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2018, IACR Cryptol. ePrint Arch.
47 pages
1 file
Zero-knowledge (ZK) protocols are undoubtedly among the central primitives in cryptography, lending their power to numerous applications such as secure computation, voting, auctions, and anonymous credentials to name a few. The study of efficient ZK protocols for non-algebraic statements has seen rapid progress in recent times, relying on secure computation techniques. The primary contribution of this work lies in constructing efficient UC-secure constant round ZK protocols from garbled circuits that are secure against adaptive corruptions, with communication linear in the size of the statement. We begin by showing that the practically efficient ZK protocol of Jawurek et al. (CCS 2013) is adaptively secure when the underlying oblivious transfer (OT) satisfies a mild adaptive security guarantee. We gain adaptive security with little to no overhead over the static case. A conditional verification technique is then used to obtain a three-round adaptively secure zero-knowledge argument ...
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2007
Adaptive security, while more realistic as an adversarial model, is typically much harder to achieve compared to static security in cryptographic protocol design. Universal composition (UC) provides a very attractive framework for the modular design of cryptographic protocols that captures both static and adaptive security formulations. In the UC framework, one can design protocols in hybrid worlds that allow access to idealized functionalities and then apply the universal composition theorem to obtain more concrete protocol instances. The zero-knowledge (ZK) ideal functionality is one of the most useful sub-protocols in modular cryptographic design. Given an adaptively secure protocol in the ideal ZK-hybrid-world do we always need an adaptively secure realization of the ZK functionality in order to preserve adaptive security under composition? In this work, perhaps surprisingly, we find that this is not so and in fact there are useful protocol instances that we can "trade static security for adaptive security." We investigate the above setting, by introducing a weakened ZK ideal functionality, called the ideal leaking-zero-knowledge functionality (LZK) that leaks some information about the witness to the adversary in a certain prescribed way. We show that while LZK is interchangeable to ZK against static adversaries, ZK is more stringent when adaptive adversaries are considered. We then proceed to characterize a class of protocols in the hybrid-ZK-world that can be "transported" to the LZK-hybridworld without forfeiting their security against adaptive adversaries. Our results demonstrate that in such settings a static protocol realization of ZK is sufficient for ensuring adaptive security for the parent hybrid protocol something that enables simplified and substantially more efficient UC realizations of such protocols.
Proceedings of the 2021 ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications Security
Zero-knowledge (ZK) proofs with an optimal memory footprint have attracted a lot of attention, because such protocols can easily prove very large computation with a small memory requirement. Such ZK protocol only needs O(M) memory for both parties, where M is the memory required to verify the statement in the clear. In this paper, we propose several new constant-round ZK protocols in this setting, which improve the concrete efficiency and, at the same time, enable sublinear amortized communication for circuits with some notion of relaxed uniformity. (1) In the circuit-based model, where the computation is represented as a circuit over a field, our ZK protocol achieves a communication complexity of 1 field element per non-linear gate for any field size while keeping the computation very cheap. We implemented our protocol, which shows extremely high efficiency and affordability. Compared to the previous best-known implementation, we achieve 6×-7× improvement in computation and 3×-7× improvement in communication. When running on intro-level AWS instances, our protocol only needs one US dollar to prove one trillion AND gates (or 2.5 US dollars for one trillion multiplication gates over a 61-bit field). (2) In the setting where part of the computation can be represented as a set of polynomials with a "degree-separated" format, we can achieve communication sublinear to the polynomial size: the communication only depends on the total number of distinct variables in all the polynomials and the highest degree of all polynomials, independent of the number of multiplications to compute all polynomials. Using the improved ZK protocol, we can prove matrix multiplication with communication proportional to the input size, rather than the number of multiplications. Proving the multiplication of two 1024 × 1024 matrices, our implementation, with
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2001
Non-Interactive Zero Knowledge (NIZK), introduced by Blum, , is a fundamental cryptographic primitive which has attracted considerable attention in the last decade and has been used throughout modern cryptography in several essential ways. For example, NIZK plays a central role in building provably secure public-key cryptosystems based on general complexity-theoretic assumptions that achieve security against chosen ciphertext attacks. In essence, in a multi-party setting, given a fixed common random string of polynomial size which is visible to all parties, NIZK allows an arbitrary polynomial number of Provers to send messages to polynomially many Verifiers, where each message constitutes an NIZK proof for an arbitrary polynomial-size NP statement.
