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2020, Industria Textila
According to the Report presented in the ONU Program for Development there are eight dimensions of international security (collective security) and national security: economic-social security, food security, environmental security, community security, personal security, political security and individual security, to which demographic security and military security could be added. Although there have been concerns about the nutrition status of the population since ancient times, it was only in the middle of the last century that the scientific and institutional bases of contemporary food and nutrition policies were laid. Food and nutrition policies are represented by a series of objectives, priorities, norms and decisions adopted by the invested factors and institutions with the competences necessary to ensure to the entire population the economic and social conditions for a good state of individual and public health. Packaging has become one of the most important functions of a prod...
Packaging has been on the environmental agenda for decades. It has been discussed and debated within the society mainly as an environmental problem. Production, distribution and consumption of food and drinks contribute significant to the environmental impact. However, consumers in the EU waste about 20% of the food they buy. The function of packaging in reducing the amount of food losses is an important however, often neglected environmental issue.
Journal of Entrepreneurship, Management and Innovati on (JEMI), 2019
The food packaging industry trends refl ect the identi fi ed needs and requirements of consumers because entrepreneurs should sati sfy changing consumer requirements to achieve and maintain a competi ti ve advantage due to innovati on. In the group of socioeconomic needs, the most important ones are lifestyle changes, improving the quality of life through the added value off ered to consumers through packaged products, profi table companies in the sector, packaged product safety and environmental protecti on. The main aim of the study was exploring the validity of food packaging requirements concerning the sati sfacti on of consumer needs. The resulti ng hierarchy of important needs and requirements represents the foundati on for soluti ons and strategies to improve the quality of a consumer's life. Analysis of the results clearly shows that among all socioeconomic needs and requirements posed to food packaging, safety is the most criti cal need for consumers. Other packaging properti es such as convenience and legal requirements fulfi llment are important. Proposed model packaging, which will strati fy consumers' needs and requirements and will help to improve their quality of life, should be characterized by health, simplicity, identi ty, aestheti cs, and meaning. The packaging industry is a branch considered to have high potenti al in the fi eld of applying innovati ve soluti ons. This is mainly related to the desire of introducing soluti ons in the areas of improving safety, functi onality, communicati on and environmental protecti on. Identi fi cati on and understanding of consumer needs is a valuable source of informati on useful
Environmental Health Perspectives, 2012
RChD: creación y pensamiento, 2020
Sostenibilidad es una de las palabras clave que hoy en día se discute mucho en el campo de los envases. Nuestro aporte se ubica en el área de investigación que concierne a las funciones comunicativas e informativas del envase en relación al tema de la sostenibilidad ambiental. La reflexión se desarrolla desde una perspectiva que asigna al packaging el papel de enlace, una entrada que permite el acceso a contenidos e información orientada a concienciar al consumidor sobre sus opciones de compra. El trabajo se articula con la presentación de un caso de estudio desarrollado dentro de un proyecto de investigación europeo, a través del cual pretendemos aportar una contribución al área disciplinar desde la perspectiva metodológica y práctica.
Nature and Culture, 2020
This article presents practice-theoretical conceptions of societal relations to nature as a fruitful alternative to common system approaches in social-ecological research. Via the example of plastic food packaging, two different practice-theoretical approaches to food supply are discussed regarding their suitability for relating the material properties of packaging to their everyday use by producers, retailers, and consumers: (1) the network approach (portraying food supply as a network of practices; these practices include material elements that interrelate with other elements like competence or meaning) and (2) the nexus approach (investigating the interrelation between social practices and material arrangements in which they take place). Depending on the given research interest, both perspectives have their pros and cons: the network approach is stronger in understanding the everyday use of technologies, while the nexus approach encourages the integration of infrastructures and e...
Development of packaging as science and technology, definition, packaging operations, principle of packaging, levels of packaging, packaging chain, hazards, functions of packaging, packaging design) Food packaging today has been an integral part of food production as almost all food is marketed as packaged. Food packaging has evolved as science and technology, is interdisciplinary in nature, since knowledge of polymer science, metals, glass, paper, properties of food and physics and engineering is applicable in food packaging, and it has evolved to give solutions to various hazards of food during packaging chain.
