Plato and Hobbes: On the Foundations of Political Philosophy

2006, Unpublished


Free download. Unpublished. 100 pages. Sixteen recommendations and over 385 reads on ResearchGate as of January 17, 2025. This is a law school student paper I wrote for Don Regan’s and Joseph Raz’s jointly taught political philosophy course at the University of Michigan School of Law in 1994. I finished editing it for my Web site in 2006. The paper offers a theory of the state based on a theory of human nature and a theory of value, with Hume's is-ought inference problem solved in passing. Philosophers and others discussed include Aristotle, Epicurus, G. W. F. Hegel, Immanuel Kant, Frances Hutcheson, Abraham Maslow, John Paul Scott, Richard E. Leakey, Raymond Dart, Robert Ardrey, Leo Strauss, Panayot Butchvarov, H. P. Grice, P. F. Strawson, C. D. Broad, W. T. Stace, Ernest Barker, Robert Lodge, Henry Teloh, Samuel Taylor Coleridge, C. B. MacPherson, Herbert W. Schneider, Richard, S. Peters, Mortimer Adler, Irving R. Copi, Alan Gewirth, Charles Hampden-Turner, Wilhelm Windelband, Stewart Umphrey, Miriam M. Reik, Martin A. Bertman, Ernest Nagel, Richard Taylor, A. E. Taylor, John R. Searle, John H. Hick, Joseph Raz, C. S. Lewis, Robert Nisbet, Russell Kirk, and James Bond Stockdale. My "The Freedom of Morality" (a critical study of Joseph Raz's The Morality of Freedom), also on ResearchGate, is an independent companion paper written for the same course.