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2006, International Mathematics Research Notices
Letḡ be a complex simple Lie algebra of rank , g the affine Lie algebra associated withḡ: g =ḡ⊗C[t, t −1 ] ⊕ CK ⊕ CD, where K is the central element and D is the degree operator. A weight λ of g is called a critical weight if λ + ρ, K = 0. A critical weight λ is called generic if λ + ρ, α ∨ ∈ Z >0 for all α ∈ ∆ re + , where ∆ re + is the set of positive real roots of g. Let L(λ) be the irreducible g-module of highest weight λ. Theorem 1. If λ is a generic critical weight, then ch L(λ) = e λ α∈∆ re + (1 − e −α) −1. Theorem 1 was conjectured by V. Kac and D. Kazhdan [KK]. It has been proved by different methods: for sl 2 by M. Wakimoto [Wk], N. Wallach [Wl]; for the classical type affine Lie algebras by T. Hayashi [H] and R. Goodman and N. Wallach [GW]; for general affine Lie algebras by B. Feigin and E. Frenkel [FF1] 1 , J. M. Ku [Ku] and G. Kuroki [Kr]. See also the results in finite characteristic by O. Mathieu [M]; for affine Lie superalgebras by M. Gorelik [G] The purpose of this note is to give a yet another proof of Theorem 1. We show that Theorem 1 easily follows as a corollary of a general result [A2] on the quantized Drinfeld-Sokolov reduction [FF2, FKW].
We study the representations of the W-algebra W(g) associated to an arbitrary finite-dimensional simple Lie algebra g via the quantized Drinfeld-Sokolov reductions. The characters of irreducible representations with non-degenerate highest weights are expressed by Kazhdan-Lusztig polynomials. The irreduciblity conjecture of Frenkel, Kac and Wakimoto is proved completely for the "-" reduction and partially for the "+" reduction. In particular, the existence of the minimal series representations (= the modular invariant representations) of W(g) is proved.
Inventiones Mathematicae, 1999
A well known theorem of Duflo claims that the annihilator of a Verma module in the enveloping algebra of a complex semisimple Lie algebra is generated by its intersection with the centre. For a Lie superalgebra this result fails to be true. For instance, in the case of the orthosymplectic Lie superalgebra osp(1, 2), Pinczon gave in [Pi] an example of a Verma module whose annihilator is not generated by its intersection with the centre of universal enveloping algebra. More generally, Musson produced in [Mu1] a family of such "singular" Verma modules for osp(1, 2l) cases. In this article we give a necessary and sufficient condition on the highest weight of a osp(1, 2l)-Verma module for its annihilator to be generated by its intersection with the centre. This answers a question of Musson. The classical proof of the Duflo theorem is based on a deep result of Kostant which uses some delicate algebraic geometry reasonings. Unfortunately these arguments can not be reproduced in the quantum and super cases. This obstruction forced Joseph and Letzter, in their work on the quantum case (see [JL]), to find an alternative approach to the Duflo theorem. Following their ideas, we compute the factorization of the Parthasarathy-Ranga-Rao-Varadarajan (PRV) determinants. Comparing it with the factorization of Shapovalov determinants we find, unlike to the classical and quantum cases, that the PRV determinant contains some extrafactors. The set of zeroes of these extrafactors is precisely the set of highest weights of Verma modules whose annihilators are not generated by their intersection with the centre. We also find an analogue of Hesselink formula (see [He]) giving the multiplicity of every simple finite dimensional module in the graded component of the harmonic space in the symmetric algebra. Consider the case l = 1, i.e. g = osp(1, 2), which has been treated by Pinczon. In this case, any g-Verma module M , viewed as a g 0-module, is the direct sum of two g 0-Verma modules M 0 and M 1. Let C 0 be a Casimir element for g 0. Then C 0 acts by scalars c i on M i (i=0,1). In general, c 1 = c 0 , and in this case, Pinczon proved that Ann M = U(g) Ann Z(g) M. However when the highest weight of M equals −ρ, one has c 1 = c 0 and so C 0 − c 0 belongs to the annihilator of M. It is easy to check that (C 0 − c 0) ∈ U(g) Ann Z(g) M. Consequently, the annilihilator theorem doesn't hold in full generality.
Journal of Algebra, 1990
Let g be a finite dimensional complex simple Lie algebra and 2 the associated affine Lie algebra. Let V be a finite dimensional irreducible g-module and X an integrable highest weight &module. We show that the tensor product of X with the space L(V) of loops in V is reducible if the highest weight of X is "large" compared with that of V. (This complements the result of a previous paper in which we showed that the tensor product is irreducible if the highest weight of A' is "smali" compared with that of V.) The proof makes use of a Lie superalgebra constructed from t and V. '
Inventiones Mathematicae, 1998
We present a direct analytic approach to the Guillemin-Sternberg conjecture [GS] that`geometric quantization commutes with symplectic reduction', which was proved recently by Meinrenken [M1], [M2] and Vergne [V1], [V2] et al. Besides providing a new proof of this conjecture, our methods also lead immediately to further extensions in various contexts.
arXiv: Quantum Algebra, 2003
We prove a vanishing theorem of the cohomology arising from the two quantized Drinfeld-Sokolov reductions ("+" and "−" reduction) introduced by Feigin-Frenkel and Frenkel-Kac-Wakimoto. As a consequence, the vanishing conjecture of Frenkel-Kac-Wakimoto is proved for the "−" reduction and partially for the "+" reduction.
