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Proceeding of Saizu International Conference on Transdisciplinary Religious Studies
19 pages
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The researcher saw the management of talent development and interest in students of the Islamic Boarding School An Najah Purwokerto very representative for review. Good management has touched the development of students' talents and interests. The management can be seen from the existence of the Student Santri Organization (Osma) which is included in the education curriculum of Pesma An Najah Purwokerto. Through Osma, students are directed to develop their talents and interests. The aim is to shape the mentality of students who are competitive by being able to show their skills or talents of interest when they are involved in society. Santri is expected not only to wrestle in the world of religion but also in other aspects of life. Pesma An-Najah Purwokerto is unique compared to other Islamic boarding schools in the Banyumas area. An-Najah Pesma has a diverse student body of student organizations compared to other pesantren. There are several santri organizations that other pesa...
The purpose of this research is to analyze the management of interest and talent development of Madrasah Aliyah Negeri Insan Cendekia Serpong Tanggerang Selatan students, the management studied consists of planning, implementation, and evaluation of the development of students' interests and talents. The research method used in this research is Descriptive Qualitative research method with explanatory research type that is telling and describe the real findings found by the researcher. The results obtained by researchers in the form of madrasah profile, history of madrasah, and findings obtained through observation of facts and photographs documentation, interviews, and document data. The results of the study describe the process of student development planning designed during work meetings and school coordination conducted every year, then performed the implementation that begins with the recruitment of students to enter the program of interest and talent development of students...
EDURELIGIA: Jurnal Pendidikan Agama Islam
This study aims to analyze and examine the implementation of MB-KM students in shaping the character of students with the status of students or Islamic tertiary institutions based on Islamic boarding schools, with the title "Student Exchange" program. This research uses qualitative research methods, the type uses case studies, focusing on implementing independent campus learning activities at Nurul Jadid University. This data collection technique uses interview techniques, observations, and field notes while implementing the Student Exchange program activities. The data source for this research is to conduct interviews with six informants consisting of; MB-KM students and hostel administrators. This study's results shape students' character through the MBKM Santri program by imitating religious values in their activities, from waking up until bedtime. In addition, it also improves interpersonal communication well when meeting new people. Even though they come from ...
Ta'dibuna, 2021
Like in general, Islamic boarding schools only provide education to students with religious knowledge and morals as the main substance but do not provide the students with skills. As a result, the Pondok Pesantren alumni arose in their hearts a feeling of not mastering their skills when they brought them to their hometowns. Given such a situation, providing life skills is expected to be an alternative to this problem. This study provides an overview of what strategies are applied in implementing life skills education at the Darussa'adah Jekulo Kudus Islamic boarding school. This research uses a field case study. The data collection technique was used by pins in the form of observation methods, interviews with informants, and documentation. While the data analysis technique used is descriptive qualitative analysis techniques. This research was conducted at the Darussa'adah Hadipolo Jekulo Kudus Islamic boarding school. The results showed that the strategies used in improving life skills education ran quite effectively and yielded results. These results can be seen from the material presented by the management and caregivers and the high enthusiasm of all students in carrying out gardening and entrepreneurship activities owned by the Islamic Boarding School. The strategies used in developing entrepreneurial skills at the Darussa'adah Islamic Boarding School were quite successful, as evidenced by the development of plantations and entrepreneurship belonging to the Islamic Boarding Schools.
