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2013, Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences
Our paper aims to present an investigation with reference to difficulties which 20 caregivers that are working in a Care and Assistance Centre are confronted with. We were interested to analyse the sources for caregivers' difficulties in their work with adults and elders with mental disabilities and we have reached to the following findings: caregivers mentioned as sources for their difficulties lack of appreciation for their work (85%), beneficiaries' symptoms and aggressiveness (80%) and their limited expertise in caring for elders with mental disabilities (70%). Suggestions concerning the necessity of developing trainings and counselling services for caregivers are also discussed here.
Background: Patients with dementia (PwD) are primarily cared by a family member or their relatives in India. In managing these patients they often face a number of problems during care and sometimes they do not have any knowledge or understanding of the problems, so problems remain unattended. Objectives: Present study aimed to find out the problems faced by caregivers of dementia patients and management strategies evolved by themselves vis a vis training needs. Methods: The primary caregivers to patients with dementia admitted to the Department of Geriatric Mental Health giving consent were interviewed using a semi-structured proforma. Information regarding sociodemographic details, caregiver tasks, problems in performing care giving tasks and their own management techniques vis a vis need for training in managing the patients were gathered. Results & Discussions: A total of 21 caregivers of patients with dementia consented to participating in the study. They reported that they oft...
Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics, 2010
Volume 36, Issue 3, 2021
Care giving is a difficult task especially when it involves physical or mental retardation, and it leaves marked negative impact on primary caregivers. Alzheimer is one such ailment where the patient is totally dependent on others for each bit of their life, so the care giving of Alzheimer patients become more burdensome. The aim of this research was to examine the burden and difficulties of caregivers dealing with Alzheimer's patient, especially those living at home. Case study method was employed for this research. Eight caregivers were selected purposively, and content analysis was used to examine their perspective regarding burden and challenges. In the assessment of content, the gathered qualitative information was analyzed in a deductive manner. The results of the analysis showed that caregivers face daily challenges in terms of physical and psychological health issues, social support and resources, family conflicts, crisis, and criticism. The outcomes further elaborated t...
Socijalna psihijatrija
U današnjem društvu postoji jasan trend porasta broja osoba starije životne dobi pa time i sve veća statistička značajnost broja osoba oboljelih od Alzheimerove bolesti što generira povećanu potrebu adekvatne skrbi za oboljele. Uz formalne oblike skrbi (pružene od profesionalaca iz sustava zdravstvene i socijalne skrbi), neformalna njega značajan je resurs u pružanju skrbi osobama s demencijom. Neformalni njegovatelji su pojedinci koji se dobrovoljno brinu za člana obitelji ili prijatelja koji se suočava sa bolešću, invaliditetom ili bilo kojim drugim stanjem koje zahtijeva posebnu pažnju. S obzirom na tijek i duljinu trajanja Alzheimerove bolesti i sama skrb za oboljelog je dugotrajna i iscrpljuća, a uključuje sve razine funkcioranja njegovatelja pa ju je potrebno sagledavati u kontekstu kako ekonomskog, tako i emocionalnog, mentalnog i fizičkog stanja njegovatelja. Iako može imati i neke blagotvorne aspekte, skrb za oboljeloga je obično vrlo stresna i može u značajnoj mjesti utjecati na zdravlje i dobrobit njegovatelja te je stoga potrebno razmotriti probleme i opterećenja s kojima se susreću njegovatelji osoba oboljelih od Alzheimerove bolesti. / In modern society, the number of elderly individuals is higher and so is the statistical significance of people living with Alzheimer's disease. This trend results in a higher demand for adequate care for such patients. Along with formal care (provided by social workers and other health care professionals), informal care has become a significant resource in the nursing of individuals with dementia. Informal caregivers are individuals who voluntarily attend to the needs of a family mwember or a frend living with illness, handicap, or any other condition that requires special needs. Considering the course and duration of Alzheimer's disease, the nursing of patients can also be lengthy and exhausting. Moreover, all aspects of a caregiver's job must be taken into consideration starting the mental, emotional, and physical health to nursing expences. Although there are positive aspects, nursing an individual with dementia is extremely stressful and significantly affect the health and wellbeing of the caregiver, and therefore it is necessary to take into consideration all difficulties and problems caregivers of people living with Alzheimer's disease may encounter.