Journal of Algebra, 2006
In this paper, we prove the conjecture on the polynomial behavior of weight multiplicities for affine Lie algebras of type A (1) r , which was originally due to Benkart and Kass. More precisely, we prove that the degree of the weight multiplicity function m λ (μ) is equal to the depth associated with dominant integral weights λ and μ, and compute the leading coefficient of m λ (μ) explicitly in terms of a Kostka number. As applications, we verify other conjectures on the leading coefficient of m λ (μ), and the polynomial behavior of weight multiplicities for classical Lie algebras of type A r .
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 1993
We exhibit a simple algorithmic procedure to show that any element of a compact Lie algebra is conjugate to an element of a fixed maximal abelian subalgebra. An estimate of the convergence of the algorithm is obtained. As an application, we provide a new proof of Kostant's theorem on the projection of orbits onto a maximal abelian subalgebra.
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 2000
Let q be a complex not a root of unity and g be a semi-simple Lie C-algebra. Let Uq(g) be the quantized enveloping algebra of Drinfeld and Jimbo, Uq(n −) ⊗ U 0 ⊗ Uq(n) be its triangular decomposition, and Cq[G] the associated quantum group. We describe explicitly Fract Uq(n) and Fract Cq[G] as a quantum Weyl field. We use for this a quantum analogue of the Taylor lemma.
International Mathematics Research Notices, 2017
Let A be an AH algebra, that is, A is the inductive limit C *-algebra of A 1 φ 1,2 − − → A 2 φ 2,3 − − → A 3 −→ • • • −→ A n −→ • • • with A n = tn i=1 P n,i M [n,i] (C(X n,i))P n,i , where X n,i are compact metric spaces, t n and [n, i] are positive integers, and P n,i ∈ M [n,i] (C(X n,i)) are projections. Suppose that A has the ideal property: each closed two-sided ideal of A is generated by the projections inside the ideal, as a closed two-sided ideal. Suppose that sup n,i dim(X n,i) < +∞. In this article, we prove that A can be written as the inductive limit of B 1 −→ B 2 −→ • • • −→ B n −→ • • • , where B n = sn i=1 Q n,i M {n,i} (C(Y n,i))Q n,i , where Y n,i are {pt}, [0, 1], S 1 , T II,k , T III,k and S 2 (all of them are connected simplicial complexes of dimension at most three), s n and {n, i} are positive integers and Q n,i ∈ M {n,i} (C(Y n,i)) are projections. This theorem unifies and generalizes the reduction theorem for real rank zero AH algebras due to Dadarlat and Gong ([D], [G3] and [DG]) and the reduction theorem for simple AH algebras due to Gong (see [G4]).
Selecta Mathematica, 1996
In the paper [Dr3] V.Drinfeld formulated a number of problems in quantum group theory. In particular, he raised the question about the existence of a universal quantization for Lie bialgebras, which arose from the problem of quantization of Poisson Lie groups. When the paper [KL] appeared Drinfeld asked whether the methods of [KL] could be useful for the problem of universal quantization of Lie bialgebras. This paper gives a positive answer to a number of Drinfeld's questions, using the methods and ideas of [KL]. In particular, we show the existence of a universal quantization. We plan to provide positive answers to most of the remaining questions in [Dr3] in the following papers of this series.
Advances in Mathematics, 2022
Generalized affine Grassmannian slices provide geometric realizations for weight spaces of representations of semisimple Lie algebras. They are also Coulomb branches, symplectic dual to Nakajima quiver varieties. In this paper, we prove that neighbouring generalized affine Grassmannian slices are related by Hamiltonian reduction by the action of the additive group. We also prove a weaker version of the same result for their quantizations, algebras known as truncated shifted Yangians. λ µ is a geometric incarnation of the weight space, V (λ) µ , of an irreducible representation of g ∨ , it is natural to try to use generalized affine Grassmannian slices and their quantizations to construct categorical g ∨-actions. To a certain extent, this was carried out in [KTWWY], where we proved (in simplylaced type) an equivalence of categories between the category O for Y λ µ and a category of modules for a Khovanov-Lauda-Rouquier-Webster algebra. By transport de structure, this leads to a categorical g ∨-action on these category Os. This leads to the natural question of how to express this categorical action in a manner more intrinsic to the algebras Y λ µ. In order to answer this question, we would like to relate the algebras Y λ µ and Y λ µ+α ∨ i. This was our main motivation for developing Theorem 1.5. However, we have not been able (thus far) to use Theorem 1.5 to express the categorical g ∨-action. On the other hand, in a forthcoming work [KWWY2], joint with Webster and Yacobi, we will construct a different relationship between Y λ µ and Y λ µ+α ∨ i , which is grounded in their Coulomb branch realizations. Using this relationship, we can express the categorical g ∨-action. The exact relation between these two papers remains mysterious. 1.6. Possible generalization. We will now discuss Theorem 1.2 from the Coulomb branch perspective. Fix a reductive group H and a representation V of H. Given such a pair, Braverman-Finkelberg-Nakajima [BFN1] defined a certain Poisson variety M C (H, V), called the Coulomb branch. Now fix also a coweight γ : C × → G and let L γ be the centralizer of γ, this is a Levi subgroup. Let V γ be the invariants for this C ×. We learned of the following conjecture from Justin Hilburn. Conjecture 1.6. There is an isomorphism between M C (L γ , V γ) and an open subset of M C (H, V).
