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2020, arXiv: Functional Analysis
Let X be a Banach Space over K=R or C, and let f:=F+C be a weakly coercive operator from X onto X, where F is a C^1-operator, and C a C^1 compact operator. Sufficient conditions are provided to assert that the perturbed operator f is a C^1-diffeomorphism. Three corollaries are given. The first one, when F is a linear homeomorphism. The second one, when F is a k-contractive perturbation of the identity. The third one, when X is a Hilbert space and F a particular linear operator. The proof of our results is based on properties of Fredholm operators, as well as on local and global inverse mapping theorems, and the Banach fixed point theorem. As an application two examples are given
Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods & Applications, 2010
Here we consider perturbations of continuous mappings on Banach spaces, and investigate their images under various conditions. Consequently we study the solvability of some classes of equations and inclusions. For these we start by the investigation of local properties of the considered mapping and local comparisons of this mapping with certain smooth mappings. Moreover, we study different mixed problems.
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 2002
Let K be a closed convex subset of a real uniformly smooth Banach space E.
Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods & Applications, 1992
Canadian Mathematical Bulletin, 2008
Perturbation theory is a fundamental tool in Banach space theory. However, the applications of the classical results are limited by the fact that they force the perturbed sequence to be equivalent to the given sequence. We will develop amore general perturbation theory that does not force equivalence of the sequences.
A Banach space X is said to satisfy property (D) if there exists α ∈ [0,1) such that for any nonempty weakly compact convex subset E of X, any sequence {xn }⊂ E which is regular relative to E, and any sequence {yn }⊂ A(E,{xn}) which is regular relative to E, we have r(E,{yn}) ≤ αr (E,{xn}). A this property is the mild modification of the (DL)-condition. Let X be a Banach space satisfying property (D) and let E be a weakly compact convex subset of X .I fT : E → E is a mapping satisfying condition (E) and (Cλ) for some λ ∈ (0,1). We study the existence of a fixed point for this mapping.
Abstract Some common fixed point theorems for Banach operator pairs with Ciric type nonexpansive mappings, and the existence of common fixed points of best approximation have been proved in the framework of convex metric spaces. The results proved in the paper generalize and extend some of the results of N. Hussain (Common fixed points in best approximation for Banach operator pairs with Ciric type I-contractions, J. Math. Anal. Appl.
Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods & Applications, 1984
Acta Mathematica Hungarica, 2004
We define an alternate convexically nonexpansive map T on a bounded, closed, convex subset C of a Banach space X and prove that if X is a strictly convex Banach space and C is a nonempty weakly compact convex subset of X, then every alternate convexically nonexpansive map T : C → C has a fixed point. As its application, we give an existence result for the solution of an integral equation.
Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods & …, 2010
Analysis in Theory and Applications, 2013
In this work, using an analogue of Sadovskii's fixed point result and several important inequalities we investigate and give new existence theorems for the nonlinear operator equation F(x) = µx, (µ ≥ 1) for some weakly sequentially continuous, weakly condensing and weakly 1-set weakly contractive operators with different boundary conditions. Correspondingly, we can obtain some applicable fixed point theorems of Leray-Schauder, Altman and Furi-Pera types in the weak topology setting which generalize and improve the corresponding results of [3, 15, 16].
Glasgow Mathematical Journal, 1982
1. Let X be a Banach space. Then a self-mapping A of X is said to be nonexpansive provided that ‖AX − Ay‖≤‖X − y‖ holds for all x, y ∈ X. The class of nonexpansive mappings includes contraction mappings and is properly contained in the class of all continuous mappings. Keeping in view the fixed point theorems known for contraction mappings (e.g. Banach Contraction Principle) and also for continuous mappings (e.g. those of Brouwer, Schauderand Tychonoff), it seems desirable to obtain fixed point theorems for nonexpansive mappings defined on subsets with conditions weaker than compactness and convexity. Hypotheses of compactness was relaxed byBrowder [2] and Kirk [9] whereas Dotson [3] was able to relax both convexity and compactness by using the notion of so-called star-shaped subsets of a Banach space. On the other hand, Goebel and Zlotkiewicz [5] observed that the same result of Browder [2] canbe extended to mappings with nonexpansive iterates. In [6], Goebel-Kirk-Shimi obtainedfix...
