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Translation technologies constitute an important new field of interdisciplinary study lying midway between computer science and translation. Its development in the professional world will largely depend on its academic progress and the effective introduction of translation technologies in the translators training curriculum. In this paper different approaches to the subject are examined so as to provide us with a basis on which to conduct an internal analysis of the field of Translation technologies and to structure its content. Following criteria based on professional practice and on the idiosyncrasy of the computer tools and resources that play a part in translation activity, we present our definition of Translation technologies and the field classified in five blocks.
Today, physical and virtual borders are shrinking thanks to technology whose footprints are greater and faster than one can imagine. Beyond the shadow of a doubt, technology is associated with the areas for which it offers solutions such as education technologies, health technologies and translation technologies. Nowadays using translation technologies is somehow a necessity rather than a choice in professional settings due to the strict deadlines of translation briefs. Also, translation technologies are indispensable components of translator education programs whose main purpose is to prepare qualified and well-trained fellows for translation sector. This research asserts that translation technologies were addressed by translation theories even before the advent of translation industry. However, it is a well-known fact that theoretical translation studies did not focus on translation technologies very much. Thus academics working in translation studies discipline have been criticized by translation sector for a long time. This study illustrates the contributions of translation theories to the development of translation technologies. Besides, this paper will discuss some specific points of translation theories indicating the infrastructure and functions of translation technologies. Finally, it is argued that some specific issues related to both the development and teaching of translation technologies can be better understood if the teaching practices of translation theories are considered in depth.
Journal of Educational and Social Research
Nowadays we are all aware of the role that technology plays in our private and professional lives, as this has been and continues to be the purpose for which it was created and continues to develop. This article begins with a short analysis of the importance of the use of translation technology in various areas of modern life, focusing on the causes that led to its birth and development. It then describes in general terms the tools offered by this technology, from the translation machine to the computer-assisted translation, explaining what is considered to be the core of CAT known as MT – memory translation. In the last part, the article discusses the pros and cons of professional translators regarding the tools offered by this technology, concluding that on the one hand translators should increasingly insist on using these tools, to be competitive in translation’s process, but on the other hand also the companies that produce these technologies should work more towards the quality...
Technological advances have led to unprecedented changes in translation as a means of interlingual communication. This article discusses the impact of two major technological developments of contemporary translation: computer-assisted translation tools and machine translation. These technologies have increased productivity and quality in translation, supported international communication, and demonstrated the growing need for innovative technological solutions to the age-old problem of the language barrier. However, these tools also represent significant challenges and uncertainties for the translation profession and the industry. In highlighting the need for increased awareness and technological competencies, I propose that these challenges can be overcome and translation technologies will become even more integral in interlingual communication.
In: Neustein, Amy & Markowitz, Judith A. (eds.) Where Humans Meet Machines: Innovative Solutions to Knotty Natural Language Problems. Heidelberg; New York: Springer Verlag. 299-314., 2013
"Starting from an overview of multilingual systems, I point out the usefulness of machine translation in some translation contexts, especially in dynamic environments. Then I describe how electronic tools can be useful for the human translator and how machine translation can be integrated into translation memory systems in the translation workflow. After this general panorama, I enumerate a series of studies in the field of translation studies that deal with translation process research and investigate the interaction between human translators and those technologies. I note that the main aspects being investigated are productivity, quality and effort. I also mention how the new technologies might affect the translation market and the activity of translation professionals. I conclude by indicating some areas for future research, including tool usability and job satisfaction."
Translation & Interpreting, 2021
Recent years have witnessed the rapid development of translation technology, which has achieved tremendous success in both academia and industry. Due to these rapid advances, it is clear that technology has already profoundly affected the way translation is produced. More recently, translation technology-ranging from translation-specific technologies such as MT to more general-purpose speech technologies and cloud computing-calls into question some of the assumptions about how, by whom, and to what level of quality translation should be done. Commercially viable translation today is almost entirely the computer-aided variety, given the ubiquitous use of computers in text production practices (O'Hagan, 2020). According to Lynne Bowker, translation technology refers to different types of technology used in human translation, machine translation, and computer-aided translation, covering the general tools used in computing, such as word processors and electronic resources, and the specific tools used in translating, such as corpusanalysis tools and terminology management systems (Bowker, 2002, pp. 5-9). A broader definition is given in A dictionary of translation technology (Chan, 2004) which describes translation technology as "a branch of translation studies that specializes in the issues and skills related to the computerization of translation" (p. 258). This means that translation technology includes both computer-aided translation and machine translation. Since machine translation serves basically as an automated aid to human translation, it is considered to be a form of computeraided translation. The book under review contains ten chapters in three sections that respectively cover Electronic Tools for Translators, CAT and CAI Tools, and Machine Translation; there is also an appendix and an index. After the editors' introduction, the remaining nine chapters offer contributions by translation studies researchers and experts in the field, with each dedicated to investigating specific problems relating to translation technology. In their short introductory chapter, editors Corpas Pastor and Duran-Muñoz explain the book's main objectives, outline, and foci "on translation technology, namely, e-tools and resources" (p. 1). They begin with a discussion of the effects of the technology on translation by recognising the literature gap in the field.
