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2017, HERMES - Journal of Language and Communication in Business
The thesis explores persuasive strategies in French company brochures, using argumentation theory as its theoretical framework. It distinguishes between the rhetorical and linguistic approaches to argumentation, examining the unique characteristics of company brochures in comparison to advertisements. The study presents an empirical analysis of text excerpts from brochures to reveal the use of rational and objective language that conceals underlying persuasive mechanisms. Ultimately, it highlights how these strategies form a positive corporate image while addressing the nuances of argumentation at both linguistic and rhetorical levels.
Círculo de Lingüística Aplicada a la Comunicación, 2019
This paper proposes an analytical model for entrepreneurial pitches based on the five canons of rhetoric (i.e. invention, arrangement, style, memory and delivery), through the de-construction of the text from the discursive act itself (as conceived in the invention phase) to its actual production (i.e. delivery). The questions this methodology attempts to answer are why the pitch may be persuasive and how that persuasion is achieved by analyzing its discursive and linguistic characteristics; what ethical, rational or emotional arguments are appealed to; who the potential audience is, and what other multimodal resources are used to support the persuasive force of the text. In order to answer these questions, two pitches in Spanish are deconstructed and conclusions regarding their efficacy are drawn. [es] Análisis retórico de un modelo de discurso en el ámbito comercial: Elevator Pitch Resumen. En este trabajo se propone un modelo analítico para un tipo de discurso comercial (Elevator Pitch) basado en los cinco cánones de la retórica clásica (inventio, dispositio, elocutio, memoria y actio). Partiendo de dos discursos opuestos desde el punto de vista de su eficacia, se pretende deconstruir el texto para comprender las razones del logro persuasivo (o de su fracaso) analizando sus características discursivas y lingüísticas desde el mismo momento de la planificación (estudio del destinatario, argumentos, etc.) hasta la puesta en escena pasando por una selección léxica (elocutio) perfectamente estudiada que pretende estimular marcos cognitivos de interpretación que apoyan la propia argumentación en favor de la persuasión del interlocutor. Palabras clave: Persuasión; retórica; análisis del discurso.
Estudios de Lingüística del Español, 2019
Resumen Partimos de las teorías de la retórica clásica, para hablar de la inventio, la dispositio, la elocutio, la memoria y la actio, comunes en todo acto comunicativo, centrándonos en dos de elementos esenciales de la retórica persuasiva: uno que está relacionado con la elocutio, es decir, el vocabulario seleccionado que determina la intención que posee el emisor a la hora de realizar el discurso, y el otro relacionado con la inventio, esto es, el tipo de discurso seleccionado: la historia o la narración como formato en el que el discurso se enmarca para llegar al receptor con la menor cantidad de esfuerzo y la mayor efectividad posible. Por lo que, desde este planteamiento, se efectúa un estudio de la palabra y el molde por el que llega el discurso para obtener una respuesta emocional en los receptores. Palabras clave: retórica, discurso persuasivo, selección léxica, relato, comunicación. Abstract Taking the theories of classical rhetoric as a starting point, we deal with inventio, dispositio, elocutio, memory and actio, common in every communicative act, and we will focus on two essential elements of persuasive rhetoric: one that is related to elocutio, that is, the selected vocabulary that determines the intention that the source has at the time of making the speech, and the other related to the inventio, that is, the type of discourse selected: the story or the narration as a format in which the discourse is framed to reach the recipient with the least amount of effort, and the greatest possible effectiveness. So, from this approach, we will study the word and the "mold" through which the discourse arrives to obtain an emotional response in the recipients.
Humanities and Social Sciences Review (HSSR), 2019
The research paper deals with the investigation of the power of persuasion in the argumentative discourse. The strategy of persuasion is regarded as a scheme of interactive pragmatic argumentation which is actualized in speeches. Verbalization of persuasive tactics creates a communicative portrait of a speaker as well as their own individual styles. We focused on psycholinguistics aspect of persuasive language analysis and composition technics in the structure of argumentation.
A recent interest for the empirical observation of argumentation through institutional practices was underlined by van Eemeren (2010). Since discourses give empirical hints which inform the observer on the institutional conventionalized practices involved in the study of strategic manoeuvring, there must be ways of describing meaning which allows to account for the dynamics of this field: a study of these ways is the object of this paper.
Research Journal of Recent Sciences , 2014
In the new scenario of consumerism advertisements have become very popular and an indispensable source of information. The very language of advertisements triggers curiosity and surprise. Innumerous sophisticated and cotemporary printed and visual media emphasizes the role of language in the advertisements. Compared to a few decades back, the media of this century depends more on linguists than the story tellers. The persuasive power of advertising language is very much experienced today. How these advertisements affect the human mind is a quite interesting enquiry. However this has been done from different angles by anthropologist, psychologists and sociologists, no approach is complete with out a linguistic analysis. The basic requirement of advertisement is communication. Discourse and pragmatic approach, one of the spontaneous outcomes of the traditional language studie is made use in this analysis. Persuasiveness of advertising language is explored at three levels; 1) Cohesion and coherence, 2) Speech acts and 3) Ideology. A few advertisements published in Indian print media are selected for the analysis.