Advances in Cryptology – CRYPTO 2013, 2013
We study the problem of secure two-party and multiparty computation (MPC) in a setting where a cheating polynomial-time adversary can corrupt an arbitrary subset of parties and, in addition, learn arbitrary auxiliary information on the entire states of all honest parties (including their inputs and random coins), in an adaptive manner, throughout the protocol execution. We formalize a definition of multiparty computation secure against adaptive auxiliary information (AAI-MPC), that intuitively guarantees that such an adversary learns no more than the function output and the adaptive auxiliary information. In particular, if the auxiliary information contains only partial, "noisy," or computationally invertible information on secret inputs, then only such information should be revealed. We construct a universally composable AAI two-party and multiparty computation protocol that realizes any (efficiently computable) functionality against malicious adversaries in the common reference string model, based on the linear assumption over bilinear groups and the n-th residuosity assumption. Apart from theoretical interest, our result has interesting applications to the regime of leakage-resilient cryptography. At the heart of our construction is a new two-round oblivious transfer protocol secure against malicious adversaries who may receive adaptive auxiliary information. This may be of independent interest.
SIAM Journal on Computing, 2009
A zero-knowledge proof allows a prover to convince a verifier of an assertion without revealing any further information beyond the fact that the assertion is true. Secure multiparty computation allows n mutually suspicious players to jointly compute a function of their local inputs without revealing to any t corrupted players additional information beyond the output of the function. We present a new general connection between these two fundamental notions. Specifically, we present a general construction of a zero-knowledge proof for an NP relation R(x, w), which makes only a black-box use of any secure protocol for a related multiparty functionality f. The latter protocol is required only to be secure against a small number of "honest but curious" players. We also present a variant of the basic construction that can leverage security against a large number of malicious players to obtain better efficiency. As an application, one can translate previous results on the efficiency of secure multiparty computation to the domain of zero-knowledge, improving over previous constructions of efficient zero-knowledge proofs. In particular, if verifying R on a witness of length m can be done by a circuit C of size s, and assuming that one-way functions exist, we get the following types of zero-knowledge proof protocols: (1) Approaching the witness length. If C has constant depth over ∧, ∨, ⊕, ¬ gates of unbounded fan-in, we get a zero-knowledge proof protocol with communication complexity m • poly(k) • polylog(s), where k is a security parameter. (2) "Constant-rate" zero-knowledge. For an arbitrary circuit C of size s and a bounded fan-in, we get a zero-knowledge protocol with communication complexity O(s) + poly(k, log s). Thus, for large circuits, the ratio between the communication complexity and the circuit size approaches a constant. This improves over the O(ks) complexity of the best previous protocols.
Journal of Cryptology, 2013
We present a protocol that allows to prove in zero-knowledge that committed values xi, yi, zi, i = 1,. .. , l satisfy xiyi = zi, where the values are taken from a finite field. For error probability 2 −u the size of the proof is linear in u and only logarithmic in l. Therefore, for any fixed error probability, the amortized complexity vanishes as we increase l. In particular, when the committed values are from a field of small constant size, we improve complexity of previous solutions by a factor of l. Assuming preprocessing, we can make the commitments (and hence the protocol itself) be information theoretically secure. Using this type of commitments we obtain, in the preprocessing model, a perfect zero-knowledge interactive proof for circuit satisfiability of circuit C where the proof has size O(|C|). We then generalize our basic scheme to a protocol that verifies l instances of an algebraic circuit D over K with v inputs, in the following sense: given committed values xi,j and zi, with i = 1,. .. , l and j = 1,. .. , v, the prover shows that D(xi,1,. .. , xi,v) = zi for i = 1,. .. , l. The interesting property is that the amortized complexity of verifying one circuit only depends on the multiplicative depth of the circuit and not the size. So for circuits with small multiplicative depth, the amortized cost can be asymptotically smaller than the number of multiplications in D. Finally we look at commitments to integers, and we show how to implement information theoretically secure homomorphic commitments to integer values, based on preprocessing. After preprocessing, they require only a constant number of multiplications per commitment. We also show a variant of our basic protocol, which can verify l integer multiplications with low amortized complexity. This protocol also works for standard computationally secure commitments and in this case we improve on security: whereas previous solutions with similar efficiency require the strong RSA assumption, we only need the assumption required by the commitment scheme itself, namely factoring.
