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1997, LWT - Food Science and Technology
7 pages
1 file
The effect of enzymatic modification of wheat flour proteins on their functional properties was evaluated as a function of the degree of hydrolysis (DH). Soluble protein increased from 7.1 to 53% for 0% to 36.7% DH flour, and viscosity and yield values decreased concomitantly. Emulsion capacity slightly decreased up to 14% DH and then increased. Baummann water and oil absorption capacities and farinograph water absorption had similar trends; they showed a maximum increase at 3.8% DH where Baumann and farinograph absorption values increased by 30%. Limited degree of hydrolysis (3.8-14.1% DH) was sufficient to improve quality parameters of cakes such as volume, moisture and crumb colour. Added protease resulted in pronounced reduction in molecular mass distribution of wheat proteins, especially glutenins. The increase in water soluble protein as hydrolysis proceeded was related to proteins of molecular mass less than 25 kDa. The reduction in viscosity and foam stability was related to the extent of hydrolysis of high molecular mass glutenin protein. The increased Baumann and farinograph water absorption by limited hydrolysis up to 3.8-5.4% DH may be related to increased number of polar sites and flexibility of protein network, without extensive degradation of glutenins.
The processing of strong flours, with short gluten, creates problems due to the high resistant proteic network formed in dough. To improve the strong flours performance, the use of L-cysteine or proteases (fungal proteases especially) is recommended in literature. The authors of this work have studied the effect of a new combination of those additives on the physical properties of bread made from short gluten flours. That new combination was used taking into account that a synergistic effect could be obtained by the joint action of L-cysteine and proteases, effect reflected on the obvious improvement of bread quality indexes such as volume, porosity and elasticity.
Two commercial proteases (Biobake and Nutrase) and two commercial carbohydrases (Pentopan and Fungal Amylase) were added in wheat flour at 30 ppm, 60 ppm and 90 ppm to partially hydrolyze the dough polymers and to initiate molecular rearrangements to ultimately bring improvement in dough rheology and dimensional properties of biscuit. Flour gluten proteins characteristics were evaluated by Perten Glutomatic System. Dough rheological and pasting properties were investigated by using Farinograph and Micro Visco-Amylo-Graph respectively. Cookies were prepared to study the effect of different enzymes and their concentrations on cookie factor. Incorporation of both proteases in flour reduced gluten index significantly. Biobake at 90 ppm lead to noticeable drop in Gluten Index from 91 to 13. Farinograph dough stability was increased by using Pentopan at all concentrations. Degree of softening was greatly affected by both proteases and Fungal Amylase indicating the softening effect on flour. Micro Visco-Amylo-Graph peak viscosity was greatly decreased by Pentopan from 1042 BU to 541 BU at 90 ppm. Correlation of enzyme concentration with cookie factor was pronounced in Pentopan and nutrase (R 2 = 0.97, 0.987 respectively), whereas Biobake produced highest cookie factor at 60 and 90 ppm then all enzymes at the same concentration. It was concluded that dough may be tailored according to desired end product by use of selected proteases and carbohydrases.
The paper's aims is to demonstrate the positive impact that the addition of a fungal protease has on some physical properties of bread (volume, porosity, elasticity) obtained from" short" gluten flours, with a protein network which is characterized by a high elasticity ...
The utilization of enzymatic produces is a way of improving the process of breading products, moreover of the properties of the cereal products. Normal flour has a reduced proteolytic activity, while the flour made of sprouted wheat or attacked by the wheat bugs which has a special proteolytic activity, such that the resulted produces from the processing of such flour do not have the required quality. To improve this flour a supply of proteolytic enzymes will be used which gives the possibility of adjusting rheological indicators of the dough according to the technical requirements. After the analyzes being done, it has been noticed that for equal proteolytic activities, the enzymatic produces of various origins have a different effect on bread volume and porosity. The best results are obtained from the addition of fungal protease (Aspergillus oryzae, Aspergillus niger), bacterial protease (Bacillus subtilis) reducing the volume, even at minimal doses.
LWT - Food Science and Technology, 2017
Aggregation of egg and wheat proteins during cake mixing and baking was monitored by SE-HPLC after sequential extraction of dough and baked cakes in SDS-buffer first and then in SDS/DTE buffer. Three cake recipes were compared, including either only egg, only flour, or both flour and egg proteins. Dough mixing did not result in any changes in protein solubility or size distribution. Baking promoted protein aggregation and quickly resulted in the solubility loss of all proteins within the first extracting solvent with the exception of wheat omega gliadins. Upon baking similar kinetics of proteins solubility loss in SDS-buffer were observed regardless of cake recipes. Extraction of the remaining SDS-insoluble proteins with SDS/DTE buffer allowed total protein recovery but only in the case of cakes made on the basis of only flour. For cakes including eggs and despite the presence of DTE a disulfide reducing agent, very large polymers were release into solution, contrarily to the only flour cakes where only small polypeptides (>70 000 g/mol) were mostly recovered. Protein sequential extraction combined with SE-HPLC analysis highlighted the critical role of egg proteins in triggering wheat and egg proteins complexation into SDS-insoluble aggregates stabilized through disulfide but also non-reducible covalent bonds.
Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 1983
A comparison was made of the effectiveness of various solvents in extracting protein from wheat gluten. The best proved to be 0 . 0 5 5~ cetyltrimethyl ammonium bromide-6~ urea-0.0lh.I acetic acid. When extracts were separated on columns of controlledpore glass, with a nominal exclusion limit of 1 . 2~ lo6 daltons for molecules in the extended form, two peaks were obtained termed F1 and F2. F1 was excluded from the column and contained material which was stable in the absence of reducing agent but was markedly reduced in size in the presence of 2-mercaptoethanol. SDS-PAGE showed that F1 was enriched in high molecular weight polypeptides (about 100000 daltons) and also contained polypeptides with molecular weights in the range 30000-45000. F2 consisted almost entirely of polypeptides with molecular weights of less than 50000. The ratio of F1 :F2 in different varieties varied from 0.1 to 0.58 and this variation was correlated with the NIAB potential breadmaking quality score. However, there did not appear to be any difference between the total amounts of high molecular weight polypeptides in a poor and a good breadmaking variety.
Food chemistry, 2015
Enzymatic hydrolysis could be an alternative way to modify flour functionality. The effect of two different enzymes, α-amylase and amyloglucosidase, and their combination on microstructure, oligosaccharide content, crystalline order, pasting, gel hydration, and colour properties of native and extruded wheat flours was investigated. Micrographs showed different mechanisms of actuation of the different enzymes on native and extruded flours, achieving greater than 300% and 500% increases of glucose and maltose contents, respectively, in extruded flours compared with their native counterparts. Native flours displayed higher values of water absorption capacity and swelling power than extruded flours. Flours treated by a combination of amylase and amyloglucosidase showed low swelling power. Regarding colour, native flours were darker and more reddish than extruded flours, whereas flours treated by amyloglucosidase, and therefore had a higher glucose content, were darker and more reddish.
The processing of strong flours, with short gluten, creates problems due to the high resistant proteic network formed in dough. To improve the strong flours performance, the use of L-cysteine or proteases (fungal proteases especially) is recommended in literature. The ...
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 1987
Oat flour was hydrolyzed with Alcalase (A) and Neutrase (N) to the following degree of hydrolysis (DH):
International Journal of Food Properties, 2010
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