% phosphodiester ends. The third strands differ from each other for a nucleotide in the junction region. The resulting triple helices were termed 14-mer-PXP and 15-mer-PXP (where P= phosphate and X= 1,2,3-propanetriol residue) according to the number of nucleotides that compose the third strand. DSC data show two independent processes: the first corresponding to the dissociation of the third strand from the target duplex, the second to the dissociation of the double helix in two single strands. The two triple helices show the same stability at pH 6.6. At pH 6.0, the 15-mer-PXP triplex is thermodynamically more stable than the 14-mer-PXP triplex. Thermodynamic data are discussed in relation to structural models. The results are useful when considering the design of oligonucleotides that can bind in an antigene approach to the DNA for therapeutic purposes.
ACS Omega, 2020
DNase I footprints of intermolecular DNA triplexes are often accompanied by enhanced cleavage at the 3′-end of the target site at the triplex-duplex junction. We have systematically studied the sequence dependence of this effect by examining oligonucleotide binding to sites flanked by each base in turn. For complexes with a terminal T.AT triplet, the greatest enhancement is seen with ApC, followed by ApG and ApT, with the weakest enhancement at ApA. Similar DNase I enhancements were observed for a triplex with a terminal C + .GC triplet, though with little difference between the different GpN sites. Enhanced reactivity to diethylpyrocarbonate was observed at As that flank the triplex-duplex junction at AAA or AAC but not AAG or AAT. Fluorescence melting experiments demonstrated that the flanking base affected the stability with a 4 °C difference in T m between a flanking C and G. Sequences that produced the strongest enhancement correlated with those having the lower thermal stability. These results are interpreted in terms of oligonucleotide-induced changes in DNA structure and/or flexibility.
Biochip Journal, 2011
High capability to distinguish single-nucleotide mismatches of genes using short oligonucleotide probes is essential in diagnostic methods for identification of point mutations and single nucleotide polymorphisms. To investigate the feasibility of using an aziridine-treated surface containing hyper-branched amine groups to discriminate single-nucleotide mismatches in a human gene, target probes for exons 5-8 of the p53 gene from liver cancer cells were hybridized with four types of surface-bound capture probes, one for perfect match and three for central single-nucleotide mismatches. The aziridine slide with high DNA-loading capacity exhibited greater ability to detect single-nucleotide mismatch than did the generic amine slide. When a T30 tether was linked to the capture probe, the mismatch discrimination capability increased when using a chemical cross-linker, but decreased when using UV irradiation for cross-linking. DNA duplexes had lower melting temperatures when the single-nucleotide mismatch was in the central region than when it was in the terminal region regardless of the type of mismatched nucleotide. Our results suggest that capture probes attached to the aziridine surface can effectively identify point mutations in a genomic sequence or and can estimate the affinity of gene-specific antisense oligonucleotide probes.
Biochemistry, 1995
The ligands form a series of quinoline derivatives with an alkylamine chain in the 4-position and different aryl substituents in the 2-position. By themselves these compounds do not alter DNase I digestion of the DNA duplexes at concentrations up to 100 p M. At a concentration of 10 p M they potentiate triplex formation, lowering the concentration of oligonucleotide required to produce a clear footprint by as much as 100-fold. As well as stabilizing triplexes which consist of well-characterized DNA triplets, they also promote the formation of complexes which contain central triplet mismatches. This reduction in the stringency of triple helix formation may be used to broaden the range of triplex target sequences and enable recognition at sites which contain short regions for which there are no good triplet matches.
Nucleic Acids Research, 1991
We have used a photofootprinting assay to study intermolecular and intramolecular DNA triplexes. The assay is based on the fact that the DNA duplex is protected against photodamage (specifically, against the formation of the (6 -4) pyrimidlne photoproducts) within a triplex structure. We have shown that this is the case for PyPuPu (YRR) as well as PyPuPy (YRY) triplexes. Using the photofootprinting assay, we have studied the triplex formation under a variety of experimentally defined conditions. At acid pH,
This article appeared in a journal published by Elsevier. The attached copy is furnished to the author for internal non-commercial research and education use, including for instruction at the authors institution and sharing with colleagues. Other uses, including reproduction and distribution, or selling or licensing copies, or posting to personal, institutional or third party websites are prohibited. In most cases authors are permitted to post their version of the article (e.g. in Word or Tex form) to their personal website or institutional repository. Authors requiring further information regarding Elsevier's archiving and manuscript policies are encouraged to visit: Protein domains constructed from tandem a-helical repeats have until recently been primarily associated with protein scaffolds or RNA recognition. Recent crystal structures of human mitochondrial termination factor MTERF1 and Bacillus cereus alkylpurine DNA glycosylase AlkD bound to DNA revealed two new superhelical tandem repeat architectures capable of wrapping around the double helix in unique ways. Unlike DNA sequence recognition motifs that rely mainly on major groove read-out, MTERF and ALK motifs locate target sequences and aberrant nucleotides within DNA by resculpting the double-helix through extensive backbone contacts. Comparisons between MTERF and ALK repeats, together with recent advances in ssRNA recognition by Pumilio/FBF (PUF) domains, provide new insights into the fundamental principles of protein–nucleic acid recognition.
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