Acta Neuropsychologica, 2023
Aim: Caregivers of persons suffering dementia constitute a group showing a great need to support their mental health, and at the same time largely neglected in terms of receiving this support. In this context, the aim of this article is to propose the Stepped Care 2.0 (S.C. 2.0) model as a systemic solution to mental health care for carers of persons with dementia. Material and method: In this article, we focus on presenting the argumentation that proves the need and validity of introducing the proposed mental health care model for carers of persons with dementia. For this purpose, we draw on the results of our own pilot study, as well as a review of the literature. Results: As the literature review indicates, caring for individuals with dementia is a source of multidimensional burden and deterioration in well-being. Results obtained in our own study indicate that there exists a burden of care among carers of persons with dementia in Poland and their well-being is significantly lower compared to non-carers. Moreover, the results suggest that the degree of negative consequences of being a caregiver varies depending of the degree of patient's disability. The flexibility of support and client-centric approach assumed in the S.C. 2.0 model can provide a good response to the diverse and changing needs of carers of persons with dementia. It can also serve as a kind of hub encompassing and organising existing forms of support for carers. Moreover, the effectiveness of the selected types of support included in this model is confirmed by existing research findings. Conclusions: The need for mental health support for carers of individuals with dementia is undeniable. In the light of the arguments provided, the S.C. 2.0 model is a suitable solution for the systemic organisation of such support.
International Journal of Indian Psychology
The present piece of work attempts to fill this knowledge gap by capturing different shades of caregiving experiences of family members who were engaged in caregiving for their chronically ill family members or relatives. Maximum studies of caregiving indulge in caregivers of mentally ill. This study intends to apprehend how family caregivers in chronic illness perspective create implication of their caring role in the Indian setup.
International Journal of Social Economics, 2009
Purpose -The perception among carers and health professionals is that the health care system remains limited in its effectiveness and accessibility to non-institutionalized people with a mental illness. The objective of this study is to determine the effect of the care recipient's main disabling condition (either physical or mental) on the carer's perceived need for assistance in their role as carer.
Background: Owing to the policy of extramuralization of care in most Western countries older people with severe mental illness have to rely more and more on informal caregivers for daily care. Caregivers themselves are often aged, and although caregiving implies an impact on daily life that exceeds the boundaries of usual informal care, the impact differs across caregivers. Some caregivers seem to suffer more than others, and the differences cannot be fully understood by factors currently known to exacerbate the burden of caregiving. In order to help caregivers reduce the impact of caregiving it is important to gain a deeper understanding of factors influencing the burden and its impact on the caregiver's life. With this in mind, the aim of the study is to explore and understand differences in the impact of long-term caregiving on the quality of life of caregivers who look after older adults with severe mental illness. Methods: A qualitative, associative, inductive strategy and continuous simultaneous coding were used to interpret the data of 19 semi-structured interviews. Results: We identified an underlying psychological factor "perceived freedom of choice" which explains the gross differences in impact, leading to a definition of two main types of caregivers. Depending on how people perceive freedom of choice to provide care, the consequences of caregiving can be characterized as a process of gain (type 1) or loss (type 2). Four influential factors deepen the impact of caregiving for the type 2 caregivers, and two subtypes are identified for this category. Consequences of caregiving are most readily seen in a deteriorating quality of the relationship with the care recipient and in the psychosocial well-being of the caregiver. Conclusions: The concept of freedom of choice adds to our understanding of the differences and explains the variation in impact on the caregivers' life. The type 1 caregiver generally experiences gain whereas type 2 generally experiences loss, which puts the latter group typically at risk of becoming overloaded. Whether people perceive that they have freedom of choice in caregiving is an important consideration in evaluating the type of intervention needed to support caregivers.
Introduction: Caregiver is the person who takes care of the patient from the practical point of view, helping him in managing the disease and carrying out daily activities, but also supporting him on an emotional level. Caregiver burnout is a state of physical, emotional, and mental exhaustion that may be accompanied by a change in attitude from positive and caring to negative and unconcerned. The aim of the study was to understand what factors were associated with having panic attacks or crying crises in the caregivers of our study population. Materials and methods: The study design is observational. An anonymous questionnaire was administered to caregivers of the patients of a hospital for the intensive post-acute rehabilitation from April 2016 to December 2018. The statistical significance level chosen for the entire analysis was 0.05. The covariates to be included were selected using a stepwise backward selection process, with a univariate p-value <0.25 as the main criterion....
Scandinavian Journal of Primary Health Care, 1992
Bjorkhem K, Olsson A, Hallberg IR, Norberg A. Caregivers' experience of providing care for demented persons living at home. Scand J Prim Health Care 1992; LO: 53-9.
