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The aim of this paper is the analysis of liquidity management policy in order to determine the level of liquidity risk. Planning of liquidity requirements is important from the microeconomic aspect, because the banks at any moment must respond to requests submitted by depositors or applications for new loans. Provision of liquidity is also required from the macroeconomic aspect, since this reflects the economic and financial stability. Quantitative data for this study were collected using a questionnaire designed to analyse liquidity risk management, which would help in the identification and explanation of possible changes in the banking system in the country. Based on the analysis, it is estimated that banks properly manage liquidity and maintain adequate liquidity reserves to ensure sufficient funds to meet their commitments on time. Also, the main sources providing liquidity for banks are the non-term deposits and the issuance of various securities. However, holding excess liqui...
In today's banking business, liquidity risk and its management are some of the most critical elements that underlie the stability and security of the bank's operations, profit-making and clients confidence as well as many of the decisions that the bank makes. Managing liquidity risk in a commercial bank is not something new, yet scientific literature has not focused enough on different approaches to liquidity risk management and assessment. Furthermore, models, methodologies or policies of managing liquidity risk in a commercial bank have never been examined in detail either.
A comprehensive investigation into the multifaceted problem of liquidity risk and the significant implications it has for the financial stability of the Bangladeshi banking sector is presented in this thesis. In light of the fact that the banking sector plays a very important part in promoting economic expansion within the nation, it is absolutely necessary for commercial banks to have an efficient and effective management of liquidity risk in order to guarantee their stability and operational efficiency. Between the years 2013 and 2022, the primary goals of this research are to identify and analyze the key determinants of liquidity risk, as well as to evaluate the impact that these determinants have on the liquidity position of ten commercial banks that have been chosen from Bangladesh. The research makes use of a robust quantitative methodology and relies on secondary data collected from the annual financial statements of the banks during this time period. It integrates macroeconomic variables and bank-specific characteristics by employing a variety of statistical tools, including regression analysis According to the Pooled OLS and GLS models, CAR has a notable adverse effect on the liquidity situation of banks, as assessed by the Advance to Deposit Ratio (ADR). CAR is one of the three main factors that determine liquidity risk. Increased capital adequacy ratio (CAR) results in less liquidity risk. The Loans/Advances to Total Assets ratio exhibits a negative correlation with liquidity risk, as indicated by the GLS model. Increasing the ratio of loans to total assets decreases the level of liquidity risk. The association between GDP and liquidity risk (ADR) is positively significant in both Fixed Effect and Random Effect models. Banks have more liquidity risk as a result of higher economic growth. The most important findings indicate that higher capital adequacy ratios, efficient loans/advances to total assets ratios, and specific macroeconomic factors all have a significant impact on liquidity risk. Bigger banks and those with higher leverage ratios are more likely to have increased liquidity risk, contrary to the conventional beliefs that have been prevalent. In order to improve liquidity management practices, the study highlights the significance of efficient asset allocation, prudent financing, and strategic expansion. Additionally, the research highlights the importance of banks placing a high priority on the satisfaction of their customers and striving to maintain a strong reputation in order to reduce the impact that liquidity risk has on their financial stability. Furthermore, it emphasizes the significance of cultivating a culture of risk awareness and continuous learning within the banking sector in order to guarantee that financial institutions are better equipped to navigate the complexities of liquidity risk management. Maintaining optimal levels of capital adequacy, effectively managing loans and advances, closely monitoring macroeconomic factors, regularly conducting stress tests, and improving disclosure and transparency practices are some of the recommendations that have been made. Due to the fact that it relies on secondary data from a sample of ten banks over a specific ten-year period, the study is limited in its ability to understand liquidity risk in emerging economies, despite the fact that it makes a significant contribution to this understanding. As a result, the sample size should be increased in subsequent research, and primary data should be incorporated in order to validate the findings. As a conclusion, this thesis presents a comprehensive analysis of the factors that determine the level of liquidity risk in Bangladeshi commercial banks. It also offers recommendations that can be implemented to improve the banks' practices regarding the management of liquidity risk, thereby making a contribution to the stability and effectiveness of the financial system in the country.
Research Journal of Economics Business and Ict, 2012
Mehmet Akif Ersoy Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 2021
The aim of this study is to determine the factors affecting the liquidity risk of deposit banks in Turkey. In this context, 10 deposit banks with the highest asset size according to their 2020 end of year financial tables were included to the sample and the quarterly data for the 2010-2020 period were tested by static panel data analysis. According to the model results, it is determined that "Equity / Total Assets", "Money Market Funds/Total Assets" and "Inflation" variables affect the liquidity risk. It is also important and specific for the study that the "Money Market Funds/Total Assets" ratio is a determining factor in the liquidity risk, in terms of the literature contribution of the study.
