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Managing knowledge nowadays has become an important ingredient in enhancing and promoting the efficient role of knowledge within organizations. The KM aim of facilitating the organizational processes, improves operation, decision making, short customer response time and many other benefits to the system. Many organizations capture, create, transfer and reuse of knowledge deep down and outside the formations for the intent of achieving goals and clear competitive advantages. Thepurpose of this paper is to review the role of ICT in KM. Specifically, the report means to focus on the roles that ICT plays in knowledge management operations. The methods used to undertake this paper are collecting information from published journals, group discussion paper, and books from the range of the year 2000 to 2017.The results manifest that the ICT has proven to be a most important tool to enhance and advance the knowledge management and its processes within the arrangements. As well, all the same,...
Now a days an organization " s competitive capability is intrinsically tied to the ability to rapidly collaborate with customers and key stakeholders. The knowledge is necessary to drive critical business processes is available where it needs to be, when it needs to be. The different market factors have contributed to the growth of and interest in knowledge management. A major factor in this modification of knowledge is the role technology has played in providing instant access to and dissemination of information. The communication technologies are viewed as tools for creating knowledge as individuals, communities and organizations connect, interact, explore and problem solve together. Consequently, education systems have promoted communication technology as an answer to facilitating learning that is creative and complex and produces new knowledge that is innovative, transformative and transferable. In this paper we address the technological aspect; more precisely we survey available of information technology that support different knowledge management activities. We categorize these tools into classes, based on their capabilities and functionality and show what tasks and knowledge processing operations they support.
AMCIS 2000 Proceedings, 2000
Effective knowledge management is becoming crucial for the survival of business organizations due to their increasing reliance on knowledge work. Information technology (IT) plays a key role in enabling knowledge management. The objective of this research is to understand the ...
While various organizations have invested in knowledge management (KM), it is not part of day-to-day business. Technology plays a major role in KM, aiding in the creation, transfer, sharing and storage of knowledge, making it an integral part of KM processes. technology's involvement in KM and how it can contribute effectively to the KM objectives of the implementing organization. However, there is a lack of depth in the implementations for KM. Most of the there is a weak foundation upon which KM is built. The theoretical framework for technological use in KM is not solidly developed, resulting in an unstructured approach towards This is as a result of the inter-disciplinary nature of KM, which has led to academics concentrating more on certain disciplines contributing to KM, such as management and social aspects of KM, while disciplines information technology (IT) have not received adequate attention and review. There is therefore need to analyze the issues that are of signific...
International Journal of Engineering Sciences & Research Technology, 2013
While various organizations have invested in knowledge management (KM), it is not part of day-to-day business. Technology plays a major role in KM, aiding in the creation, transfer, sharing and storage of knowledge, making it an integral part of KM processes. technology's involvement in KM and how it can contribute effectively to the KM objectives of the implementing organization. However, there is a lack of depth in the implementations for KM. Most of the there is a weak foundation upon which KM is built. The theoretical framework for technological use in KM is not solidly developed, resulting in an unstructured approach towards This is as a result of the inter-disciplinary nature of KM, which has led to academics concentrating more on certain disciplines contributing to KM, such as management and social aspects of KM, while disciplines information technology (IT) have not received adequate attention and review. There is therefore need to analyze the issues that are of significance to the use of technology in KM. This paper provides a review important to the successful utilization of technology for KM, offers solutions which will help create a theoretical framework for technological implementations for KM and identifies research areas in KM which can be instrumental in KM's use of technology at large.
Knowledge constitutes a wide and complex matter which has provided a definition for the epistemological dispute in the philosophy of the West since the times of the classical Greek era. Nonetheless, in the recent years, great interest has occurred in approaching knowledge as an important organizational resource. The increased interest in organizational knowledge and knowledge management originates from the conversion into the area of knowledge economy, in which it is perceived as the primary source of the creation of value and sustainable competitive advantage. Knowledge Management (KM) constitutes an integral part of the business world in contemporary times. This can be seen at a time of analyzing the modern literature of business, management, technology as well as organization. This worker views and interprets KM literature in enterprises. The main aim of the research is to summarize literature on the subject of Knowledge Management (KM) and to get the sense of the primary concept...
Journal of Software, 2012
Recent developments in the domain of information and communication technology (ICT), and its impact on the facilitation of knowledge management (KM), are critical in today's digital economy. This research study, through extensive literature reviews, identified constructs for the implementation of KM systems in order to study the effect of ICT on the implementation of KM in a business environment. The mixed-mode methodology was adopted to explore the effects of ICT on KM implementations, via a survey instrument developed through interviews. Through 80 organisations, 400 usable surveys were collected and used. The findings of this this study suggest that constructs such as "collaboration", "mutual trust", "leadership", "learning", incentive and rewards", and "T-shape skills" have the potential to support KM in the business environment. However, constructs such as "formalization" and "noncentralization" are not critical. This is the first study of its kind and the findings are associated only with four cities in India. Further research is required before generalizing the findings of this study.