The paper tries to unveil the yard stick of a good translation. Attempts have been taken to unfurl the qualities of a true translator and light has been focused on the art and craft of translation. What is the role and function of language in a text and in translation as well has been discussed in this paper. A number of techniques have been mentioned and discussed here regarding the possibilities of the translator to capture both the source and target language, i.e., of the Source Text and the Target Text of the translating language. The ideal characteristics of a competent translator and the does and don'ts of translation have been described here.
In: Horváth Ildikó (ed.) The Modern Translator and Interpreter, Budapest, Eötvös University Press, 207-218., 2016
Translation Journal, Vol 4, Issue 4, 2006
Translation software has been the subject of many authors in recent years. However, these studies lack a realistic professional approach because they are mainly focused on CAT tools, without mentioning other tools commonly used such as image editors or PDF tools. The aim of this paper is thus to overcome these shortcomings, presenting a quick overview of a wide variety of electronic tools for Windows which make the translation process easier and faster and of which translators should have a good command in order to satisfy today's market demands.
Translation studies academic field has evolved in recent years and the urgent need for qualified translators/ interpreters is increasing day by day thanks to globalization. However, the research on the pedagogical side of translator education is still at development stage. Being a namely brand new academic and industrial research area, translation technologies have recently been in the center of translation world. The present study puts forward the factors which affect the use of translation technologies in translator education from a pedagogical point of view and offers adaptable solutions for the academics working in a variety of academic translation teaching departments. Accordingly, the current research aims at facilitating as a bridge between the science of pedagogy and translation studies. Key Words: Translation studies, psychology of learning, pedagogy, translation technologies, translator education
GAS Publisher, 2024
Modern translation requires translation technologies such as Computer-Aided Translation tools which eases the difficulties encountererd by translators. The goal of CAT tools is to to assist translators in increasing their productivity and improving the quality of their work. This article, highlights the need to have a foundation on which the translator undertakes a study of translation technology and its multiple approaches. Despite the advancement of technology, most translators are not yet familiar with the use of machines that support them to translate hence translators must have the knowledge of translation technology in order to achieve terminology management, consistency and speed in translating huge tasks. The research examined rigorously some fundamentals of Translation Technology by investigating and showing its genesis, definitions, concepts and classifications that support a translator to execute his task. The researcher applies descriptive approach and interpretative theory of translation. The research explored some fundamentals of translation technology that assist the translator in easing the task of the translation process. Finally, the researcher found out that there is an urgent need for translators to use modern technology, more especially translation technology that assist and facilitate the translation process. Some of these technologies include Computer-Assisted Translation tools, Terminology Management System, Translation Memory and Neural Machine Translation (which uses Artificial Intelligence) that is currently the best machine translation.
This dissertation investigates the needs of professional translators regarding translation technologies with the aim of suggesting ways to improve these technologies from the users’ point of view. It mostly covers the topics of computer-assisted translation (CAT) tools, machine translation and terminology management. In particular, the work presented here examines three main questions: 1) what kind of tools do translators need to increase their productivity and income, 2) do existing translation tools satisfy translators’ needs, 3) how can translation tools be improved to cater to these needs. The dissertation is composed of nine previously published articles, which are included in the Appendix, while the methodology used and the results obtained in these studies are summarised in the main body of the dissertation. The task of identifying user needs was approached from three different perspectives: 1) eliciting translators’ needs by means of a user survey, 2) evaluation of existing ...
The purpose of this article is to find out information technologies used by translators in their professional activity. For this purpose, the concept of "information translation environment" was analyzed, including information technologies used by professional translators. Researchers distinguish various types of information technologies which can be used by translators. In order to systematize them, an analysis of the studies and survey of professional translators were carried out. The analysis of studies made it possible to define three groups of information resources: the information resources used in the translation process; network information technologies; and auxiliary information resources. As an example, the group of information resources used in the translation process was analyzed, and difficulties encountered by translators in their work were highlighted. The results obtained from the studies and survey of translators can be used for preparing lectures on translation didactics and developing practical materials on forming technical translators' information competency.