Journal of Economics and Administrative Sciences
This purpose of the research is to test liquidity ratios to assess bank liquidity risks represented by liquidity ratios (current assets / current liabilities, current assets / total deposits, current assets / total assets, cash credit / total deposits, liquidity coverage ratio LCR, net stable financing ratio NSFR). This research involves evaluating these risks in banks via these ratios, and reveal the most important means used to solve these risks, including the capital adequacy ratio under the Basel II decisions and for selected period (2017-2019).The research reached the most important conclusion, which is the bank sample did not fall into bank liquidity risks throughout the years of research. Tracking specific ratio with adequacy capital of Basel II decisions of the Bank, it is noticed that it exceeds the minimum capital adequacy ratio in all valid measures, whether in Basel II decisions with 8% or the requirements of the central bank of Iraq with 12%. The research suggests some ...
Liquidity as a field of study has received considerable attention from various researchers over the last few years. We have conducted this research in order to identify the factors affecting the liquidity of the banking system of nine Balkan countries, specifically Albania,
Journal of Economics Development, 2014
The research tries to identify causes of liquidity risk for the system of Vietnamese commercial banks. Data for the research are collected from annual reports in the years 2002-2011 by 27 Vietnamese commercial banks. The liquidity risk examined in the research is financing gap; and independent variables, or factors affecting the liquidity risk, are divided into two groups: internal and external ones. The estimated results of the models show that the liquidity risk among banks depends not only on internal factors, such as total asset size, liquidity reserve, inter-bank loan, and ratio of equity to capital, but also on external ones, or macroeconomic factors, such as growth rate, inflation, and especially effects of policy lags.
The recent financial crisis of 2007-2008 highlighted the important role of liquidity in the banking system. Financial markets around the world have run out of liquidity and many financial institutions have gone bankrupt due to liquidity problems. Nevertheless, liquidity remains a very complex concept to define because of its polymorphic character. Only recently has the literature focused on defining the notion of liquidity and its different forms and the interactions that may exist between them. This paper aims to present a synthesis of reflections on banking liquidity. First, it discusses the different theoretical approaches to the concept and typology of the liquidity concept. Then, it presents the different liquidity risks. Finally, it discusses the main theoretical underpinnings of interactions between types of liquidity.
SSRN Electronic Journal, 2013
Bank and risk are two things that can not be separated from each other. Both conventional and Islamic banks are more or less similar in risk summary. One of the critical risk is liquidity risk that caused by bank having no ability to meet their maturity dates of depositors. Therefore it needs further observation to control their liquidity risk. This study investigates the influence of CAR, profitability ratios, NIM, liquidity gaps, and RLA belongs to liquidity risk on banking industry.
The liquidity plays an important role in the management of the commercial bank's various activities, and in the execution of their primary tasks in the economy. Therefore, the efficient management of the bank is considered as a big challenge in order to avoid the liquidity risks. This study aims to measure and analyse the liquidity risk in commercial banks using the econometric models. The study took BNP Paribas Algeria as a case study, and it relied on the accumulated differences method and the balanced asset/liability method during the period 2012-2014.
Annals of Faculty of Economics, 2009
The role of Bank is diversified into financial intermediaries, facilitator and supporter. Yet the banks place themselves as a trusted body for the depositors, business associates and investors. Liquidity risk may arise from these diverse operations, as they are fully liable to make available, liquidity when stipulated by the third party. Additional efforts are required by Islamic banks for scaling liquidity management due to their unique characteristics and conformity with sharia principles. The objective of this study is to look into the liquidity risk associated with the solvency of a financial institution, with a purpose to evaluate liquidity risk management (LRM) through a comparative analysis between conventional and Islamic banks of Pakistan. This paper investigates the significance of Size of the firm, Networking Capital, Return on Equity, Capital Adequacy and Return on Assets (ROA), with liquidity Risk Management in conventional and Islamic banks of Pakistan. The study is based on secondary data, that covers a period of four years, i.e. 2006-2009. The study found positive but insignificant relationship of size of the bank and net-working capital to net assets with liquidity risk in both models. In addition Capital adequacy ratio in conventional banks and return on assets in islamic banks is found to be positive and significant at 10% significance level.
International journal of business and economics, 2021
This article discusses the improvement of liquidity regulation mechanisms for commercial banks in developed countries. This article will consider such concepts as “liquidity”, “liquidity management”, “liquidity management mechanism”, and the existing approaches to its definition, as well as the bank’s information infrastructure, which is necessary and sufficient for the implementation of effective liquidity management. It should be noted that the emphasis will be placed on the aspects and approaches to liquidity management directly by the commercial bank itself, and not on prudential or other norms aimed at assessing the risk of a bank losing its liquidity. The purpose of this article is to consider the existing approaches to liquidity management, their advantages and disadvantages, for possible use in the future as basic ones for the planned study.