International Journal of Care Scholars, 2022
Family caregivers play a significant role in the care of older people. However, their knowledge, practice and needs in the care of older people often overlooked. Therefore, this review was performed to provide an overview of family caregivers' knowledge, practice and needs in the care of older people. A literature search was conducted using the following electronic databases: ProQuest Health and Medical Complete, Wiley Online Library, EBSCO Host, Science Direct and Scopus. Search terms used were "older people", "family caregiver", "knowledge", "practice" and "needs". Two reviewers independently screened the studies and the extracted data. A total of 2115 eligible studies were identified after database search. Only nine studies met the inclusion criteria after full article screening and were included for data extraction. This review of the articles presents a summary of (1) family caregivers' knowledge about the care of older people, (2) family caregivers' practice in the care of older people and (3) family caregivers' needs in the care of older people. The analysis reveals that most of the caregivers addressed a lack of knowledge and poor practice in the care of older people. This review also offers important insight into the needs of family caregivers. Hence, this review recommends further studies on knowledge, practice and needs in the care of older people to identify contextual challenges and provide evidence-based solutions to improve family caregivers' knowledge, practice and needs in the care of older people.
Dementia in later age is an extreme hardship for the affected families. More than 90% of these patients in Bulgaria live with their families. The results from the conducted study pointed out that a big share of the specific problems of these families is related to the lack of communication skills on the part of the relatives of the patient. This was to a great extent due to the lack of information on the characteristics of the process of dementia as well as on the concurrent personality changes in the patient. This article reviews the main difficulties of the families in taking care of patients with dementia as well as clarifies appropriate psychological forms of support aimed at lowering the family distress originating from the disease.
Objectives: family caregivers ’ burden and psychological symptoms have been widely nvestigated but little is known how these affect paid caregivers (PCs) of peo ple with dementia. The primary aim of the study was to describe the PCs socio-demographic characteristics and to measure their burden as well as their knowle dge about dementia. Methods: the Greek version of the Center Epidemiological stu dies Depression Scale (Ces-D), the Zurit Burden Interview and the Alzheimer ’s disease Knowledge Sc ale (ADKS) were self administered. Sociodemograph ic characteristics (age, gender, education etc), careg iving details, income, health care insurance and re lationship with care recipient family were collected for all p aid caregivers. Results: All paid caregivers (n=28) were females. Correlatio n between ZBI and ADKS (r=0.48, p=0.013) was found. The majority of PCs were middle to old-aged women, married and came from eastern European countries. They work and offer care as live-in care giv rs...
Revista da Escola de Enfermagem da USP, 2010
As finalidades deste estudo foram identificar as características dos cuidadores de idosos demenciados, os tipos de demandas de cuidados e relacionar a demanda com o estágio da demência. O estudo seccional e observacional foi conduzido em 2004, com 104 idosos e 90 cuidadores, em Ribeirão Preto/SP, por meio do instrumento OARS e de um questionário para o cuidador. Dos 104 idosos, 66.3% eram mulheres, a idade média de 75.5 anos, sendo que 86.5% deles tinham cuidadores. Entre os cuidadores, 80% eram mulheres, membros da família, com idade média de 52.3 anos. Dedicavam 15.10 horas/dia para a atividade de cuidar, sem nenhuma ajuda. Encontrou-se importante relação entre a sobrecarga do cuidador, o esforço físico e emocional, e o estágio da demência. A sobrecarga emocional foi maior nos estágios iniciais e tardios da demência, mas a diferença foi estatisticamente não-significante. Os resultados atuais revelam a urgente necessidade de planejar estratégias de suporte formal e informal para cuidadores de idosos brasileiros com demência.
