2002, Cell
Minireview Translating Axon Guidance Cues polyribosomes, especially within growth cones (Tenny-Oswald Steward 1 son, 1970). Later in situ hybridization analyses that were Reeve-Irvine Research Center carried out to evaluate RNA distribution in dendrites of Department of Anatomy and Neurobiology young hippocampal neurons in culture also revealed Department of Neurobiology and Behavior that poly(A) mRNA and rRNA was present in axons of University of California, Irvine young neurons, especially in axonal growth cones (Klei-Irvine, California 92697 man et al., 1994). In these neurons, mRNA disappeared from axons as the neurons matured, so that after about 10 days in culture, mRNAs could be detected in cell Recent studies suggest that local translation of mRNA bodies and dendrites, but not in axons. Little was made within axons plays a key role in two aspects of growth of these observations because it was unclear whether cone navigation. One line of evidence implies a local the migration of RNA into immature axons was incidensynthesis of proteins that mediate growth cone coltal, reflecting the fact that the targeted transport mechalapse and turning in response to guidance cues; annisms that mediate RNA sorting in mature neurons had other indicates that growth cones possess the manot yet developed. Only later was the idea raised that chinery that would allow the local synthesis of the presence of poly(A) and rRNA might indicate a careceptors for axon guidance cues. pacity for local synthesis of proteins involved in axon growth or guidance (Steward, 1997). Evidence then began to accumulate for the presence A New Neuron Doctrine for a New Century of particular mRNAs in axons. Studies of sympathetic The triumph of the neuron doctrine over the reticular neurons in vitro revealed that the mRNA for -actin was theory in the early part of the 20 th century was based present in axons, whereas the mRNA for -tubulin was on compelling evidence that axons and dendrites grew detectable only in the cell body (Olink-Coux and Hollenout from the neuronal cell body (soma). This "somatobeck, 1996). Bassell et al. (1998) documented the seleccentric" view, epitomized by Cajal's concept that the tive delivery of -actin mRNA to axonal growth cones, cell body was the "trophic center of the neuron," was and demonstrated that this targeting was enhanced by supported by cell biological studies that revealed matreatment with neurotrophin-3 (NT3), which also prochinery for macromolecular synthesis in neuronal cell moted axon growth. This study also included compelling bodies, and selective axonal and dendritic protein transelectron microscopic images of protein synthetic maport mechanisms capable of delivering proteins throughchinery (polyribosomes) in axonal growth cones. Next out neuronal processes. These discoveries led to a precame biochemical evidence for local protein synthesis vailing view that the growth of axons and dendrites in axons of sympathetic neurons growing in compartdepends on proteins that were synthesized exclusively mented cultures (Eng et al., 1999), which revealed labelin the soma. ing of both actin and -tubulin after exposure of sympa-A challenge to this view came from the discovery of thetic axons to 35 S-labeled amino acids. Together, these local protein synthesis within dendrites, which began studies suggested local synthesis of certain proteins in with the detection of polyribosomes beneath synaptic axons, especially growth cones, but direct evidence that sites on dendrites. Evidence accumulated that certain local synthesis played any role in axonal or growth cone mRNAs are selectively localized in dendrites and locallyfunction was lacking. translated at postsynaptic sites, and that this local trans-Local Protein Synthesis in Growth Cones: lation plays a role in synapse growth and activity-depen-Role in Growth Cone Navigation dent synaptic plasticity (Steward, 1997, Steward and Evidence that local protein synthesis within growth Schuman, 2001). At the same time, however, the idea cones plays a functional role has now come from several of axonal protein synthesis has remained controversial recent reports that have demonstrated that growing axexcept in invertebrate systems (reviewed in Alvarez et ons have machinery enabling local protein synthesis al., 2000). Now, recent studies have established the exisand membrane insertion, that local synthesis within the tence of protein synthetic machinery and mRNAs in growth cone plays a role in growth cone turning, and growing vertebrate axons, especially growth cones, and that signals encountered along the route of growth are demonstrated that this machinery and the local protein capable of inducing local protein synthesis and memsynthesis it allows plays a key role in growth cone funcbrane insertion in specific axonal domains (i.e., distal to tion. These findings indicate that local synthesis of paran intermediate target). ticular proteins may mediate rapid adjustments of the Local Protein Synthesis during Growth Cone protein composition of cytoplasmic and membrane do-Collapse and Turning mains, thus allowing a degree of control of axonal form As they grow, growth cones extend and retract filopodia and function that was previously difficult to imagine. and ruffled membranes that contain molecular machin-The Machinery for Translation in Growing Axons ery similar to the machinery at the leading edge of a Some of the earliest electron microscopic studies of migrating fibroblast. The net direction of migration is growing axons in vivo revealed abundant clusters of determined by where extension or retraction occurs along the leading edge. Turning is caused by extension on one side and collapse on the other, and this turning