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1976, Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society
The identification of the mass of the integrator at zero is made for the integral representation obtained by Reuter and Ledermann for the transition probabilities of birth and death processes. An ergodic theorem is given as an application of this result.
Stochastic Processes and their Applications, 1994
Methods of Hilbert space theory together with the theory of analytic semigroups lead to an alternative approach for discussing an analytic birth and death process with the backward equations & = Ak_ ,g,_ ,-(/.L~ + hl)g, + pI+ ,gk+ I, k =O, 1,2,. ,., where A ~I = 0 = k,. Forrational growingforwardand backward transition rates A,=O(kY), pl=O(kY) (as k+m), with O<y< I, the existence and uniqueness of a solution (which is analytic for t > 0) can be proved under fairly general conditions; so can the discreteness of the spectrum. Even in the critical case of asymptotically symmetric transition rates A,-ficLI-kYone obtains for rational growing transition rates with 0 < y< 1 discreteness of the spectrum, generalizing a result of Chihara (1987) and disproving the traditional belief in a continuous spectrum. infinite tridiagonal matrices * discreteness of spectrum * analytic semigroups
Journal of Theoretical Probability, 2009
The purpose of this paper is to present a probabilistic proof of the well-known result stating that the time needed by a continuous-time finite birth and death process for going from the left end to the right end of its state space is a sum of independent exponential variables whose parameters are the sign reversed eigenvalues of the underlying generator with a Dirichlet condition at the right end. The exponential variables appear as fastest strong quasi-stationary times for successive dual processes associated to the original absorbed process. As an aftermath, we get an interesting probabilistic representation of the time marginal laws of the process in terms of "local equilibria".
International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences, 1992
Spectral measures and transition probabilities of birth and death processes withλ0=μ0=0are obtained as limite whenλ0→0+of the corresponding quantities. In particular the case of finite population is discussed in full detail. Pure birth and death processes are used to derive an inequality for Dirichlet polynomials.
Probability Theory and Related Fields, 1972
Birth and Death processes have been studied very extensively (see Kendall (1948), Bartlett (1955), and Harris (1963), Bailey (1964). Recently such processes have been studied allowing catastrophical events to occur randomly over time decrementing the population size (see Brockwell et al (1982), Pakes (1987), Bartoszynski et al (1989), Buhler and Puri (1989) and Peng et al (1993). In this paper we study the stem from the fact that several biological populations (for example, ungulate populations on sub-arctic islands and populations of grizzy bears in yellowtone Park) exhibit this type of behaviour (for a detailed account of such example, see Hanson and Tuckwell (1987)). Catastrophical events [1] are instantaneous events, each killing some of the members of the population who are present at the time of occurrence of the event.
Positivity, 2007
Markov transition kernels are perturbed by output kernels with a special emphasis on building mortality into structured population models. A Feynman-Kac formula is derived which illustrates the interplay of mortality with a Markov process associated with the unperturbed kernel. Mathematics Subject Classification . 47D06, 60J35, 92D25
Mathematical and Computer Modelling, 1992
Cauchy's method of characteristics is applied to derive a comprehensive solution for a class of differential, partial differential and difference-differential equations encountered in the study of branching processes. The results are then used to address an unsolved Markov's generalized birth process. Dover, NJ, (1989).
Sibirskie Elektronnye Matematicheskie Izvestiya, 2020
This work is a continuation of . We consider a continuous-time birth-and-death process in which the transition rates have an asymptotical power-law dependence upon the position of the process. We establish rough exponential asymptotic for the probability that a sample path of a normalized process lies in a neighborhood of a given nonnegative continuous function. We propose a variety of normalization schemes for which the large deviation functional preserves its natural integral form.
In this article, we investigate the MEMM (Minimal relative Entropy Martingale Measure) of Birth and Death processes and the MEMM of generalized Birth and Death processes. We see that the existence problem of the MEMM is reduced to the problem of solving the corresponding Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equation. 1 Introduction The relative entropy plays very important roles in various fields, for example in the statistical physics, in the information theory, and statistical estimation theory. Recently the ralative entropy has been proved that it is related to the mathematical finance theory. We investigate the MEMM (Minimal relative Entropy Martingale Measure) of Birth and Death processes in this context. In 2 we formulate our problems as a variation problems. In 3 we introduce the Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equation corresponding to the variation problems. In 4 we see that the existence problem of MEMM is reduced to the problem of solving the Hamilton-JacobiBellman equation, and we give a...
Journal of Mathematical Physics, 2009
Many examples of exactly solvable birth and death processes, a typical stationary Markov chain, are presented together with the explicit expressions of the transition probabilities. They are derived by similarity transforming exactly solvable "matrix" quantum mechanics, which is recently proposed by Odake and the author ͓S. Odake and R. Sasaki, J. Math. Phys. 49, 053503 ͑2008͔͒. The ͑q-͒ Askey scheme of hypergeometric orthogonal polynomials of a discrete variable and their dual polynomials play a central role. The most generic solvable birth/death rates are rational functions of q x ͑with x being the population͒ corresponding to the q-Racah polynomial.
