
The purpose of the study is to find out the cause of environmental and economic effect of mining on the geographical scope of Emirate Airline and the world, also to provide solutions to the effects which will be reviewed. Chapter one which is the introduction to the study will be subdivided into different areas which will segment the study into explaining the background of the study, scope, statement of the problem, significance of the study, research questions, limitations to the study and the definition of terms. Chapter two will review related literatures about the area of study.

Key takeaways

  • Whereas some researches highlight the benefits of mining to economic development, others focus on the negative impacts of mining on the overall development of such economies.
  • Thus, this study will provide some solutions to mining problems which will serve as improvements of mining in the stated case of study.
  •  What are the current environmental and economic conditions after the establishment of mining activity?
  • There are different procedures that have to be done in the time series of the data mining.
  • According to Hunter et al, 'the fact that average personal incomes of those employed in the mining are higher in remote mining areas than in remote regions without mining activities for both indigenous and workers that are not indigenous suggests that, the substantially high demand for labour driven by a relatively high in mining sector in such areas leads to higher wages' (Hunter et al, 2015).