Efficient Explanations With Relevant Sets

2021, ArXiv


Recent work proposed δ-relevant inputs (or sets) as a probabilistic explanation for the predictions made by a classifier on a given input. δ-relevant sets are significant because they serve to relate (model-agnostic) Anchors with (model-accurate) PI-explanations, among other explanation approaches. Unfortunately, the computation of smallest size δ-relevant sets is complete for NP, rendering their computation largely infeasible in practice. This paper investigates solutions for tackling the practical limitations of δ-relevant sets. First, the paper alternatively considers the computation of subset-minimal sets. Second, the paper studies concrete families of classifiers, including decision trees among others. For these cases, the paper shows that the computation of subset-minimal δ-relevant sets is in NP, and can be solved with a polynomial number of calls to an NP oracle. The experimental evaluation compares the proposed approach with heuristic explainers for the concrete case of the...