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The purpose of the study is to find out the cause of environmental and economic effect of mining on the geographical scope of Emirate Airline and the world, also to provide solutions to the effects which will be reviewed. Chapter one which is the introduction to the study will be subdivided into different areas which will segment the study into explaining the background of the study, scope, statement of the problem, significance of the study, research questions, limitations to the study and the definition of terms. Chapter two will review related literatures about the area of study.
The present paper's aim is to conduct a diagnosis of the real state of the Tunisian mining industry which is one of the main aisles of the Tunisian economy for over a century of activity, but does not hide, like all other mining developing countries, damage effects on the environment, society and human, despite the great effort of the authorities concerned. This descriptive study was based on graphs of mining land to reflect the really worrying environmental and economic situation concern the Tunisia mining south-west. Offering subsequently implemented strategies and future prospects for controlling the emission of dust and degradation of the plant community by supporting technological tools in this area, but remains a sensitive issue in the medium and long term, into these mining areas for its remarkable economic weight for the Tunisian economy.
Mining is a key sector that leads to economic development, employment, supply of essential raw materials for society, and for production systems. Mining has historically served as a viable route to national development in resource-rich countries like Australia, Canada, and the United States where mining was the main driver of growth and industrialisation. Artisanal and small-scale mining (ASM) (subsistence miners) in Africa have been identified as an important economic opportunity for people in rural areas. Mining and mineral exploration can impact on the environment via generation of hazardous wastes (wastes that threats to public health or the environment). Some of the negative environmental impacts are contamination of air, soil, water, plants and food with sulfate, metalloids (arsenic), metals (cadmium, copper, lead, mercury), radioactive substances (uranium, radon), fly ash (residues generated in combustion of coal), acids (sulfate), mining processed chemicals (cyanides). Acid ...
IRJET, 2020
Mining is viewed as one of the important economic activities which have the potential of contributing to the development of economies. At the same time, the environmental and health impacts of mining on surrounding communities have been major concern to governments, the general public and stakeholder organization and individuals. While the contribution of the mining activities to economic development of Ghana is well acknowledged, others contend that the gains from the mining sector to the economy is achieved at significant environmental, health and social cost to the country. Sand is an important mineral society in protecting the environment where this practice of sand and soil mining is become on environmental issue as the demand for sand increases in industry and construction. Pollution of water is evidence by the color action of water which most of the rivers and mining areas various from brownish and reddish orange low PH(2to3), electrical conductivity is high concentration of ions of sulphate and iron and toxic heavy metals, low dissolved oxygen and high BOD.The physical, chemical, biological parameters which characterize the degradation of water quality contamination of Acid Mine Drainage(AMD).
Mining and Metallurgy Engineering Bor, 2019
Pollution is a major problem updated in every corner of the world. The sources of pollution are diverse, from the natural pollution to the anthropogenic pollution. Anthropogenic pollution has a significant impact. Industrial activity, with all its fields, represents one of the most important sources of anthropic pollution. Also, the mining activities can be a source of pollution worth considering. Even if the mining activity has been completed, the possibility of pollution exists. Mining activity is the major source of industrial waste. At present, the mining units can fall into three categories: active mining, where the activity continues; in conservation mining, where the closing and greening program has not yet been applied; closed mining, which are in the Closing and Greening Program. The most affected environmental factors can be the sources of water, soil, but also air.
In addition of increasing technical difficulties, with the introduction of mining more and more deeper, to the management of a mining activity, for extraction and processing of mineral raw materials, today are added the challenge of environment protection and society values increasing. Assessment of the expected environmental impacts of a mining activity is today a challenge for environmental specialists. Based on the best experience of the world and our country, we bring on this paper the expected impacts on the environment by mining activities. Seeing the environmental project, as an integral part in three phases of the mining project: the stage of project preparation; during the mining activities for the exploitation of mineral deposit; and after closing the mining activity, emphasize the need for a continuous cooperation between mine owners, the community living and working in the area mining, and environmental protection institution.
