Trigemino-autonomic headache related to Gasperini syndrome


We report the association of ipsilateral trigemino-autonomic headache to a case of right-sided nuclear facial and abducens palsy (Gasperini syndrome), ipsilateral hypacusis and right hemiataxia, caused by the occlusion of the right anterior inferior cerebellar artery. Short-lasting attacks of mild to moderate ipsilateral fronto-periorbital head pain, accompanied by lacrimation and mild conjunctival injection during more severe attacks, were present from the onset of symptoms, with a gradual worsening over the next few months and remitting during naproxen therapy. Magnetic resonance imaging showed an infarct in the right cerebellar peduncle, extending toward the pontine tegmentum, also involving the ipsilateral spinal trigeminal nucleus and tract and the trigeminal entry zone. Gasperini syndrome may be accompanied by ipsilateral trigeminoautonomic head pain.