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2007, arXiv: Complex Variables
We investigate the dynamical behaviour of a holomorphic map on an f-invariant subset C of U , where f : U → C k. We study two cases: when U is an open, connected and polynomially convex subset of C k and C U , closed in U , and when ∂U has a p.s.h. barrier at each of its points and C is not relatively compact in U. In the second part of the paper, we prove a Birkhoff's type theorem for holomorphic maps in several complex variables, i.e. given an injective holomorphic map f , defined in a neighborhood of U , with U star-shaped and f (U) a Runge domain, we prove the existence of a unique, forward invariant, maximal, compact and connected subset of U which touches ∂U .
We investigate the dynamical behaviour of a holomorphic map on an f −invariant subset E of U, where f : U → C k , with U an open, connected and polynomially convex subset of C k. We also prove a Birkhoff type Theorem for holomorphic maps in several complex variables, i.e. given an injective holomorphic map f, defined in a neighborhood of U, with U star-shaped and f (U) a Runge domain, we prove the existence of a forward invariant, maximal, compact and connected subset of U which touches ∂U.
The Quarterly Journal of Mathematics, 1988
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 1991
A holomorphic motion of £ c C over the unit disc D is a map /: DxC -> C such that f(0, w) = w , w € E , the function f{z, w) = fz(w) is holomorphic in z , and fz : E -» C is an injection for all z € D . Answering a question posed by Sullivan and Thurston [13], we show that every such / can be extended to a holomorphic motion F: D x C ->C. As a main step a "holomorphic axiom of choice" is obtained (concerning selections from the sets C\fz(E), z e D). The proof uses earlier results on the existence of analytic discs in the polynomial hulls of some subsets of C . Holomorphic motions are isotopies depending ho) omorphically on a complex parameter. Their study was originated by Mané et al. [8], in the context of the dynamics of rational maps, and was continued by Sullivan and Thurston and Bers and Royden . Definition . Let £ be a subset of C. A holomorphic motion of E in C, parametrized by the unit disc D, is a map f:DxE-*C such that (a) for any fixed w G E, the map z ^ fi(z, w): D ->C is holomorphic; (b) for any fixed z G D, the map w -► f(z, w) = fiz(w) is one-to-one; and (c) f0 is the identity map on X. Note that no continuity in w or (z, w) is assumed here. However, it holds due to the following remarkable "lambda lemma" of Mané et al. Lemma 1.1 [8]. If fi: D x E -> C is a holomorphic motion, then f(z, w) is jointly continuous and has a continuous extension to F: D x E -► C. Furthermore, F is a holomorphic motion of E over D, and the injections Fz(-) = F(z,-) are quasiconformal.
Advanced Courses of Mathematical Analysis III - Proceedings of the Third International School, 2008
We give a sufficient condition for the abstract basin of attraction of a sequence of holomorphic self-maps of balls in \mathbb{C}^{d} to be biholomorphic to \mathbb{C}^{d}. As a consequence, we get a sufficient condition for the stable manifold of a point in a compact hyperbolic invariant subset of a complex manifold to be biholomorphic to a complex Euclidean space. Our result immediately implies previous theorems obtained by Jonsson-Varolin and by Peters; in particular, we prove (without using Oseledec's theory) that the stable manifold of any point where the negative Lyapunov exponents are well-defined is biholomorphic to a complex Euclidean space. Our approach is based on the solution of a linear control problem in spaces of subexponential sequences, and on careful estimates of the norm of hte conjugacy operator by a lower triangular matrix on the space of \textit{k}-homogeneous polynomial endomorphisms of \mathbb{C}^{d}.
Analysis and Mathematical Physics, 2011
This paper contains a selection, dictated by personal taste and by no means complete, of open problems in local discrete holomorphic dynamics. Mathematics Subject Classification 2010. Primary: 37F99. Secondary: 32H50.
Applied Mathematics Letters, 2008
One of the interesting areas in the study of the local dynamics in several complex variables is the dynamics near the origin O of maps tangent to the identity, that is of germs of holomorphic self-maps f : n → n such that f (O) = O and d f O = id. When n = 1 the dynamics is described by the known Leau-Fatou flower theorem but when n > 1, we are still far from understanding the complete picture, even though very important results have been obtained in recent years (see, e.g., [2,7,10,19]). In this note we want to investigate conditions ensuring the existence of parabolic curves (the two-variable analogue of the petals in the Leau-Fatou flower theorem) for maps tangent to the identity in dimension 2. Using simple examples, we prove that these conditions are not, generally, sufficient.
