Holographic video : design and implementation of a display system



A 3-D holographic video system is described. The work on the system to date is detailed. Emphasis is placed on the efforts of the past academic year (1988-89). These efforts were focused around improving the quality of the output medium, commonly referred to as the holographic television set. Acknowledgments Without the following people this document would not exist. I would like to acknowledge each one of them for their help: Stephen Benton for his advice, concern, and wonderful anecdotes, but especially for teaching me more than even he probably realizes. Pierre St. Hilaire for a great deal of help on the project and for being a great friend. John "Pasteurizer" Under-koffler for all of the input images, eloquent words and Mahler. Joel Kollin for his incredible persistence and help. William Parker for insight and the ability to make everything appear within one's grasp. Julie Walker for holding everything together and teaching me so much about it all. Mike Halle for a...