On compactness of induced I(L)-fuzzy topological spaces

1997, Fuzzy Sets and Systems


The induced I(L)-fuzzy topological spaces for L-fuzzy topological spaces introduced by Wang Geping is a kind of important fuzzy topological space. In this paper, the author studies the fuzzy compactness of induced I(L)-fuzzy topological spaces. Some available relations between molecular nets of an L-fuzzy topological space and that of its induced I(L)-fuzzy topological space are firstly presented. By using these relations, the author obtains that the induced l(L)-fuzzy topological space is strong fuzzy compact (resp. fuzzy compact, N-compact) if and only if the L-fuzzy topological space is strong fuzzy compact (resp. fuzzy compact, N-compact). The author also proves that the induced l(L)-fuzzy topological space is •-paracompact if and only if the L-fuzzy topological space is ,-paracompact. (~) 1997 Elsevier Science B.V.