Journal of the ACM, 2012
Noninteractive zero-knowledge (NIZK) proof systems are fundamental primitives used in many cryptographic constructions, including public-key encryption secure against chosen ciphertext attack, digital signatures, and various other cryptographic protocols. We introduce new techniques for constructing NIZK proofs based on groups with a bilinear map. Compared to previous constructions of NIZK proofs, our techniques yield dramatic reduction in the length of the common reference string (proportional to security parameter) and the size of the proofs (proportional to security parameter times the circuit size). Our novel techniques allow us to answer several long-standing open questions in the theory of noninteractive proofs. We construct the first perfect NIZK argument system for all NP. We construct the first universally composable NIZK argument for all NP in the presence of an adaptive adversary. We construct a non-interactive zap for all NP, which is the first that is based on a standar...
Public-Key Cryptography – PKC 2019
With the recent emergence of efficient zero-knowledge (ZK) proofs for general circuits, while efficient zero-knowledge proofs of algebraic statements have existed for decades, a natural challenge arose to combine algebraic and non-algebraic statements. Chase et al. (CRYPTO 2016) proposed an interactive ZK proof system for this cross-domain problem. As a use case they show that their system can be used to prove knowledge of a RSA/DSA signature on a message m with respect to a publicly known Pedersen commitment g m h r. One drawback of their system is that it requires interaction between the prover and the verifier. This is due to the interactive nature of garbled circuits, which are used in their construction. Subsequently, Agrawal et al. (CRYPTO 2018) proposed an efficient non-interactive ZK (NIZK) proof system for crossdomains based on SNARKs, which however require a trusted setup assumption. In this paper, we propose a NIZK proof system for cross-domains that requires no trusted setup and is efficient both for the prover and the verifier. Our system constitutes a combination of Schnorr based ZK proofs and ZK proofs for general circuits by Giacomelli et al. (USENIX 2016). The proof size and the running time of our system are comparable to the approach by Chase et al. Compared to Bulletproofs (SP 2018), a recent NIZK proofs system on committed inputs, our techniques achieve asymptotically better performance on prover and verifier, thus presenting a different trade-off between the proof size and the running time.
Proceedings of the thirty-ninth annual ACM symposium on Theory of computing - STOC '07, 2007
We present a general construction of a zero-knowledge proof for an NP relation R(x, w) which only makes a black-box use of a secure protocol for a related multi-party functionality f. The latter protocol is only required to be secure against a small number of "honest but curious" players. As an application, we can translate previous results on the efficiency of secure multiparty computation to the domain of zero-knowledge, improving over previous constructions of efficient zero-knowledge protocols. In particular, if verifying R on a witness of length m can be done by a circuit C of size s, and assuming one-way functions exist, we get the following types of zero-knowledge proof protocols: • Approaching the witness length. If C has constant depth over ∧, ∨, ⊕, ¬ gates of unbounded fan-in, we get a zero-knowledge protocol with communication complexity m • poly(k) • polylog(s), where k is a security parameter. Such a protocol can be implemented in either the standard interactive model or, following a trusted setup, in a non-interactive model. • "Constant-rate" zero-knowledge. For an arbi-* Work done in part while the authors were visiting IPAM.
40th Annual Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science (Cat. No.99CB37039)
We introduce the notion of non-malleable noninteractive zero-knowledge (NIZK) proof systems. We show how to transform any ordinary NIZK proof system into one that has strong non-malleability properties. We then show that the elegant encryption scheme of Naor and Yung [NY] can be made secure against the strongest form of chosen-ciphertext attack by using a non-malleable NIZK proof instead of a standard NIZK proof. Our encryption scheme is simple to describe and works in the standard cryptographic model under general assumptions. The encryption scheme can be realized assuming the existence of trapdoor permutations. 1 This is true even for the adaptive zero-knowledge definition of NIZK. We give an example in the next paragraph.
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Advances in Cryptology – ASIACRYPT 2020, 2020
Public-Key Cryptography – PKC 2016, 2016
IACR Cryptology ePrint Archive, 2014
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2006 47th Annual IEEE Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science (FOCS'06), 2006
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Proceedings of the twenty-ninth annual ACM symposium on Theory of computing - STOC '97, 1997
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Advances in Cryptology – ASIACRYPT 2020, 2020
Lecture Notes in Computer Science
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2009
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 2012
Journal of Cryptology, 1998
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 2010
Journal of Cryptology, 2014
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2009