Bronchial rhinosporidiosis: An unusual presentation

2012, Lung India

A 35-year-old male presented to the Department of ENT with mass in right nasal cavity and nasal blockage of 1-year duration. No history of nasal bleeding and respiratory difficulty was found. History of pond bath was present. Patient was operated once for the nasal rhinosporidiosis 3 year back. On anterior rhinoscopic examination, pinkish mulberry like mass was present in the floor of right nasal cavity. Left nasal cavity was clear. On oral cavity examination mass was hanging in oropharynx which bleeds on touch. On nasal endoscopy examination, rhinosporodiosis mass was found attached to floor of right nasal cavity and choana hanging toward nasopharynx. After all routine examination and X-ray chest, patient was sent for the premedical and preanaesthetic checkup regarding the fitness for the surgery. During examination, it was found that patient has decreased air entry on left lung. X-ray chest showed hyperlucent lung on left side. Chest consultation was done and advised for the bronchoscopic evaluation and HRCT of thorax. HRCT thorax showed hyperlucent left lung field suggestive of air trapping with irregular soft tissue density mass (size 1.4 × 1.2 cm) seen in distal part of left main bronchus suggestive of papillomatous lesion. Flexible fiberoptic bronchoscopic evaluation was done under local anesthesia. Pinkish mulberry like mass was