The View of Life: A Simmelian Reading of Simmel's 'Testament'


Simmel referred to his final book, Lebensanschauung, as his ‘testament.” This essay is an attempt to take Simmel at his word. It treats Lebensanschauung as his testament and asks how we might read Lebensanschauung as in fact capturing what it means to think in a “Simmelian” way. We explicate Simmel’s mature notion of life as simultaneously “more-life” and “more-than-life,” and then highlight proto-forms of these ideas throughout Simmel’s œuvre. We show how these vitalistic themes become increasingly separated from questions about the vitality of particular sociological, moral, or aesthetic questions, before, spurred by his encounter with Bergson and the First World War, Simmel arrived at the task of elaborating “the view of life” in its own terms. For sociological theory to authentically lay claim to its Simmelian heritage, we suggest, a deeper understanding of this crucial element of Simmel’s thought is necessary.