Management Science Letters, 2014
Liquidity management in banks is a conflict between risk and return. On the one hand, the lack of liquidity, in addition to imposing heavy costs of providing resources (including borrowings from the central bank at elevated rates), may also lead banks to face with bankruptcy. On the other hand, the maintenance of excessive liquidity than needed will destroy investment opportunities and potential profitability. Therefore, for proper liquidity management, it is necessary to understand the factors affecting this sector to be able to exert control on each of the elements, and to prevent the incidence of problems or even crisis thereby optimize the bank profitability as far as possible. This study aimed to analyze the resources, expenses, and liquidity operating as the main activity parameters in Bank Shahr. During the study timeframe (2010 until the end of 2012), every 15 days was selected as the sample community, which were selected due to a 15-day trend analysis using census method and not by random sampling. The related data concerning each of the items, i.e. resources, expenses, and liquidity were collected and analyzed by linear regression based on time or periods of time. The above items were compared through analysis of the relative contribution to the total ratio and correlation analysis. The results showed that the growing trends of resources and expenses almost coincide and followed a specific trend and, in general, the growing trend of the resources was rising with a higher slope compared with those of expenses and liquidity. In addition, the growing trend of liquidity was almost identical throughout the entire period of study and no unusual trend was observed.
The Journal of Internet Banking and Commerce, 2018
Liquidity risk Management is fundamental to sound banking practice. No doubt today all banking institutions face countless risks such as liquidity risk which can cause failure of a banking system. Therefore, a proper risk management technique is necessary for the existence and the growth of banks. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to examine the effectiveness of risk management practice that is liquidity risk their impact on performance or Profitability of Islamic and conventional banks. Liquidity risk is measured by loan to deposit ratio, cash to total asset ratio. Performance measure proxies were ROE and ROA for both Islamic and Conventional banks. Data are panel from 2011-2015 which is taken from the financial reports of Islamic and conventional banks. Regression analysis has been used to extract the results. The result of this study concluded that how this liquidity risk will affect the bank performance in conventional and Islamic banks.
International Journal of Social Sciences and Education Research, 2016
This study is focused on liquidity risk analysis in order to identify if this risk affects the profitability of Commercial Banks operating in Albania. The paper includes the identification, the analysis and the management of this type of risk. Through numerical analysis it will be studied the quantitative effect of liquidity risk on the profitability of commercial banks in Albania during the period 2005-2015. Following the study, liquidity risk is expected to have a considerable effect on the profitability of Commercial Banks operating in Albania. The analysis is based on an empirical study with secondary qualitative and quantitative data. This study provides a contribution within the identification of liquidity risk factors that affect more the profitability of the Albania Banks and the finding of a scientific solution in order to manage this risk in a more efficient way. The recommendations derived from this study will serve to young researchers of academic area and professional field. Also, this paper will create new discussions on risk management instruments used in the Albanian banking system.
Banks, as the most important financial institutions, have a determinant role in circulating currency and wealth of the society and enjoy a special position in financial system. Therefore, the desired and effective performance of banks can create important effects on the development of different economic sectors and increase in the quantitative levels of the output. This study attempts to examine the effect of liquidity risk on the performance of commercial banks using of panel data related to commercial banks of Iran during the years 2003 to 2010. In the estimated research model, two groups of bank-specific variables and macroeconomic variables are used. The results of research show that the variables of bank's size, bank's asset, gross domestic product and inflation will cause to improve the performance of banks while credit risk and liquidity risk will cause to weaken the performance of bank.
International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications (IJSRP), 2020
Following the 2008 Global Financial Crisis and 2014 oil price fall liquidity risk in banks is a major issue. The main objective of this journal article is to examine liquidity risk of Conventional and Islamic Banks. The study uses data of banks operating in banking regulatory environments. The implications of the results will be bank management, government and regulatory bodies of banks to manage the significant factors influencing liquidity risk effectively because they have direct impact on the banks' cost efficiency and profitability. It is therefore recommended that the practitioners and policy makers to examine closely contract that should be backed by long term capital to mitigate liquidity risk. This will ensure greater profitability of commercial banks in the dual banking environment.
The aim of this study was to assess liquidity risk management (LRM) practices in Jordanian Islamic and conventional banks during the period (2013-2017). Data used were comprised from six banks, which consisted of three Islamic and three conventional banks in Jordan. Data from the banks financial annual reports covering from 2013-2017 were used to calculate the ratios used as a substitute for liquidity risk in conventional banking as well as Islamic banking in Jordan. The study found the relationship of the size of financial institution, return on asset, return on equity, and capital adequacy ratio with liquidity risk measurement is positive and important both in Islamic banks and conventional banks. Researchers found the practices of LRM are not optimal, yet were based on some considerations explained in this study. Further, progressive actions needs to be taken by the regulators and the banking players to improve the LRM practices.
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