The Bangkok Medical Journal, 2018
Emotional Management Problems of Caregivers for Dependent Elderly People: Integrative Review T hailand is a country that enjoys a stable fertility rate. Moreover, advanced technology in medicine has led to improved human longevity. The number of elderly people in Thailand has continued to rise therefore, from 7.2 million in 2010 and is estimated to reach 11 million by 2020. 2,3 The growth rate of the older population in Thailand is predicted to be high, at a rate of increase of more than 3% each year. With the increasing rate of the number of elderly people in Thailand of around 3-3.6% per year, the total number of elderly people will double within the next 17 to 23 years. Thailand is going to be an elderly society within the next 10 years. Overall, only 15% of persons aged 60 and above admitted that they needed some assistance with their daily living activities. 2,3 Therefore, informal caregivers currently take on important roles to care for the elderly. In the giving of care, caregivers reported problems in physical, psychological or emotional and financial overload, affecting the quality of care for elderly people. 4 The issue of the burden experienced by caregivers is not new and most of caregivers need to manage their emotions for an effective outcome of caring. 5,6 Most caregivers are relatives who care for elderly parents or someone who cares for elderly people. 7 As a result, caregivers are prepared themselves for caring, which means they were aware of the physical, psychological and environmental factors that they were facing. The management of the emotions of caregivers is a major issue that health staff should be concerned with. If caregivers could manage their emotions effectively, this would be an important step to help develop a more positive outcome in caring. The risk indicators specified here, such as limited resources, giving care to a close loved one, and giving emotional support, could help to prevent informal caregivers from a heightened risk of emotional disorders. Therefore, the study of emotional management of caregivers working with the elderly is important. Whittemore and Knafl's 2005 1 technical procedure was developed for
The family may want to help in the treatment of the individual but may not know how to do so and may feel helpless. The family may not have knowledge about schizophrenia or know the importance of complying with medication. They may feel they are being blamed for the affected members' problems. They can become defensive
Annals of Medical Research, 2021
The aim of this study was to evaluate the caregiving burden, depression and related factors of the caregivers of chronic patients who received physical therapy. Materials and Methods: Research was conducted as a cross-sectional descriptor. The sample of the study included 129 people who met the criteria for participation in the study and who applied to Turgut Özal Medical Center between 1 March 2018 and 1 March 2019, and cared for physical therapy and rehabilitation patients. Data was collected by using The Patient Information Form, Personal Care Form, Zarit Burden Interview (ZBI) and, Beck Depression Inventory (BDI), which were prepared by the researcher. Results: The mean of the caregiving burden was found to be as 38.48 ± 12.68, and the mean depression score as 13.68 ± 9.41. These values indicate that the caregiving burden is low-moderate and the depression score is mild. There was a significant positive correlation between the scores obtained from ZBI and the scores obtained from BDI (r:0.782, p<0.001). In the study, it was determined that factors such as age, gender, marital status, degree of proximity, income level, getting help, caregiving break, the presence of chronic disease of the caregiver affect the caregiving burden and depression level. It has been observed that some features of the patients affect the care burden and depression scores. Conclusion: As a result of the study, it was determined that the level of depression increased as the caregiving burden increased. A positive relationship was found between the caregiving burden and depression. It is advisable to arrange training and consultancy programs for caregivers to deal with the problems they face and to monitor caregivers at regular intervals.
Current Psychopharmacology, 2014
As worldwide population ages, an increase of inhabitants who suffer neurodegenerative diseases can be observed. Considering that the task of caregiving is generally carried out by a family member, he becomes an easy target for diseases, especially for being subjected to a stressing process. This study intends to analyze whether the older caregivers' health suffers affections if compared with the health conditions of those who do not take care of family members. The present investigation defends the fact that the person who develops the activity of caregiving has high probabilities of developing diseases. An observational, analytical, cross sectional study was made. One hundred and twenty four (124) older adults divided in two groups were cross-examined: 62 interviewees were caregivers of chronic patients and 62 were not. The total amount of candidates was given two questionnaires: one analyzed socio-demographic data and the other one health disturbances. The results showed that 48% of the sample experienced unfavorable changes in their health, and that the condition of being a caregiver somehow predicted the changes (OR 15.) As for the kind of disturbance, it can be said that 85% of the caregivers went through psychical disturbances; however, there were no significant differences found between the selfperception of the caregivers and non-caregivers health conditions. The findings confirm the established hypothesis and coincide with other investigations: the caregiver suffers unfavorable health effects despite the fact that sometimes he is not aware of those negative consequences experienced. Therefore, family caregivers are referred to as "hidden patients." Health services should promote psycho-educational intervention programs and diagnose for proper pharmacological treatment of depression and anxiety usually with SSRIs according to co-morbid conditions of the patient.
Caregiving and Home Care, 2018
Currently, more than 1 in 10 adults living in the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development is involved in nonprofessional care of a dependent family member. The main causes of dependence are dementia, followed by other conditions such as cerebrovascular accidents, limb impairment, depression, and vision impairment. Although care provided by the caregiver is crucial to the well-being of the cared person, it can also have negative consequences on the caregiver's emotional state. This chapter aims to describe the psychopathological symptoms experienced by caregivers based on the condition of the person cared for. A bibliographic search was conducted to examine the effects of care on the emotional state of caregivers, distinguishing patients with dementia from those with other conditions. Depressive and anxiety symptoms were the most frequent psychopathological symptoms, both in caregivers of demented and nondemented patients, experienced by caregivers of patients with dementia, cerebrovascular accidents, traumatic brain injury, schizophrenia, cancer, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, and autism spectrum disorder. In caregivers of patients with bipolar disorder and vision impairment, depressive symptoms were most prominent, whereas anxiety symptoms were common in caregivers of patients with spinal cord injuries. Sleep disturbances were found among caregivers of dementia and schizophrenia patients. Strategies for preventing psychopathological symptoms were provided and the importance of professional support when they occur was pointed out.
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