Communications in Mathematical Physics, 1992
Using the cohomological approach to W^-algebras, we calculate characters and fusion coefficients for their representations obtained from modular invariant representations of affine algebras by the quantized Drinfeld-Sokolov reduction.
arXiv (Cornell University), 2000
Communications in Mathematical Physics, 2014
Journal of The Australian Mathematical Society, 2000
We show that a quantum Verma-type module for a quantum group associated to an affine Kac-Moody algebra is characterized by its subspace of finite-dimensional weight spaces. In order to do this we prove an explicit equivalence of categories between a certain category containing the quantum Verma modules and a category of modules for a subalgebra of the quantum group for which the finite part of the Verma module is itself a module.
The notion of deformation quantization, motivated by ideas coming from both physics and mathematics, was introduced in classical papers [2, 7, 8]. Roughly speaking, a deformation quantization of a Poisson manifold (P, { , }) is a formal associative product on (Fun P)[[]] given by f 1 ⋆ f 2 = f 1 f 2 + c(f 1 , f 2) + O(2) for any f 1 , f 2 ∈ Fun P , where the skew-symmetric part of c is equal to { , }, and the coefficients of the series for f 1 ⋆ f 2 should be given by bi-differential operators. The fact that any Poisson manifold can be quantized in this sense was proved by Kontzevich in [15]. However, finding exact formulas for specific cases of Pois-son brackets is an interesting separate problem. There are several well-known examples of such explicit formulas. One of the first was the Moyal product quan-tizing the standard symplectic structure on R 2n. Another one is the standard quantization of the Kirilov-Kostant-Souriau bracket on the dual space g * to a Lie algebra g (see [10]...
Transformation Groups, 2003
Let G be a simply connected semi-simple complex Lie group and fix a maximal unipotent subgroup U − of G. Let q be an indeterminate and let's denote by B * the dual canonical basis, [18], of the quantized algebra C q [U − ] of regular functions on U −. Following [19], fix a Z N ≥0-parametrization of this basis, where N =dimU −. In [2], A. Berenstein and A. Zelevinsky conjecture that two elements of B * q-commute if and only if they are multiplicative, i.e. their product is an element of B * up to a power of q. For all reduced decompositionw 0 of the longest element of the Weyl group of g, we associate a subalgebra Aw 0 , called adapted algebra, of C q [U − ] such that 1) Aw 0 is a q-polynomial algebra which equals C q [U − ] up to localization, 2) Aw 0 is spanned by a subset of B * , 3) the Berenstein-Zelevinsky conjecture is true on Aw 0. Then, we test the conjecture when one element belongs to the q-center of C q [U − ].
Compositio Mathematica, 2012
We study the restricted category 𝒪 for an affine Kac–Moody algebra at the critical level. In particular, we prove the first part of the Feigin–Frenkel conjecture: the linkage principle for restricted Verma modules. Moreover, we prove a version of the Bernstein–Gelfand–Gelfand-reciprocity principle and we determine the block decomposition of the restricted category 𝒪. For the proofs, we need a deformed version of the classical structures, so we mostly work in a relative setting.
Communications in Mathematical Physics, 2008
We study classical twists of Lie bialgebra structures on the polynomial current algebra g [u], where g is a simple complex finite-dimensional Lie algebra. We focus on the structures induced by the so-called quasi-trigonometric solutions of the classical Yang-Baxter equation. It turns out that quasi-trigonometric r-matrices fall into classes labelled by the vertices of the extended Dynkin diagram of g. We give complete classification of quasi-trigonometric r-matrices belonging to multiplicity free simple roots (which have coefficient 1 in the decomposition of the maximal root). We quantize solutions corresponding to the first root of sl(n).
Communications in Mathematical Physics, 2003
We extend the homological method of quantization of generalized Drinfeld–Sokolov reductions to affine superalgebras. This leads, in particular, to a unified representation theory of superconformal algebras.
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