This collection of scholarly articles asks the question How useful is translation technology? Pointing to the need for a widely used and reliable way to test the efficiency of language translation programs, the presenters show that commercial tools such as translation memories and translation workbenches are popular, and their developers find them useful in terms of productivity, consistency, or quality.
International Journal of Comparative Literature and Translation Studies
Technology has remarkably increased the stipulation for global communication in cross-different cultural settings and diverse linguistics environment. People have experienced tremendous challenges associated with language barriers and constraints. Translation into different languages across the globe has become a necessity to keep these frequent contacts with every corner and maintain mutual understanding among people regardless of the language they speak and the cultural values they keep. The study is an attempt to explore the potentials of Technology-based Translation represented in the three main streams like Machine Translation (MT), Computer-Aided translation (CAT), and Translation Management System (TMS). The potentials of all these distinct genres of Technology-Based Translation are demonstrated through theoretical perspectives and practical framework. Moreover, the ways of accessing and working with these three application interfaces are also precisely explored. The study al...
This article presents some of the results of an online survey that was carried out in order to identify professional translators’ requirements regarding translation technologies. Participants in the sample seem to show high interest in technologies, based the large number of participants who has received training in IT. Although machine translation (MT) is mainly ignored due to the low quality and big post-editing effort, most translators see a potential benefit in high quality MT. Translation Memory (TM) software, according to the users’ preferences, should be first of all intuitive, compatible with other tools and support a great variety of formats. Very few translators compile their own corpora, which is mainly because they are unfamiliar with suitable tools and techniques.
2010 There are many tools that could be addressed under the heading of translation technologies, including means to capture data in electronic form (scanners, optical character recognition programs, voice recognition programs), corpora and corpus-analysis tools (including monolingual and bilingual concordancers), terminology management systems (including databases and term extractors), and translation memory systems (which includes their integration with all the previous tools as well as machine translation systems). We will try to see to what extent some of these tools have had an incidence on the manner translation and terminology are performed (practice) and understood (theory), limiting ourselves to the most significant points. We will conclude with a closer look at the impact of corpora on both disciplines.
Iranian Journal of Applied Language Studies, 2019
Today technology is an integral part of professional translation; and it is generally assumed that translators’ attitudes toward translation technology tools influence their interaction with technology (Bundgaard, 2017). Therefore, the present two-phase study seeks to shed some light on what translation technology tools are and how professional translators feel toward them. The research method used is exploratory in nature, as it tends to discuss issues on which little research has been done and relies on secondary research for its data. The data required for answering the first question have been mined utilizing document analysis from language service providers’ (LSPs) websites, while the data for working out the answer to the second question have been obtained from Quick Polls. Based on our findings, translation technology tools fall into eight broad categories, of which the most commonly used are translation memory (TM) or computer-assisted translation (CAT) tools. In ad...
La família humana: Perspectives multidisciplinàries de la investigació en Ciències Humanes i Socials, 2023
The digitalisation of our society has progressed rapidly over the last decade and many technological improvements have appeared before us, affecting the way we relate with each other, work and live. Without exception, the language services world has been substantially impacted by these technological advancements. In recent years, the great adoption of new technologies has resulted in researchers focusing their studies on very different topics, which changed swiftly. Initially, there was a change from translation memories and computerassisted translation (cat) tools to rule-based machine translation (Forcada et al. 2011). Soon after, with the increase in computer processing power and the emergence of large amounts of corpora available on the Internet, statistical machine translation appeared, which offered better automatic translations than the previous rule-based paradigm (Koehn 2010). In the last years, however, machine translation research has focused on a new paradigm: neural machine translation (Bentivogli et al., 2016). Currently, a new system is beginning to emerge — interactive machine translation —, and early studies indicate that it can overcome the previous paradigm, as well as offer a number of additional advantages. These technologies are now intrinsic to the translation profession, and the Translation Studies field cannot be analysed without considering and knowing state-of-the-art technologies. Thus, this study undertakes a literature review of the translation technologies that have been used these last years, and focuses mainly on describing current echnologies and the path that they may open up in the near future to help researchers grasp an idea of what the language services world is right now in terms of technological advancements.
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