The crime of new forms of slavery

2023, Entela Cukani

Special Issue III (2023) Scars on Women's Bodies: The Kunarac Case and the "Figuration" of the Crime of «New Forms of Slavery» * Entela Cukani CONTENTS: 1. The Many Faces of "Violence Against Women".-2. The Facts of the Case Kunarac and others.-3. The Court's Decision and the "Figuration" of the Crime of «New Forms of Slavery».-4. The Crime of New Forms of Slavery after the Kunarac Case. * Double-blind peer reviewed in accordance with the Journal guidelines. 1 On these aspects see B.B. Garìn, Gender Victim of Gender-Based Violence, in A. Bartolini-R. Cippitani-V. Colcelli (eds.), Dictionary of Statutes within EU Law, Cham, 2019, p. 281 ff. It must be underlined, that most legal commentary hails the ad hoc with revolutionizing the prosecution of sexual violence in the context of female victims and overlooks sexual violence targeting male victims. ICTY's first case, and the first international war crimes trial since Nuremberg and Tokyo, was also the first-ever trial for sexual violence against men. After a three-year trial, the Trial Chamber handed down a guilty verdict. See ICTY, Prosecutor v. Duško Tadić, Case No. IT-94-1-T, Opinion and Judgment, 7 May 1997. 2 The CEDAW Recommendation no. 19 on Violence Against Women paved the way for such recognition. After this first step, several other instruments that recognize gander-based violence like a violation of human rights, have been adopted. Nevertheless, the more important developments in this aspect have been raised in international jurisprudence. See on this, R.J. Cook (eds.