Engineering Management Research, 2017
While investigating the growth of knowledge management in academic literature and in consultancy firms Wilson (2002) in his article “The nonsense of knowledge management”, argues that the fields of information science and information systems, should clearly distinguish between the term “information” and “knowledge” in order to assure their respective importance within organizations.The purpose of this article is to analyze the evolution of the knowledge management as a field of study that clearly differentiates itself from the information system. It investigates the integration of technology in knowledge creation and identifies progress made in KM on the subject of business using information system with the successful utilization of tacit knowledge concepts.The study consists of a systemic review of articles on knowledge management from Web of Science and Esearch databases since 2003. The study used three search strings “knowledge management”, “knowledge management” and “tacit”, and...
Knowledge management (KM) is going through a challenging time. Interest in knowledge management in the corporate world is waning across the board. According to a major consulting firm, for the first time since its inception as an important management tool in early 1990s KM has fallen out of management's priority list this year. It is one more reason why a number of academics are questioning the viability of KM as a worthy concept and its right to be an academic discipline. There are multiple issues that have facilitated the growing ambiguity around the concept. First, ever since the concept emerged, some members of KM community have opposed the name knowledge management. According to this group, this moniker is a misnomer and an oxymoron. They consider that knowledge cannot be managed hence the name does not make any sense. Their rational is as, often, subject name embodies and exemplifies what the subject is about it creates considerable opacity in the understanding of the true nature of the notion. Second, the concept of knowledge management evolved from the idea of information technology management. Technology is a key enabler and a pillar of knowledge management. However, undue focus on technology in the early stage of knowledge management has, in many cases, brought dubious results putting a damper on the enthusiastic sprouting of knowledge management use. Third, lack of proper theoretical and philosophical foundation bifurcated the concept in two ideologies: subjectivist and objectivist. Each of these views propagates its strategy and focuses on different priorities. Recent studies show that the KM initiative based on just one of the two strategies does not always produce desired outcome. Fourth, in today's evolving market, management concerns and needs are changing rapidly. Because of the superficial constraint internally imposed by KM as a discipline, it is failing to engulf new adjacent concepts as they emerge. Big data, for example, is a case in point. Grounding on the ideas taken from previously emerged new disciplines the author argues that the concept of knowledge management should be augmented and renamed as "Knowledge Science." The domain of the new discipline, the paper suggests, should encompass all aspects of knowledge not just management of knowledge activities.
The large daily amount of new data, information and knowledge means that fast access to those that are critical for individual organization is of utmost importance for a competitive advantage. Knowledge management is the key factor in achieving this goal and consequently in a development of a successful organization. This approach to handling organisation’s knowledge assets includes various elements and processes and has several supportive infrastructure elements, one of them being information technology. Implementation of knowledge management nowadays implies, or is even unimaginable without the use of at least some of this technology. Because of its importance, there is a wealth of information technology solutions for knowledge management aimed at various purposes and types of organizations, covering some aspects or offering integrated solution. This paper gives an overview of literature covering the research of use of information technology for knowledge management. It also gives...
MIS quarterly, 2001
Knowledge is a broad and abstract notion that has defined epistemological debate in western philosophy since the classical Greek era. In the past few years, however, there has been a raging interest in treating knowledge as a significant organizational resource. The heightened interest in organizational knowledge and knowledge management stems from the transition into the knowledge economy, where knowledge is viewed as the principle source of value creation and sustainable competitive advantage. Consistent with the growing interest in organizational knowledge and knowledge management (KM), recently IS researchers have been promoting a class of information systems, referred to as knowledge management systems (KMS). The objective of KMS is to support construction, sharing and application of knowledge in organizations. Knowledge and knowledge management are complex and multi-faceted concepts. Thus, effective development and implementation of KMS requires a foundation in several rich literatures.
This paper aims to provide the organizational roles to implement knowledge management. The focus is on how to devise and implement knowledge management where it is required and provides a common understanding about KM in implementation area. This paper also provides a general review on KM systems, KM architecture, KM process, KM strategy and KM critical success factors.
IntroductIon Rapid changes in the field of knowledge management (KM) have to a great extent resulted from the dramatic progress we have witnessed in the field of information and communication technology. ICT allows the movement of information at increasing speeds and efficiencies, and thus facilitates sharing as well as accelerated growth of knowledge. For example, computers capture data from measurements of natural phenomena, and then quickly manipulate the data to better understand the phenomena they represent. Increased computer power at lower prices enables the measurement of increasingly complex processes , which we possibly could only imagine before. Thus, ICT has provided a major impetus for enabling the implementation of KM applications. Moreover, as learning has accrued over time in the area of social and structural mechanisms, such as through mentoring and retreats that enable effective knowledge sharing, it has made it possible to develop KM applications that best leverag...