Preface mental effects of mining activities. For instance, the environmental effects of the uncontrolled and intensive development of gold mining activities in the Brazilian Amazon during the past 15 years have shown to have global significance (Lacerda and Salomons 1997 Mercury from gold and silver mining: a chemical time bomb? Springer-Verlag). Fortunately, there are as well several positive examples of improved industrial technologies and land and water reclamation techniques such as the Sudbury case in Ontario, Canada (Gunn 1995 Restoration and recovery of an industrial region. Springer-Verlag). In Section C four different study cases are presented. Nowadays large amounts of money and efforts are being devoted by many countries and industries to minimize environmental mining problems. However, many of the mineral resources are located in less-developed countries where environmental protection measures are a low priority. This represents a major challenge and responsibility in order to approach the environmental effects of mining activities on a global scale. We should make sure that the problems that industrialized countries are facing today will not be repeated in new mining developments.
This chapter examines possible advantages of SEA for the mining sector and argues that project EIA is insufficient on its own for both environmental and social impact consideration and protection for the mining sector. Additionally, this chapter attempts to provide a preliminary evaluation of how SEA could improve the qualities of environmental and social impact assessment for the mining industry in developing countries, such as Turkey. The mining sector is important for Turkey due to two reasons. The first one is that electricity production is highly dependent on coal-burning in Turkey. For example , the electricity produced from coal and lignite increased from 44.2% in 1993 to 47.6% in 2000 (SSI 2004). The second reason is that Turkey exports coal, chromite, boron and copper on a worldwide basis (Nationmaster 2004). In addition to these, the reason why Turkey has been chosen as an example is that Turkey demonstrates the general characteristics of a developing country. For instance, lack of environmental consideration in general and coal and lignite mining to supply the increased electricity demand, are similar to other developing countries world wide (IIASA and WEC 1998; UIC 2002). This situation has, in recent years, put enormous pressure on relatively clean and undisturbed environment of these countries. At the same time, untouched mineral resources in rural areas of developing countries are becoming economic for extraction, which could cause environmental and social damages if the social and environmental assessments would not be practiced well. In addition, Turkey has to improve the present legislation and administration considering environmental issues in order to fulfill the requirements for joining the European Union (EU). This chapter has four sections. In Sect. 43.2, basic information about mining, such as the main phases and the characteristics of mining operations, some of the major environmental, social and economic impacts related to the mining industry and the importance of SEA for mining sector are discussed.
a comprehensive literature review of mining extraction and industry was made. The review discusses thoroughly mining industry from different viewpoints that includes general introduction, historical background of mining industry, mines development and life cycle, mining extraction techniques, machines used in mining processes, mineral processing, environmental effect on operators and the surrounding area, mining industry, safety precautions in mining industry, human rights abuses occurring within mining sites and communities in close proximity, mines records, metal reserves and recycling, and finally the mining industry in Sudan which includes history, production & impact, legal frame work, commodities, gold extraction and outlook.
Mining is the extraction of valuable minerals or geological materials from the earth, usually from an ore body, vein or coal seam.Materials recovered by mining include bauxite, coal, copper, gold, silver, diamonds, iron, precious metals, lead, limestone, magnesite, nickel, phosphate, oil, shale, rock salt, tin ,uranium and molbedium. Any material that cannot be grown from agricultural processes, or created artificially in a laboratory or factory, is usually mined.Mining in a widersense comprises extraction of any non-renewable resource e.g. petroleum, natural gas. Mineral resources are vital for the economic growth and development of the country. Minerals worth Rs. 73945 crore were produced in India in 2004-05. Opencast mining operations to result the minerals like limestone, bauxite, iron-, chromite-, copper- ores and coal are getting more emphasis because of obvious reasons but are associated with various environmental concerns. One of the major environmental challenges is to handle and manage the huge volumes of overburden generated in the opencast mines. This paper presents the assessment of environmental impacts of overburden such as visual (aesthetics, landscape), soil erosion, ecological disruption, air and water pollution, safety, risk and health etc. Economic valuation aspects of environmental impacts of overburden are also briefly described in his paper
International Journal of Advanced Multidiscplinary Research and Studies , 2023
This study aims to understand, evaluate and find Mining Dispute Resolution Strategies Against Environmental Damage. to provide legal protection for the community due to environmental damage caused by the mining process. The legal issues put forward as the formulation of the problem are: 1). What is the form of environmental damage due to mining activities?, 2). How to resolve environmental damage due to mining activities? The preliminary results of the research show that natural resource management must be oriented towards natural resource conservation (natural resource oriented). Management of natural resources that pays attention to environmental interests and human interests will have an impact on achieving the mandate stipulated in Article 28 H paragraph (1) of the 1945 Constitution which states "Everyone has the right to live in physical and spiritual prosperity, to have a place to live and to have a good living environment and healthy and entitled to health services. The importance of balancing the management of natural resources and human interests, the Government of Indonesia issued Law Number. 32 of 2009 concerning Environmental Protection and Management. This law was formed to guarantee legal certainty and provide protection for the right of everyone to get a good and healthy environment as part of protecting the entire ecosystem. The general form of damage from the mining business to the environment is due to excavation into the earth. Changes in the structure of the earth's surface, Environmental pollution occurs, Disappearance of biodiversity, Increased threat of landslides, Forest damage, Decreased air quality, Sedimentation and decreased water quality.
