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2006, Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics
We study a recurrence defined on a three dimensional lattice and prove that its values are Laurent polynomials in the initial conditions with all coefficients equal to one. This recurrence was studied by Propp and by Fomin and Zelivinsky. Fomin and Zelivinsky were able to prove Laurentness and conjectured that the coefficients were 1. Our proof establishes a bijection between the terms of the Laurent polynomial and the perfect matchings of certain graphs, generalizing the theory of Aztec Diamonds. In particular, this shows that the coefficients of this polynomial, and polynomials obtained by specializing its variables, are positive, a conjecture of Fomin and Zelevinsky.
The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, 2004
We construct a combinatorial model that is described by the cube recurrence, a quadratic recurrence relation introduced by Propp, which generates families of Laurent polynomials indexed by points in ${\Bbb Z}^3$. In the process, we prove several conjectures of Propp and of Fomin and Zelevinsky about the structure of these polynomials, and we obtain a combinatorial interpretation for the terms of Gale-Robinson sequences, including the Somos-6 and Somos-7 sequences. We also indicate how the model might be used to obtain some interesting results about perfect matchings of certain bipartite planar graphs.
The matching polynomial (also called reference and acyclic polynomial) was discovered in chemistry, physics and mathematics at least six times. We demonstrate that the matching polynomial of a bipartite graph coincides with the rook polynomial of a certain board. The basic notions of rook theory 17 are described. It is also shown that the matching polynomial cannot always discriminate between planar isospectral molecules.
Advances in Mathematics, 2006
In 1979 Kazhdan and Lusztig defined, for every Coxeter group W, a family of polynomials, indexed by pairs of elements of W, which have become known as the Kazhdan–Lusztig polynomials of W, and which have proven to be of importance in several areas of mathematics. In this paper, we show that the combinatorial concept of a special matching plays a
International Journal of Computer Mathematics, 2003
In this note we consider a series of lattices that are enumerated by the well-known Catalan numbers. For each of these lattices, we exhibit a matching in a constructive way.
Discrete Applied Mathematics, 1984
An explicit recurrence is derived for the matching polynomial of the pentagonal chain. From this, explicit formulae are obtained for the number of defect-d matchings in the pentagonal chain, for various values of d.
Journal of Mathematical Chemistry, 2007
Denote by T n the set of polyomino chains with n squares. For any T n ∈ T n , let m k (T n ) and i k (T n ) be the number of k-matchings and k-independent sets of T n , respectively. In this paper, we show that for any polyomino chain T n ∈ T n and any k 0, m k (L n ) m k (T n ) m k (Z n ) and i k (L n ) i k (T n ) i k (Z n ), with the left equalities holding for all k only if T n = L n , and the right equalities holding for all k only if T n = Z n , where L n and Z n are the linear chain and the zig-zag chain, respectively.
International Journal of Apllied Mathematics, 2017
In this paper, we consider the relationship between Padovan numbers and perfect matchings of a certain type of bipartite graphs. Then we give a Maple procedure in order to calculate the number of perfect matchings of this family.
Theoretical Computer Science, 2008
We present a quadratic identity on the number of perfect matchings of plane graphs by the method of graphical condensation, which generalizes the results found by Propp [J. Propp, Generalized domino-shuffling, Theoret. Comput. Sci. 303 (2003) 267-301], Kuo [E.H. Kuo, Applications of graphical condensation for enumerating matchings and tilings, Theoret.
Advances in Combinatorial Methods and Applications to Probability and Statistics, 1997
The rth Faber polynomial of the Laurent series f (t) = t + f 0 + f 1 /t + f 2 /t 2 + · · · is the unique polynomial F r (u) of degree r in u such that F r (f ) = t r + negative powers of t. We apply Faber polynomials, which were originally used to study univalent functions, to lattice path enumeration.
The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, 2005
Based on a bijection between domino tilings of an Aztec diamond and non-intersecting lattice paths, a simple proof of the Aztec diamond theorem is given by means of Hankel determinants of the large and small Schröder numbers.
Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series B, 2005
The Aztec diamond of order n is a certain configuration of 2n(n + 1) unit squares. We give a new proof of the fact that the number Π n of tilings of the Aztec diamond of order n with dominoes equals 2 n(n+1)/2 . We determine a sign-nonsingular matrix of order n(n + 1) whose determinant gives Π n . We reduce the calculation of this determinant to that of a Hankel matrix of order n whose entries are large Schröder numbers. To calculate that determinant we make use of the J-fraction expansion of the generating function of the Schröder numbers.
Duistermaat and van der Kallen show that there is no nontrivial complex Laurent polynomial all of whose powers have a zero constant term. Inspired by this, Sturmfels poses two questions: Do the constant terms of a generic Laurent polynomial form a regular sequence? If so, then what is the degree of the associated zero-dimensional ideal? In this note, we prove that the Eulerian numbers provide the answer to the second question. The proof involves reinterpreting the problem in terms of toric geometry.
The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics - Electr. J. Comb., 1998
We show how to count tilings of Aztec diamonds and hexagons with defects using determinants. In several cases these determinants can be evaluated in closed form. In particular, we obtain solutions to problems 1, 2, and 10 in James Propp's list of problems on enumeration of matchings.
Jct, 2005
The Aztec diamond of order n is a certain configuration of 2n(n + 1) unit squares. We give a new proof of the fact that the number Π n of tilings of the Aztec diamond of order n with dominoes equals 2 n(n+1)/2 . We determine a sign-nonsingular matrix of order n(n + 1) whose determinant gives Π n . We reduce the calculation of this determinant to that of a Hankel matrix of order n whose entries are large Schröder numbers. To calculate that determinant we make use of the J-fraction expansion of the generating function of the Schröder numbers.
In the first part of this paper it is shown how to use ear decomposition techniques in proving existence and establishing lower bounds to the number of perfect matchings in lattice animals. A correspondence is then established between perfect matchings in certain classes of benzenoid graphs and paths in the rectangular lattice that satisfy certain diagonal constraints. This correspondence is used to give explicit formulas for the number of perfect matchings in hexagonal benzenoid graphs and to derive some identities involving Fibonacci numbers and binomial coefficients. Some of the results about benzenoid graphs are also translated into the context of polyominoes.
J. Integer Seq., 2019
We study the central coefficients of a family of Pascal-like triangles defined by Riordan arrays. These central coefficients count left-factors of colored Schröder paths. We give various forms of the generating function, including continued fraction forms, and we calculate their Hankel transform. By using the A and Z sequences of the defining Riordan arrays, we obtain a matrix whose row sums are equal to the central coefficients under study. We explore the row polynomials of this matrix. We give alternative formulas for the coefficient array of the sequence of central coefficients.
International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences, 2005
Journal of Mathematical Chemistry, 2013
We consider several classes of planar polycyclic graphs and derive recurrences satisfied by their Tutte polynomials. The recurrences are then solved by computing the corresponding generating functions. As a consequence, we obtain values of several chemically and combinatorially interesting enumerative invariants of considered graphs. Some of them can be expressed in terms of values of Chebyshev polynomials of the second kind.
Graphs and Combinatorics, 2015
The Aztec diamond of order n is the union of lattice squares in the plane intersecting the square |x| + |y| < n. The Aztec diamond theorem states that the number of domino tilings of this shape is 2 n(n+1)/2. It was first proved by Elkies, Kuperberg, Larsen and Propp in 1992. We give a new simple proof of this theorem.
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