We say that (weak/strong) Time Duality holds for continuous time quasi-birthand-death-processes if, starting from a fixed level, the first hitting time of the next upper level and the first hitting time of the next lower level have the same distribution. We present here a criterion for Time Duality in the case that transitions from one level to another have to pass through a given single state, so called bottleneck property. We also prove that a weaker form of reversibility called balanced under permutation is sufficient for Time Duality to hold. We then discuss the general case.
arXiv (Cornell University), 2017
We consider a class of birth-and-death processes describing a population made of d sub-populations of different types which interact with one another. The state space is Z d + (unbounded). We assume that the population goes almost surely to extinction, so that the unique stationary distribution is the Dirac measure at the origin. These processes are parametrized by a scaling parameter K which can be thought as the order of magnitude of the total size of the population at time 0. For any fixed finite time span, it is well-known that such processes, when renormalized by K, are close, in the limit K → +∞, to the solutions of a certain differential equation in R d + whose vector field is determined by the birth and death rates. We consider the case where there is a unique attractive fixed point (off the boundary of the positive orthant) for the vector field (while the origin is repulsive). What is expected is that, for K large, the process will stay in the vicinity of the fixed point for a very long time before being absorbed at the origin. To precisely describe this behavior, we prove the existence of a quasi-stationary distribution (qsd, for short). In fact, we establish a bound for the total variation distance between the process conditioned to non-extinction before time t and the qsd. This bound is exponentially small in t, for t log K. As a by-product, we obtain an estimate for the mean time to extinction in the qsd. We also quantify how close is the law of the process (not conditioned to non-extinction) either to the Dirac measure at the origin or to the qsd, for times much larger than log K and much smaller than the mean time to extinction, which is exponentially large as a function of K. Let us stress that we are interested in what happens for finite K. We obtain results much beyond what large deviation techniques could provide.
arXiv: Probability, 2015
In this paper we review some results on time-homogeneous birth-death processes. Specifically, for truncated birth-death processes with two absorbing or two reflecting endpoints, we recall the necessary and sufficient conditions on the transition rates such that the transition probabilities satisfy a spatial symmetry relation. The latter leads to simple expressions for first-passage-time densities and avoiding transition probabilities. This approach is thus thoroughly extended to the case of bilateral birth-death processes, even in the presence of catastrophes, and to the case of a two-dimensional birth-death process with constant rates.
Journal de Physique, 1985
2014 On donne une formulation par intégrales de chemin du formalisme de Fock pour objets classiques, premièrement introduit par Doi, et on l'applique à des processus généraux de naissance et mort sur réseau. L'introduction de variables auxiliaires permet de donner une forme Markovienne aux lois d'évolution des chemins aléatoires avec mémoire et des processus irréversibles d'agrégation. Les théories des champs existantes pour ces processus sont obtenues dans la limite continue. On discute brièvement des implications de cette méthode pour leur comportement asymptotique.
Queueing Systems, 2006
In this paper we consider nonhomogeneous birth and death processes (BDP) with periodic rates. Two important parameters are studied, which are helpful to describe a nonhomogeneous BDP X = X (t), t ≥ 0: the limiting mean value (namely, the mean length of the queue at a given time t) and the double mean (i.e. the mean length of the queue for the whole duration of the BDP). We find conditions of existence of the means and determine bounds for their values, involving also the truncated BDP X N . Finally we present some examples where these bounds are used in order to approximate the double mean.
Journal of Statistical Physics, 1976
We derive the path integral representation of the conditional probability for a Markovian process starting from the master equation. Existing derivations require both the variable and the transition probability to be extensive. We show that this requirement may be relaxed if Langer's formula for the transition probability is used. We prove that different path integral representations appearing in the literature are in fact equivalent and correspond to various choices of an arbitrary parameter.
Problems of Information Transmission, 2018
We consider ordinary and conditional first passage times in a general birth-death process. Under existence conditions, we derive closed-form expressions for the kth order moment of the defined random variables, k ≥ 1. We also give an explicit condition for a birth-death process to be ergodic degree 3. Based on the obtained results, we analyze some applications for Markovian queueing systems. In particular, we compute for some non-standard Markovian queues, the moments of the busy period duration, the busy cycle duration, and the state-dependent waiting time in queue.
Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena
Stochastic birth-death processes are described as continuous-time Markov processes in models of population dynamics. A system of infinite, coupled ordinary differential equations (the so-called master equation) describes the time-dependence of the probability of each system state. Using a generating function, the master equation can be transformed into a partial differential equation. In this contribution we analyze the integrability of two types of stochastic birth-death processes (with polynomial birth and death rates) using standard differential Galois theory. We discuss the integrability of the PDE via a Laplace transform acting over the temporal variable. We show that the PDE is not integrable except for the case in which rates are linear functions of the number of individuals.
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