The Role of ICT in Knowledge Management Processes: A Review



Managing knowledge nowadays has become an important ingredient in enhancing and promoting the efficient role of knowledge within organizations. The KM aim of facilitating the organizational processes, improves operation, decision making, short customer response time and many other benefits to the system. Many organizations capture, create, transfer and reuse of knowledge deep down and outside the formations for the intent of achieving goals and clear competitive advantages. Thepurpose of this paper is to review the role of ICT in KM. Specifically, the report means to focus on the roles that ICT plays in knowledge management operations. The methods used to undertake this paper are collecting information from published journals, group discussion paper, and books from the range of the year 2000 to 2017.The results manifest that the ICT has proven to be a most important tool to enhance and advance the knowledge management and its processes within the arrangements. As well, all the same,...