Textile materiaTextile materials an investigation by Tecidoteca about fabrics, knits and non-wovens in times of a COVID-19 pandemic (Atena Editora), 2022
In everyday life we use clothes, fabrics that are flat and flexible; knits that fit better to our body and the well-known non-wovens (NT), but recently textiles have gone beyond clothing and have become essential in the fight against the global pandemic caused by COVID-19 as raw material for making masks, and in the production of equipment. protective equipment (PPE) resulting in a high demand for non-woven fabrics. In this scenario, many doubts arose in relation to textile products for protection against the virus, in view of that, the textile industry became the focus of research and comments about its needs, raising questions such as: Which textile material is ideal for protection against coronavirus? To answer these questions, it is necessary to understand how the textile chain takes place as a whole, from the formation of a thread, a fiber, a fabric, a mesh and the non-woven, as well as the processing. In order to identify the contributions of non-woven fabrics for use in the manufacture of PPE products, as protection against the virus, the non-woven flag, built in the Tecidoteca project, is presented. It brings an image of the right side / reverse side and non-woven roll, the technical sheet, as well as the application of use and market segment.
nutrition security, 2019
Italian Journal of Food Science
Italy I diritti di riproduzione, anche parziale, del testo sono strettamente riservati per tutti i Paesi.
Cuadernos del Centro de Estudios de Diseño y Comunicación
Cada europeo genera alrededor de 15 kg de residuos textiles al año, y alrededor del 65% de estos residuos todavía terminan en los vertederos, a pesar de la recogida selectiva obligatoria de residuos textiles a partir del 1 de enero de 2025.
Foods, 2022
Access to food remains a critical issue in Sub-Saharan Africa. In fact, 24.1% of its population suffers from undernourishment, and malnutrition affects more than a third of children under five years old. This problem will be exacerbated as the Sub-Saharan African population is predicted to double by 2050. To address this problem, it is imperative to meaningfully improve accessibility of fruits and vegetables for the population.They are an excellent source of vitamins and minerals that can fight malnutrition. Fruit and vegetable accessibility can be improved by reducing losses, which are estimated on average to be 50%. A literature review shows that there are many areas where solutions can be implemented to reduce these losses. These areas, in order of decreasing occurrence in the literature are: Cold storage, harvesting methods and pre-storage treatments, packaging, transport to markets and the sale stage. The reduction of food waste in SSA involves the establishment of better pract...
Food and Nutrition Bulletin, 1990
Those who travel regularly in developing countries will recognize the situation described in this paper; those who do not may be appalled. All, however, should realize that much can be done to improve packaging in the environment of the less developed countries at low cost. The following description of packaging used in street-corner sales in Ghana is important to bring a situation typical of a great many countries to international attention, and perhaps to help initiate actions in response.
Agriculture and Food, 2015
It is difficult to imagine distributing food without packaging in today's food system. Traditionally, food packaging fulfills the function of isolating the product from adverse effects of external environment factors, including physical, chemical and biological contamination. Currently the information on the importance of food packaging on food choices from Latvian consumer point of view has been little studied, therefore the aim of this research was to identify how much of an influence packaging type and material has on consumer food choices, the determining factors when making food choices, as well as consumer awareness on the importance and innovation of packaging materials. A questionnaire was carried out in order to ascertain consumers' knowledge and understanding. The survey included a total of 600 respondents who answered a total of 13 questions. This research analyses Latvian consumer perception of the current market situation in the food packaging sector and the imp...
Nutrition & Food Science
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to assess the impact of the packaging design on consumers’ perception of the food quality, safety, healthiness and preference to buy. Design/methodology/approach A cross-sectional study recruited a convenience sample of 547 Lebanese adults with a median age of 30 years old and 54% being females, between November and December 2016, using an interviewer-based questionnaire. Findings As identified by the participants, packaging should “protect the food” (54.9%) and be safe (52%). Most participants especially those who reported that protecting the food is the most important packaging functionality tended to select the vacuum package [OR (95% CI) = 2.19 (1.32; 3.66); p = 0.002] for having the highest quality, being the healthiest and the more frequently bought (24.3, 30.2 and 29.1% respectively). Regarding the juice, most of the participants thought that the glass bottles have the highest quality, were the safest, the healthiest and the most frequentl...
The Institute of Food Technologists has issued this Scientific Status Summary to update readers on food packaging and its impact on the environment.