Airlangga development journal, 2022
Artikel ini menjelaskan tindakan sosial dari capaian prestasi non akademik siswa. Prestasi siswa dalam dunia pendidikan merupakan ukuran keberhasilan siswa. Prestasi memiliki dua kategori yaitu prestasi akademik dan prestasi non akademik. SMA Muhammadiyah 10 Surabaya memiliki predikat keberbakatan. Sesuai dengan predikat tersebut, sekolah ini berfokus pada pengembangan potensi minat dan bakat siswa. Penelitian ini menggunakan teori tindakan sosial oleh Max Weber dalam mengkaji motivasi tujuan pencapaian prestasi non akademik. Peneliti menggunakan metode kualitatif melalui data primer wawancara mendalam dan observasi, serta data sekunder melalui perkembangan berita kejuaraan siswa di laman internet. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dalam mencapai prestasi non akademik siswa, tujuan tersebut mereka capai melalui tindakan rasional instrumental yang berwujud latihan kesiapan fisik secara rutin, tindakan rasional berorientasi nilai pada aspek spiritualitas, tindakan tradisional pada aspek pemilihan kegiatan ekstrakurikuler yang berdasarkan pengalaman dan saran dari orang tua, tindakan afektif memilih kegiatan ekstrakurikuler karena perasaan senang dan tertarik. Peneliti berharap artikel ini dapat menjadi kontribusi baru bagi masyarakat di bidang pendidikan dan sosial terutama pencapaian prestasi non akademik yang oleh masyarakat dianggap bukanlah suatu pencapaian yang berarti bagi masa depan siswa dibandingkan dengan prestasi akademik.
MA'ALIM: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam, 2020
As education systems, Islamic boarding school has several advantages such as teaching religious knowledge, science and various extracurricular activities. Modern Islamic Boarding School of Darussalam GontorInodonesia is a boarding school that has a holistic education system, which is not only educate the academic skill but also educate students in developing entrepreneurship skills. This study aims to determine the effect of joining the business unit to the motivation and ability of entrepreneurship among students. This research used ethnography method with interviews and observations in business units in Darussalam Gontor. The results of this study indicate that Darussalam Gontoris a boarding school which implements 24-hour education system with various activities, such as praying togather, muajjah, learning in class, sports, mahkamatullughohand others. Differences of Darussalam Gontor with other boarding school is because Darussalam Gontor requires senior student to be responsible...
JIE (Journal of Islamic Education), 2021
Pasuruan Indonesia S-PEAM Islamic Boarding School was established on August 18, 2015. The establishment plan was originated from the ideals of the Chairman of the Regional Government of Muhammadiyah Pasuruan City to have Islamic Boarding School as one of the cadre of Muhammadiyah's successor generation, with the hope that pesantren pioneered have a clear positioning on a national scale. Exploring the potential, skills and talents as a provision of life that is progressive, modern and entrepreneurial. While the label entrepreneur is a strategy to instill the values of entrepreneurial spirit in order to become a person who is empowered with creativity, positive thinking, high spirited, not quick to complain, not easily give up on the situation, have constructive productivity, and always think innovative to get something useful for himself and others. This research uses an action approach that aims to develop new skills for teachers by trying to find new approaches that can be appl...
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui, mendiskripsikan, dan menganalisis: 1) strategi pemasaran pendidikan di MI Nurul Islam Desa Pongangan Kabupaten Gresik, 2) faktor pendukung strategi pemasaran di MI Nurul Islam Desa Pongangan Kabupaten Gresik, 3) faktor penghambat strategi pemasaran di MI Nurul Islam Desa Pongangan Kabupaten Gresik, dan 4) usaha-usaha yang dilakukan sekolah dalam mengatasi hambatan strategi pemasaran di MI Nurul Islam Pongangan Kabupaten Gresik. Penelitian ini menggunakan kajian pustaka tentang pemasaran pendidikan, strategi pemasaran pendidikan, karakteristik lembaga pendidikan dan implikasi pemasarannya, karakteristik jasa pendidikan, serta kerja sama sekolah dengan masyarakat. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa strategi pemasaran sekolah melalui brosur, kegiatan yang produktif, serta kegiatan yang menarik. Pongangon yang menjadi kelurahan berdirinya MI Nurul Islami masih menjadi daerah utama bagi masyarakat. Program unggulan adalah image lebih maju d...
