Fighting Covid-19 with the Help of Alkaline Diet

Journal of Pharmaceutical Research International


The relative acidity or alkalinity of all substances in nature can be categorised. The term acid is derived from the Latin word "acidus," that is to state "to eat."" which meaning "sour or tangy." Several of them the typical substances that are acidic we come into  touch with have these characteristics, such as salad dressing vinegar, Beverages, which contain phosphoric acid and carbon dioxide, and black tea, which contains tannic acid, all contain acetic acid. Grapefruits, oranges, lemons, and limes contain citric acid, while grapes have tartaric acid. The acid-alkaline diet, or alkaline ash diet, is another name for the alkaline diet. Food is divided into three groups in the alkaline diet: acidic, neutral, and alkaline. Red meat, poultry, fish, chocolate, wheat, and alcohol are all acidic foods. Natural fats such as butter, most oils, milk, and cream are all included in neutral meals. Foods that are alkaline make up the majority of fruits and veg...