Desidoc Journal of Library Information Technology, 2003
ABSTRACT Knowledge management describes the way in which organisations are attempting to capture, enhance, and use the knowledge necessary for their survival. In this paper, the author discusses about concept of knowledge management, contribution of ...
International Journal of Knowledge Management, 2020
Over of the past several years, there have been rigorous discussions about the significance of knowledge management (KM) within the organization and the society. The management of knowledge is endorsed as a significant and essential factor for organizational existence and maintenance of ambitious strength. This article provides an in-depth knowledge of factors affecting KM. Literatures from 1992 to 2018 are covered in this article, 169 research papers have been explored which are related to classification of knowledge, factors affecting KM, KM tools and its planning & application. Various frameworks related to the successful implementation of KM and KM implementation tools proposed by previous authors are presented in this research article. KM is defined, classification of KM is presented, factors affecting KM are shown and its implementation strategies & tools are elucidated in available literatures in discrete manner.
Upgrade. The European Online Magazine for the IT Professional, 2002
In these days, knowledge management is receiving attention all over the world. This globalization aspect is reflected in this special issue as the contributions were collected by two guest editors living on the opposite sides of the world: Xavier Alamán in Spain and myself in Australia. Being connected only by the global communication system e-mail, we worked on providing a good overview of the field and on digging more deeply into a few selected areas. Editing a special issue is always a challenge but for a number of reasons ...
This article gives a brief introduction about Knowledge Management (KM), its need, definition, components, KM assets, challenges and processes of KM initiative at any organisation. It also provides a narration on how the KM initiative has been adopted at ICICI OneSource, to support the achievement of its Business Process Outsourcing objectives. Both knowledge sharing as well as reuse need to be encouraged and recognized at the individual employee level as well as the company level. This is best done by measuring and rewarding knowledgeperformance. Sustained strategic commitment and a corporate culture that is conducive to knowledge-performance are vital for success in Knowledge Management. The paper concludes with suggestions for the implication for policy and future practices.
The paper reviews knowledge management in digital business world. Knowledge management has been recognized by various industry sector as the key driver for business growth and a central mechanism for effective collaboration, sharing of knowledge in precise time and a pertinent productive parameter. The first section of the paper provides brief about the knowledge management and how internet and intranet have influenced the working model of business and how it has aided necessary knowledge sharing within an organization. The next section provides highlights about the business and factors that impacted information sharing and productivity in absence of digital influence to knowledge management function followed by how digitization can bring growth. The final section describes the influence of digitization on knowledge management function and studies done on energy and manufacturing sector.It describes how digitization has aided knowledge management and its impact on their business mil...
We live in a knowledge society where economies are knowledge based. Knowledge assets have become the intelligence behind individual and organizational success. Knowledge plays a role in contributing to the economic development of developing countries including Kenya through job creation, reduction of operational costs, improvement in revenue collection and improved operational performance in organizations. These knowledge assets come in many forms of content including text, graphics, sound and video and as tacit knowledge embedded in human minds which is known as human and structural capital. Knowledge therefore is an important competitive asset in these competitive economies; however it faces challenges that include lack of familiarity and access to new and changing technology. The overall purpose of this paper is to report on the information communication technologies ICTs and impact of ICTs in managing knowledge. It explains the use of (ICTs) as an enabler for managing knowledge (tacit and explicit) in the knowledge society. Technology should be seen as an enabler of Knowledge Management. ICT tools are used to capture, codify, store and distribute knowledge throughout the organization. ICT tools such as Internet, Intranet, Extranet, Email, Electronic Data Management Systems (EDMS), Decision Support Systems, Expert Systems, Groupware, Wikis, Weblogs, and other shared networked and net-based technologies are used to leverage Knowledge Management processes in the organization. ICTs provide members in an organization with a platform to communicate and to get access to the right information at the right time for the right purpose. Therefore, there should be a balance between knowledge management initiatives and engagement of ICT tools and infrastructure in order to exploit the benefits of Knowledge Management to the fullest.
The rapid development of science and technology today, making organizational management to face challenges and keep innovating. One of the areas in management field that develops in its implementation is knowledge management. In this paper, we will describe the knowledge management which includes history, concept, and process. Understanding knowledge management can be concluded as the management of intellectual property owned by members of the organization and will be utilized for achieving competitive advantage for the organization. The principal process that will be the conclusion in this article is creating knowledge, processes knowledge, distributing knowledge, and using knowledge.
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