Nutrients , 2019
The Codex Alimentarius has approved ongoing work for international guidance on frontof-pack (FoP) nutrition labelling, which is a core intervention for prevention of diet-related noncommunicable disease. This guidance will have implications for national policy decisionmaking regarding this important public health issue. However, FoP nutrition labelling is also a trade and commerce policy issue. In this study, we analyze the global governance of FoP nutrition labelling and current policy processes, to inform public health policy and advocacy. We present findings from a qualitative governance and institutional analysis, based on key informant interviews with 28 global actors. The study found that Codex guidance was perceived as likely to have a high impact on FoP nutrition labelling globally. However, a small and highly interconnected "regime complex" of international institutions surrounds FoP nutrition labelling at the global level, and influence on Codex discussions is being exerted differentially by actors at the national and global level, particularly by government and industry actors. There are thus risks associated with conflicts of interests in the development of global guidance on FoP nutrition labelling. There are also opportunities for more strategic and coordinated public health engagement.
Mesleki ve Teknik Eğitimde Küresel Gelişmeler, The Global Development in Vocational and Technical Education. Uluslararası Mesleki Bilimler Sempozyumu-International Vocational Science Symposium. IVSS2017, 2017
Bu çalışmanın amacı tekstil ile ilgili genel bilgilere sahip olunarak bu bilgilerle döşemelik kumaşların, perdelerin ve halı-kilimlerin tasarım sürecindeki seçim ölçütlerini belirlemektir. Çalışma literatür taraması, verilerin özgün bir biçimde ve sistematik olarak derlenmesi ile gerçekleştirilecektir. Bu doğrultuda, mekanın yapısal ve niteliksel öğeleri, tekstil ürünlerinin hammaddesinden kullanıma uygun hale getirilene kadar süreçte uygulanan işlemler ve sahip oldukları özellikler (lif, iplik, tekstil yüzeyi, terbiye işlemleri) tanımlanacak ve iç mekan tekstil ürünlerinin sınıflandırılması, sahip oldukları özellikler, temizlik ve bakımı ve bu tekstil ürünlerinin tasarım sürecindeki seçim ölçütleri ortaya konmaya çalışılacaktır.
Journal of Agricultural Informatics, 2012
The rapid pace of change in science and technology, changes in legislation and the current socio-economic and socio-demographic realities have all had a marked impact on the food we buy today. The intensification of farming, such as the use of pesticides, and the industrialisation of food production, using additives and preservatives improve taste, appearance and shelf-life, for example, can be the causes for concern, among many consumers. Globalisation is another driver of change; we have more products to choose from, brought to us from all corners of the world. As a result, food can now be sourced anywhere, sometimes subject to different food quality standards. In the present study legal regulation of food labelling in EU, operation of the RASFF system, currently applied ‘Hungarian product’ trademarks and markings and the relating new Hungarian Product Regulation, the planned measures of the Hungarian Government concerning the VAT of some basic foodstuff are introduced briefly. Al...
Interpretive nutrition labels provide simplified nutrient-specific text and/or symbols on the front of prepackaged foods, to encourage and enable consumers to make healthier choices. This type of labelling has been proposed as part of a comprehensive policy response to the global epidemic of non-communicable diseases. However, regulation of nutrition labelling falls under the remit of not just the health sector but also trade. Specific Trade Concerns have been raised at the World Trade Organization's Technical Barriers to Trade Committee regarding interpretive nutrition labelling initiatives in Thailand, Chile, Indonesia, Peru and Ecuador. This paper presents an analysis of the discussions of these concerns. Although nutrition labelling was identified as a legitimate policy objective, queries were raised regarding the justification of the specific labelling measures proposed, and the scientific evidence for effectiveness of such measures. Concerns were also raised regarding the consistency of the measures with international standards. Drawing on policy learning theory, we identified four lessons for public health policy makers, including: strategic framing of nutrition labelling policy objectives ; pro-active policy engagement between trade and health to identify potential trade issues; identifying ways to minimize potential 'practical' trade concerns; and engagement with the Codex Alimentarius Commission to develop international guidance on interpretative labelling. This analysis indicates that while there is potential for trade sector concerns to stifle innovation in nutrition labelling policy, care in how interpretive nutrition labelling measures are crafted in light of trade commitments can minimize such a risk and help ensure that trade policy is coherent with nutrition action.
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