Acta Linguistica Hungarica, 2004
One way of exerting influence is realized by the use of language. According to the communicative intention of the influencer, thoroughly designed strategic discourse can be either persuasive or manipulative. First, the present research separates persuasion from manipulation in an interdisciplinary-pragmatic and social psychologicalframework. Four possible types of manipulation are identified in the paper: (i) withholding certain propositions, (ii) informing without ostensive communicative intention to the intended addressee, (iii) using linguistically and logically correct elements that force an unconditional and unquestioning agreement and (iv) using fallacious argumentation. The second part of the paper investigates how persuasion and manipulation work in written advertisements in Hungarian, what kind of strategies and linguistic tools are used to influence readers.
The problem of persuasive discourse has been analyzed in this article from the perspectives of literary discourse – to be specifically chosen and introduced – much more as a model of communicative behaviour and pattern of textuality rather than as a sample of artistic perception of life. The survey into the structure of persuasive discourse suggested by María Azucena Penas Ibáñez has served as basis for the paper that tries to cover the major constituents of a relatively overall image of persuasive discourse completed under all the standards of textuality. The paper attempts at introducing a paradigm of factors to be taken into consideration in respective analyses of persuasive discourse.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui komponen-komponen dan figur retorika dari wacana persuasif tertulis pada iklan cetak. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain evaluasi deskriptif yakni analisa isi yang menjelaskan tiga komponen iklan persuasi (etos, patos, logos) dan figur retorika iklan (skema dan kiasan). Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa dari 20 iklan minum ringan, sebagian besar (90%) memiliki patos. Logos berada pada posisi kedua (80%). Sebagian iklan tidak memiliki etos, hanya 60% atau 12 iklan. Selanjutnya semua iklan minuman ringan (100%) memiliki skema, hanya 40% atau 8 iklan yang memiliki kiasan.nnn
Book of Abstracts "Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Persuasive Language", 2022
About the Conference How can we get someone to behave in a way that they initially did not intend? And how can we change what our interlocutor thinks about a certain issue? We use language to ‘convince’, ‘persuade’, ‘cajole’, or ‘coax’ our counterpart into a certain behavior or state of mind. These are activities we engage in constantly, usually even without conscious thought. It is words that have the power to mold and influence opinions, attitudes, and behavior. This persuasive power of language is at the center of this symposium. Linguists have traditionally examined the workings of persuasive language in institutionalized discourses. As genres inherently characterized by persuasion, it is not surprising then that advertising and politics have enjoyed the limelight of scholarly attention here; investigations of the features of persuasive language in TV, radio, and print advertisements as well as political speeches, interviews, and press conferences abound. Persuasion has also been studied extensively in the fields of rhetoric and critical discourse analysis (CDA). For this symposium, we particularly welcome contributions which expand the research of persuasive language to other genres and domains (like advice, dating, or conspiracy discourse) and engage with language and persuasion from other perspectives which have opened up due to technological advances (computer-mediated communication), social changes (globalized and networked publics, the attention economy), and methodological progress (big data and digital humanities, sophisticated statistical and phonetic tools for data analysis). We are also particularly interested in including contributions from the field of forensic linguistics.
In this paper we present an analysis of persuasive definition based on argumentation schemes. Using the medieval notion of differentia and the traditional approach to topics, we explain the persuasiveness of emotive terms in persuasive definitions by applying the argumentation schemes for argument from classification and argument from values. Persuasive definitions, we hold, are persuasive because their goal is to modify the emotive meaning denotation of a persuasive term in a way that contains an implicit argument from values. However, our theory is different from Stevenson’s, a positivistic view that sees emotive meaning as subjective, and defines it as a behavioral effect. Our proposal is to treat the persuasiveness produced by the use of emotive words and persuasive definitions as due to implicit arguments that an interlocutor may not be aware of. We use congruence theory to provide the linguistic framework for connecting a term with the function it is supposed to play in a text. Our account allows us to distinguish between conflicts of values and conflicts of classifications. Keywords: Values, Emotive words, Persuasion, Approva, Condemnation, Argument from values, Definitions
The present paper offers a survey of prevailing lines of research on linguistic argumentation, which is a fundamental part of a logical communication structure of any sense bearing text. The paper explores the character and structure of linguistic argumentation with regards to communication and pragmatic aspects. It also substantiates a broad understanding of argumentation as an indispensable element for the universal communication process, which lies behind any piece of information to be transferred further on in the context of the discourse activity. Unlike most scholars who, while interpreting argumentation, focus on the logical (evidentiary) aspect of this phenomenon, the authors of the paper consider and prove argumentation to be a pragmatic framework to build any extended language construct characterized by relatively accomplished meaningfulness, i.e. conveying a certain informative value. Ranged and classified views on the nature of argumentation make it possible to draw a li...