— Bellary district is known for Iron ore deposits and many Iron and Steel plants and sponge Iron plant are established in this region.(6) The impact from mining and industrial activities may have impact on Environment if Environmental protection measures are not implemented. In this paper efforts have been made to assess impact on the Air quality, Water quality and noise environment. Also an attempt has been made to suggest mitigative measures to attenuate environmental impacts on environment.
MATEC Web of Conferences, 2022
Global annual extraction has increased due to market demand. It is anticipated that this aspect will continue in the future. The mining industry is one of the important industries at national level. It also anticipates certain aspects of sustainability that must be seriously evaluated. The main objective of this paper is to evaluate mine waste reuse, pollution, and recycling in mining industries. At the same time, mining operations are evaluated to carry out a review of the implications for sustainability. In order to achieve the research aspects, a qualitative evaluation and a semi-quantitative evaluation of some data series are used. For the entire research approach, the objectives of sustainable development and its principles are used. At the same time, the results emphasize the importance of the existence of an efficient waste and pollution management.
In Morocco there are a series of metal sulphide mineralizations which have been or are exploited by small and medium scale of mining companies. This exploitation, like other equivalent in the world, has a deleterious effect on the environment. The causes of these dangers are simple and can be summarized as follows: one of the most serious problems caused by this mining activity is the incorporation of heavy metals in aqueous media. These metals resulting from the dissolution of minerals that are unsteady with environmental conditions. This is the case of dissolution of a metal sulfide in an oxidizing environment. The main aspects of contamination by mining activity are: the geological processes and the anthropogenic processes.
MM Science Journal, 2023
Mining of raw materials and their modification has a negative impact on the environment. During the mining and processing of mineral raw materials (coal, oil, ore), solid, liquid and gaseous wastes are created. The production of waste is linked to the mining site, respectively production. Many of the negative phenomena can be minimized or even eliminated by using appropriate technologies and work procedures. At the present, the search and secondary use of large-volume waste is gaining more and more importance. In the underground, possibilities are offered in the field of fire prevention, closing and disposal of mine works, fill and so on. A thorough assessment of the criteria and their compliance during implementation creates a basic prerequisite for the use of underground waste with the verification that there will be no release of hazardous pollutants from the source of harmful substances as well as that the elements of the environment will not be endangered and the use of waste will be safe.
The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business
The purpose of this study is to investigate the economic potential of the regions from the mining sector of North Morowali, Central-Sulawesi, Indonesia, and the formulation of pro-business regional development management that aims to create synergy between the local government and mining sector entrepreneurs. This study uses a descriptive qualitative approach by taking data in the form of primary data from FGD and secondary data observations from statistical bureau data in the North Morowali, Indonesia. The analysis unit uses SWOT analysis to determine the economic potential of the North Morowali and Location Quotient (LQ) to analyze the economic potential of the mining sector. The research period covers one year (2018-2019) in North Morowali, Indonesia. All the mining products have considerable potential as a financing unit in North Morowali, while mining potential has not been maximally exploited. The absence of regulations, facilities such as road access, and optimal land and sea transportation are the causes of the difficulty of optimization and access to explore mining products comprehensively. As a new province at Central Sulawesi, more efforts and the role of government are needed to focus attention to North Morowali as an area with great potential in the mining sector.