Acta Mathematica Sinica, English Series, 2001
In this paper, we first prove the following best approximation theorems: Let E be a Hausdorff locally convex space and W be a wedge in E. Let D be an open subset of E with QED such that the closure D of D is convex. Suppose that f: B,-t CK(W) is a continuous condensing mapping. Then there exists e0 E B, such that dPD (f(eo), e,) = d,, (f(eo), D,), where pow denotes the Minkowskii function of 0; in E. Moreove:, if d,,, (/(e,,), 6,) > 0, then es E aD,. As a direct consequence, we improve and general&e the main results of Fan, Lin, and Sehgal and Singh. Next, we show several best approximation theorems and fixed point theorems for multivalued k-set-contractive mapping defined on the closed balls and annulus in cones of Banach spaces which generalize the recent results of Lin and Sehgal and Singh.
Let X be a real Banach space with its dual X∗ and G be a nonempty, bounded and open subset of X with 0 ∈ G. Let T : X ⊇ D(T ) → 2 be an m-accretive operator with 0 ∈ D(T ) and 0 ∈ T (0), and let C be a compact operator from X into X with D(T ) ⊆ D(C). We prove that f ∈ R(T ) + R(C) if C is multivalued and f ∈ R(T + C) if C is single-valued, provided Tx+ Cx+ εx 6∋ f for all x ∈ D(T ) ∩ ∂G and ε > 0. The surjectivity of T +C is proved if T is expansive and T +C is weakly coercive. Analogous results are given if T has compact resolvents and C is continuous and bounded. Various results by Kartsatos, and Kartsatos and Liu are improved, and a result by Morales is generalized. 1. Preliminaries In what follows, X and Y denote real Banach spaces, and X denotes the dual space of X. The norm of X will be denoted by ‖ · ‖, and for each x ∈ X and x ∈ X, we denote the value of x at x by either 〈x, x〉 or by 〈x, x〉. These pairings will be understood based on the context in which they are used. W...
In this paper, we obtain some results on Banach operator pair better than those given by J.
Indian Journal of Mathematics
Nonlinear Analysis-theory Methods & Applications, 1980
LET X BE a (real) Banach space and J : X + 2'* the duality mapping defined by J(x) = {jEX*:(x,j) = Ilj11' = 11x11'}.
Let X be a Banach space, B a closed ball centred at origin in X, f : B → X a pseudo contractive mapping i.e. (α−1)‖x− y‖ ≤ ‖(αI−f)(x)− (αI−f)(y)‖ for all x and y in B and α > 1. Here we shown that Mapping f satisfies the property that f(x) = −f(−x) ∀ x in ∂B called antipodal boundary condition assures existence of fixed point of f in B provided that ball B has a fixed point property with respect to non expansive self mapping. Also included some fixed point theorems which involve the Leray-Schauder condition.
Let C((0,T),X) be the Banach space of continuous functions defined in (0,T) and taking values in a Banach space X and let Q be a positive linear operator acting on C((0,T),R). In this article we deal with nonlinear operators A acting on a subset M C((0,T),X) that satisfies the operator Lipschitz condition kAx1(t) Ax2(t)k Qkx1(t) x2(t)k (0 t T,x1,x2 2 M). We are interested in the case when A is a nonlinear integral operator and the operator Lipschiz coecient Q is itself a linear integral operator. If the spectral radius of Q is strictly less than 1, we can use a generalized contraction principle to achieve the existence of an attractive fixed point for A. In particular we focus on the case when Q is a linear Volterra operator, where eective estimates for the spectral radius of Q
The Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and Applications
In this paper, an equilibrium problem which is also known as the Ky Fan inequality is investigated based on a fixed point method. Strong convergence theorems for solutions of the equilibrium problem are established in the framework of reflexive Banach spaces. Applications are also provided to support the main results.
Arabian Journal of Mathematics, 2014
In this paper, we investigate some properties of semi-Fredholm operators on Banach spaces. These results are applied to the determination of the stability of various essential spectra of closed densely defined linear operators. Also, we generalize some results in the literature and we extend and unify those obtained
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