The current article discusses the use and purpose of rhetorical figures in advertising slogans. The choice of words and techniques used by copywriters may strengthen the conviction of prospective buyers that by buying an offered product they may get more than products or services i.e. they may get the features they are looking for, and they may fulfil their needs and achieve satisfaction. The body of 49 advertising slogans of cars and airplanes has been chosen for the analysis. The choice is not a random one since all the slogans concern very popular means of transportation, and focus on features which are very important, and therefore sought by both drivers and passengers. Finally, the features have been used to create a schema for the advertised products.
The present study aimed at investigating the persuasive role of metadiscourse markers in an Iranian newspaper advertisement headlines; say, Hamshari. To achieve the afore-mentioned purpose, the study adopted Fuertes-Olivera, et. al. (2001)s framework of pragmatic elements of advertising which is, in turn, adapted based on Jakobsonian communication model of the advertising discourse, and Fuertes-Olivera et al. (2001)s framework suggesting different functions of metadiscourse in advertising English. The selected examples showed that while textual metadiscourse helps addressees to interpret headlines within the constraints of genre and epistemology, interpersonal metadiscourse provides a kind of balance between informing and persuading the addressees. Moreover, the findings indicated a variety of metadiscourse strategies used by the advertisers in order to persuade prospective customers, including person markers, hedges, emphatics, endophoric markers and evidents. Regarding pedagogical...
This research is a pragma-rhetorical analysis of persuasion in one interview with Nelson Mandela in 1991. It aims at identifying instances of persuasion used by Mandela in his interview before the presidential era of his life. Also it is meant to clarify Mandela's persuasive strategies used to affect and persuade his audience. To achieve these aims, Mandela's persuasive language is analyzed by the researchers to examine the extent to which figures of speech are utilized by him. Then, an analysis is performed to investigate the way that Grice's maxims (of quantity, quality, relation, and manner) are flouted by Mandela in using these rhetorical figures to achieve his persuasive goal. The analysis carried out in this paper includes identifying specific tropes: metaphor, pun, overstatement, understatement, and rhetorical question as persuasive devices. This paper is expected to be of benefit to show how persuasion can be created by using different figures of speech. Besides,...
Journal of Pragmatics, 1995
Inés Olza, Óscar Loureda & Manuel Casado-Velarde (eds.), Language Use in Public Sphere, Berna, Peter Lang, pp. 201-224, 2014
The Theory of Argumentation Within Language (TAL) is a semantic theory that was initiated during the mid-1970s by Oswald Ducrot, Jean-Claude Anscombre, and their followers-for the most part Romance Language scholars. Among other topics, this theory considers how the meaning of words conditions the dynamics of discourse, and, as will be shown in this article using linguistic criteria, also enables the demonstration of how some connotations of a text are produced. To achieve this, the TAL has developed easily comprehensible theoretical devices-such as that of argumentative orientation-and equally simple proofs-the use of but, for example-that demonstrate the importance of lexical selection in communication. They show, in other words, how a single fact can be understood in different ways according to the linguistic formulation chosen to communicate it. This article will provide numerous examples of this explicative ability of the TAL and will conclude with persuasive linguistic arguments that support certain proposals made by the defenders of "person first" language-often orthophemisms-as compared to the dysphemisms they are meant to replace.
The article describes persuasive genres functioning in the sphere of public relations. Exploring the intentionality of such texts, the author reveals how their intentional traits can be traced in their structure and verbal means used. In the first article press statements and case stories are analyzed.
1 Motivation and Aims Argumentation (e.g. (Amgoud et al 2001, Moeschler 1985)) and, in particular, persuasive argumentation is a process frequently encoun-tered in several types of exts where the challenge is to convince the reader to adhere to a certain point of view. Arguments come with forms of emphasis which give them more strength than normally expected, or, conversely, they may come with forms of irony or of depreciation, which influence the reader's perception of the facts as-sociated with the arguments. Persuation appears in different types of texts with similar objec-tives but with slightly different linguistic forms. This is, for example, the case in legal text analysis (Moens et alii., 2007). The situation of procedural texts, although ranging over a large set domains, seems to be simpler in terms of linguistic forms and underlying interpre-tation(s). One of the reasons is that procedural texts are basically action-oriented, and, therefore, the number of inferences th...
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