Kodai Mathematical Journal, 2007
For a closed subset E of the Riemann sphere, its Teichmüller space TðEÞ is a universal parameter space for holomorphic motions of E over a simply connected complex Banach manifold. In this paper, we study some new applications of this universal property. f à ðfÞðx; zÞ ¼ fð f ðxÞ; zÞ Eðx; zÞ A W  E ð1:1Þ of E over W. Unless otherwise stated, we will assume that E is a closed subset ofĈ C and that 0; 1; y A E. Associated to each such set E inĈ C, there is a contractible complex Banach manifold which we call the Teichmü ller space of the closed set E, denoted by TðEÞ. This was first studied by G. Lieb in his doctoral dissertation (see [15]). We can also define a holomorphic motion 85
Indagationes Mathematicae, 2002
In this paper we determine which vanishing order of a holomorphic map f at a point of the (non necessarily regular) boundary of a very generic domain of (2 is required for f to be constant. In particular this vanishing order is 1 if the boundary is Dini-smooth whereas it is at least ~/a iff locally maps a Dini-smooth corner of opening 7ra into a Dini-smooth corner of opening 7rj3. Finally an analogous result is stated for the case ofa holomorphic mapf which maps a cusp into a cusp.
Theorem 0.1: (Identity principle) Let X, Y be two (connected) Riemann surfaces, and f , g ∈ Hol(X,Y ). If the set {z ∈ X | f(z) = g(z)} admits an accumulation point then f ≡ g. Corollary 0.2: Let X, Y be two Riemann surfaces, f ∈ Hol(X,Y ) not constant, and w ∈ Y . Then the set f−1(w) is discrete. Theorem 0.3: (Open mapping theorem) Let X, Y be two Riemann surfaces, and f ∈ Hol(X,Y ) not constant. Then f(X) is open in Y . In particular, f is an open mapping.
Eprint Arxiv Math 9205209, 1992
Contents: 1. Quasiconformal Surgery and Deformations: Ben Bielefeld, Questions in quasiconformal surgery; Curt McMullen, Rational maps and Teichm\"uller space; John Milnor, Thurston's algorithm without critical finiteness; Mary Rees, A possible approach to a complex renormalization problem. 2. Geometry of Julia Sets: Lennart Carleson, Geometry of Julia sets; John Milnor, Problems on local connectivity. 3. Measurable Dynamics: Mikhail Lyubich, Measure and Dimension of Julia Sets; Feliks Przytycki, On invariant measures for iterations of holomorphic maps. 4. Iterates of Entire Functions: Robert Devaney, Open questions in non-rational complex dynamics; Alexandre Eremenko and Mikhail Lyubich, Wandering domains for holomorphic maps. 5. Newton's Method: Scott Sutherland, Bad polynomials for Newton's method
Duke Mathematical Journal, 2001
Let f be a (germ of) holomorphic self-map of C 2 such that the origin is an isolated fixed point, and such that df O = id. Let ν(f ) be the degree of the first non-vanishing term in the homogeneous expansion of f − id. We generalize to C 2 the classical Leau-Fatou Flower Theorem proving that there exist ν(f ) − 1 holomorphic curves f -invariant, with the origin in their boundary, and attracted by O under the action of f .
Invariants for Riemann surfaces covered by the disc and for hyperbolic manifolds in general involving minimizing the measure of the image over the homotopy and homology classes of closed curves and maps of the k-sphere into the manifold are investigated. The invariants are monotonic under holomorphic mappings and strictly monotonic under certain circumstances. Applications to holomorphic maps of annular regions in C and tubular neighborhoods of compact totally real submanifolds in general in Cn, n ≥ 2, are given. The contractibility of a hyperbolic domain with contracting holomorphic mapping is explained.
This is a survey on the local structure about a fixed point of discrete finite-dimensional holomorphic dynamical systems, discussing in particular the existence of local topological conjugacies to normal forms, and the structure of local stable sets in the non-hyperbolic case. The author hopes to keep the survey up to date, and thus it would be grateful to anybody pointing out missing (or mistaken) results and references, and/or suggesting topics to be included or expanded in it.
Let M be a two-dimensional complex manifold and f : M → M a holomorphic map. Let S ⊂ M be a curve made of fixed points of f , i.e. Fix( f ) = S.W estudy the dynamics near S in case f acts as the identity on the normal bundle of the regular part of S. Besides results
This is a survey on the local structure about a fixed point of discrete finite-dimensional holomorphic dynamical systems, discussing in particular the existence of local topological conjugacies to normal forms, and the structure of local stable sets in the non-hyperbolic case. The author hopes to keep the survey up to date, and thus it would be grateful to anybody pointing out missing (or mistaken) results and references, and/or suggesting topics to be included or expanded in it.
Proceedings of the Steklov Institute of Mathematics, 2017
This expository paper is concerned with the properties of proper holomorphic mappings between domains in complex affine spaces. We discuss some of the main geometric methods of this theory, such as the Reflection Principle, the scaling method, and the Kobayashi-Royden metric. We sketch the proofs of certain principal results and discuss some recent achievements. Several open problems are also stated.
Inventiones Mathematicae, 1986
Holomorphic Dynamical Systems, 2010
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