Every coin has its two aspects similarly mining and its processing industries also have two aspects, the positive aspect of mining industries is that it play a significant or important role for GDP of the country in mineral rich countries and generation of employments but due to negligence and human greed’s mining and its allied activities adversely impacts on environment in the form of pollution of air, water, land, soil quality, loss of vegetation and forest ecosystems. Impacts on human health and habitation has become a matter of serious concern due to mining, the magnitude and significance of impact on the environment depends upon the mineral which is being mined and mining practice. Mining and its environmental impacts are very wide subject to be covered, therefore in this review we cover environmental impacts of opencast mining and processing of minerals (Marble, granite, sandstone, Limestone, Granite,) mainly focused on protentional effects on Air pollution, Water pollution, ...
Jordan has huge limestone reserves which are used to produce aggregates for construction purposes. These reserves are very important economic sectors in Jordan, but many of these reserves belong to quarries that are located near urban territories. The mining operation type is mainly open cast and this activity has fugitive dust sources that contribute to increasing air quality levels in the urban areas around the quarries. Many of the biggest quarries in Jordan surrounded with urban territories are located in the north of Jordan district Irbid (Sammad area). Due to the quarrying activities, especially those from limestone quarrying (e.g. drilling and blasting, excavation, and transportation) in North Irbid, it is noticed that there is a primary source of an increased level of particulate matter (PM10), which leads to a potential representing pollution to the surrounding areas. PM consists of very small liquid and solid particles floating in the air with a diameter less than 10 microns that are subject to be inhaled into the deepest parts of the lung, and subsequently cause harmful health problems for population. PM10 dust re-suspension factors of the surrounding areas near the limestone quarries close to Sammad area/Irbid province were measured for different seasons at two station areas: Shatana and Rahma. To obtain data and assessment of the impact from this source, measurements included PM10 mass, particle size distributions, wind speed, and wind direction. The results showed that PM10 concentrations could be as high as 130 μg/m3, and that most of the airborne PM was in the coarse fraction. The results revealed that in winter season during the workday, the concentration of PM10 was equal to or below the Jordanian standard, while in summer season during workday the concentration of PM10 was over the Jordanian standard. However, forward trajectories showed that pollutants were attributed to the mining activities inside the quarries and distributed outside the mining area surrounding with urban territories.
E3S Web of Conferences, 2017
Raw materials policy of the Slovak republic is currently in stage of the stagnation due to complex conception and outdated data (not updated from 2003). Nowadays there is an effort of the state to develop a completely new concept of the raw material policy using best available techniques in the given field. Paper is based on the study case of assessment of regional impacts of mining and processing the gold ore to public finance derived from real contitions of the Slovak republic region. Results achieved originates from the models for the assessment of the project of mining as well as from the model of environmental and social impact assessment. The main aim of the contribution is to increase the effectiveness in raw materials using with regard to environmental and social impact of the assessed region which could be implemented to the raw materials policy on the national level.
Range of operation from mines is getting more every day and certainly positive economic effects and negative environmental aspects of these activities increases. Kurdistan province and especially in Qorveh has giant minerals such as ornamental and building stones because of specific geographic and geologic condition. Mining operation in small scale, contour and open pit mining extract and other mining activities which environmental assessment rule doesn't include them caused a lot of negative effects in Qorveh. Large number of metallic and nonmetallic deposits, registered and in turn permits mines show inappropriate effects on environment. These reasons caused to search about environmental effects of mining activities in the study area. In this study, used methods like: chemical analysis of current water which affected by mining activities, composition of the metallic elements in soils around the mines, GPS, field studies, questionnaire and interview. Results indicate the heavy metals contamination in the water and soil sources around the metallic deposits, lack of contamination or minor contamination of heavy metals in soil sources around the non metallic deposits, high association of heavy toxic metals in textures of some plant species and distortion of agricultural lands and grasslands around the mines. Blasting in the mines caused, air contamination, voice contamination, cracking in lands and buildings of nearby villages. Increasing of road accidents and numerous economic-social effects are the addition outcomes of mines operation in study area. On the other hand, processing of ornamental stones and pumices shopping, because indirect environmental problems near the cities and villages in the study area.
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