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), 2022
This study aims to describe and analyze the management of students covering aspects of recruitment, coaching, development, special services, and evaluation. This research is descriptive research with a qualitative approach. The researchers conducted the study at the Rasyidiyah Khalidiyah Putra and Putri Islamic Boarding School in Hulu Sungai Utara Regency. The researchers collected the data by observation, interviews and documentation. Data were analyzed by snowball sampling technique. The results showed: Recruitment of new students at Islamic Boarding Schools by distributing registration information brochures through websites, social and electronic media and alumni channels. There are two ways to register, namely online and manual. The selection goes through two sections, namely: the ability to religious knowledge and general knowledge and the ability to read the Qur'an. The criteria for being a santri can read the Qur'an, have a formal education certificate; Coaching is done through formal learning and extracurricular learning; Development includes interests, talents, abilities and achievements of students; Special services such as Mosques, Dormitory, Libraries, Guidance and Counseling, Laboratory, Canteen, PUSKESTREN, UKS, NM/OSIS,) Extracurricular Transportation; Evaluation includes evaluation of types, tools and forms. Islamic boarding schools should integrate technology in learning activities because technology is essential as a provision for students after graduation.
Al-Ta lim Journal
MBKM Santri is a Merdeka belajar – Kampus Merdeka program by Santri to carry out community service at target Islamic boarding schools and partner Islamic boarding schools directly. Student independent campus activities are expected to be able to hone the soft skills of partnership, work together in cross-disciplinary teams, and lead students at the destination Islamic Boarding School and other Partner Islamic Boarding Schools. This study used a qualitative approach, carried out at the Nurul Jadid Paiton Islamic Boarding School with 10 MBKM participating students as subjects. This type of research uses case studies. The results of this study indicate that MBKM Santri is implemented through; developing student potential, establishing student interpersonal relationships, developing student skills, and fostering new motivation for students. Students can further develop their abilities by participating in activities held by partner campuses and Islamic boarding schools. The existence of ...
The goal of this paper was to study critically why madrasah as an institutional development agen of Islamic education in Indonesia, whith the innovation is that of curriculum oriented in hospitality in approaching the students based on tauhid (the unity of science and religion). The study is carried out in the prespective of Islamic education concept and that of inclusive education. Through comparative analysis, the study finds five same characteristics of Islamic education and inclusive education: (1) education as a right or duty; (2) education for all; (3) the principle of non-segregation; (4) the holistic view of the pupil; (5) handicap seen in relation to external factors, especially school environment. Madrasah can be viewed as an application of both the principle of non-segregation and the holistic view of the pupil. The principle of non-segregation is applicated in the process of education with the hospitality to all students: everyone is admitted in accordance with his faculty and potentiality, and receives educational services without discrimination. Moreover, the holistic view of the pupil is applicated in the intended design to meet the faculty of reasoning with that of intuition in the process of learning by the integration the revealed signs from the Qur"an and Sunnah with the cosmic signs (matters of natural and social sciences). The innovation, then, has made the revealed signs the first data as well as the source of values-both are marginalized in the contemporary practice of education. Other principles are being challenges the madrasah should anticipate in the future. One of them is the developing education human resource, and the way of student recruitment, because they have deferent background.
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Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Learning Innovation and Quality Education (ICLIQE 2019), 2020
Warta LPM
Mimbar Vol 30 No 2, 2014
Almarhalah | Jurnal Pendidikan Islam, 2020
JKPM (Jurnal Kajian Pendidikan Matematika)
Moderasi : Journal of Islamic Studies
Jurnal Bimbingan dan Konseling Terapan, 2018
Jurnal Soshum Insentif, 2020
JHSS (Journal of Humanities and Social Studies), 2023
Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, 2019, 35(1), 2019
Ta dib Jurnal Pendidikan Islam
Nazhruna: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam, 2021
Jurnal Sosial dan Sains, 2023
MANAGERIA: Jurnal Manajemen Pendidikan Islam