On associahedra and related topics


The aim of this thesis is to present several developments regarding the associahedron and its relatives. The associahedron, as pointed out in a manuscript by Mark Haiman from 1984 [34], is a mythical polytope with a beautiful combinatorial structure. It first appeared 1951 in Dov Tamari's unpublished thesis [83], and since then, together with its generalizations, keeps showing unexpected connections as well as leading to fascinating results. The present work contains a detailed study of the associahedron and some of its generalizations from a geometric and combinatorial point of view. The contents are subdivided into three chapters. The first chapter is the result of a joint work with Francisco Santos and Günter M. Ziegler [15]. It describes many different construction methods for the associahedron, which surprisingly produce substantially different geometric realizations. The second chapter, which is joint work with Jean-Philippe Labbé and Christian Stump [14], introduces and studies a new family of simplicial complexes called multicluster complexes; these complexes generalize the concept of cluster complexes and extend the notion of multi-associahedra to arbitrary finite Coxeter groups. The third chapter shows a new point of view on the problem of polytopality of multi-associahedra and spherical subword complexes, and presents two computational methods, which were implemented in joint work with Jean-Philippe Labbé, to produce polytopal realizations for small explicit examples. Acknowledgements. I would like to thank my supervisor Günter M. Ziegler for his great guidance, encouragement and advice during the development of this work. I thank Paco Santos for being part of the reviewer committee, and for all valuable discussions and conversations. I am specially thankful to my further coauthors Jean-Philippe Labbé and Cristian Stump for the successful work, and to Carsten Lange, Emerson Leon, and Vincent Pilaud for numerous fruitful discussions. I am also grateful to my colleagues