Microsoft Word-$ASQCopy of AIAA_2004-3928-Co-Flow-Cascade



This paper uses 3D CFD simulation to design the co-flow jet cascade secondary flow system. The CFD simulation located an area of massive separation from the suction side of the blade. This separation appears to be due to the end wall boundary layer on the top wall since the injection and suction jets are significantly less energetic near the top wall. It is mainly caused by the non-uniformity of the injection jet in the spanwise direction across the jet opening. Several internal duct designs were conducted with the best version being a 9port injection duct, which has a more uniform jet in streamwise direction and provides higher mass flow rate near the tunnel walls in an attempt to reduce wind tunnel wall affects. This design provides a flow which stays attached to the surface of the blade for nearly the entire span; the end wall effects still cause a minor separation in a small region near the top wall. The co-flow jet cascade designed allows for a diffusion factor of 0.74 at an in...